The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Pass the turkey, so ya voted for a traitor uncle Bob, guess y'all feel like shit now, DON'T TELL ME YER A TRUMP TRATOIR TOO! Yer a FUCKING IDIOT! As the diner table get's overturned and the wrestling commences...:lol: Ain't politics fun.
Politics aren't as important as family. Yes, I have a totally bonkers right wing nut for a brother but I love him and we don't talk politics around the Thanksgiving get together.

Our game of Risk is cut throat though. I've made a 12 year old nephew cry. He beat me last year. Crowed as if he'd won the Stanley Cup, the World Series, the Superbowl and the World Cup all in one. Good times.

I'll get him this year.
Politics aren't as important as family. Yes, I have a totally bonkers right wing nut for a brother but I love him and we don't talk politics around the Thanksgiving get together.

Our game of Risk is cut throat though. I've made a 12 year old nephew cry. He beat me last year. Crowed as if he'd won the Stanley Cup, the World Series, the Superbowl and the World Cup all in one. Good time.

I'll get him this year.
Staying away from politics might be wise this thanksgiving because things should be getting really interesting about then. Make sure ya don't have the TV on a news channel, that might be hazardous to sibling harmony...
Staying away from politics might be wise this thanksgiving because things should be getting really interesting about then. Make sure ya don't have the TV on a news channel, that might be hazardous to sibling harmony...
We both feel the same way on this issue. No need to even remind each other, we just avoid the topic.

TV News during the holiday get together? Does anybody do that?

Is there an equivalent to Thanksgiving holiday in Canada?

Christmas is different what with all the gifts and traditions, it seems more for the kids than adults. At least to me.

Candied Yams with or without marshmallows? Now that's a topic worth getting out the razor blades for.
Intel Chief Dan Coats Find Out About Vladimir Putin’s White House Invite | NBC News
At the Aspen Security Forum, NBC’s Andrea Mitchell breaks the news to Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats that the White House has invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to the White House in the fall. Coats also expresses concern about Trump’s solo meeting with Putin in Helsinki.
Ole DNI Dan almost had a WTF moment on camera...
More like hungry for attention.
So was Donald and he's getting a bit more attention than he bargained for, the press is stripping him naked and Mueller is gonna fuck him. I figure that's why he's kissing Vlad's ass for a way out and a one way trip on AF1 to moscow.
This is just getting too crazy. It's past the point of anything that makes sense. The president picked Putin's word over every us intelligence agency. Then withdrew his statement and then doubled back down on the original statement.
It's a fucking joke anymore... Fuck this shit.
So was Donald and he's getting a bit more attention than he bargained for, the press is stripping him naked and Mueller is gonna fuck him. I figure that's why he's kissing Vlad's ass for a way out and a one way trip on AF1 to moscow.

He might retire there after 2024.
This is just getting too crazy. It's past the point of anything that makes sense. The president picked Putin's word over every us intelligence agency. Then withdrew his statement and then doubled back down on the original statement.
It's a fucking joke anymore... Fuck this shit.
Maybe Donald is cracking up, we can only hope they drag him from the oval office frothing at the mouth. Once they whack him with the heavy duty tranquilizers they won't look back and he'll die drooling in a rubber room.
He might retire there after 2024.
He might die there if he can get away on AF1, Vlad might poison him, or send him back to the USA for trial and prison, whatever works for Vlad. Right now Vlad is using Trump like toilet paper and will flush him when he's done wiping his ass with him. Vlad knows how to deal with traitors, he murders russians ones, and blackmails and buys American traitors before disposing of them.
Republicans should be repulsed

By Joe Scarborough
July 19 at 6:29 PM
The morning after my first congressional reelection campaign, I was driving around Pensacola, Fla., collecting signs from supporters’ yards. It was an opportunity to spend time with my dad, who I had always suspected favored my brother over me. But I was confident that the previous night’s victory would make him proud. As we began driving through my neighborhood, the car radio was reporting election results: “And freshman Republican congressman Joe Scarborough breezed to reelection with an impressive 73 percent of the vote.” Turning toward my father in anticipation of some welcome adulation and praise, I found him instead glaring at the radio.

“Who the hell were the other 27 percent?” he bellowed.

Twenty years later, I am asking my father’s question of the party I once represented in Congress. For if it is true that only 40 percent of Republicans believe the United States should remain in NATO, as recent polling indicates, then who exactly are the other 60 percent?

Were they sleepwalking through history while our North Atlantic allies stood shoulder to shoulder with the United States during that long, twilight struggle against Communist Russia? Have they forgotten that during that Cold War, nothing less than the planet’s survival hung in the balance? Or that it was the North Atlantic alliance that pushed back tirelessly against Kremlin thugs who were trying to undermine the Western democracies? Or that American presidents from Harry S. Truman to George H.W. Bush shared NATO’s mission to free 100 million Eastern Europeans from the cruel grip of a regime that enslaved an entire continent and killed tens of millions of its own people?

Are today’s Republicans now so tribal as to blindly endorse a foreign policy warped by President Trump’s obvious allegiance to a former KGB chief who controls Russia through repression, bribery and political assassination and who has called the collapse of that evil empire the “greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century”?

Exactly who are these people, and what have they done with my party? And how could any American support Trump’s tragically weak performance at Helsinki?
we have nazi's in america. and a lot of whiny little victim republicunts...
I'm sure the base will be cheered up when Vlad comes calling during election season to help rally the troops in the American 5th column. The GOP house and senate candidates might feel a little differently with Donald kissing Vlad's ass on national TV in the middle of the midterm elections! All the while Mueller is gonna be raining shoes on Donald and probably issuing his "conclusions" to a primed congress...

Donald is gonna be doing some dancing soon, the heat is getting turned up from both ends, Vlad is putting the squeeze on him and the republicans realise they are on a death ride with Donald and about to burst through the guardrail and go over the cliff. Looks like the extinction of the elephants to me, Dumbo got the Devil on his back and in his heart and it looks like he's gonna die a most painful and well deserved death.

Nobody with an ounce of sense in their heads are gonna vote for these clowns in november and that might mean a lot of states flip as well. The way things are going under Trumps leadership it's only gonna get worse for them by november. The republicans can cheat and steal close elections, landslides are another matter altogether and lot's of folks are real concerned, turn out will be historic, I figure the GOP is gonna lose the senate by an unexpectedly large number of the 8 seats up for grabs, states can't be gerrymandered. Vote, work, volunteer, help register others, drive people to the polls, sell/wear Trump is a traitor Tee shirts and give money, fight like Hell for your country...
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When his term is up just like the rest, It's truly amazing how many people suffer from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) not only in America but across the planet, do Americans care who's in charge in Canada, Hell NO !!! Anyone suffering from TDS Please seek help it's not healthy, I didn't want Obama to win but I didn't focus on him I went on w/ my life even though he deserved to be criticized for every stupid dumb ass thing he did like giving away billions of dollars in bailout money that went right into the pockets of CEOs & making Americans pay fines out of their income tax check for not having medical insurance , thats as retarded as retarded gets, I guess you'd like something like that in Canada to replace your current healthcare system. LOL
When his term is up just like the rest, It's truly amazing how many people suffer from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) not only in America but across the planet, do Americans care who's in charge in Canada, Hell NO !!! Anyone suffering from TDS Please seek help it's not healthy, I didn't want Obama to win but I didn't focus on him I went on w/ my life even though he deserved to be criticized for every stupid dumb ass thing he did like giving away billions of dollars in bailout money that went right into the pockets of CEOs & making Americans pay fines out of their income tax check for not having medical insurance , thats as retarded as retarded gets, I guess you'd like something like that in Canada to replace your current healthcare system. LOL
Trump is a traitor, what part of that don't you understand? Your country is at risk what part of that don't you understand? You have alliances with Canada and NATO that are being betrayed by your treasonous president but you appear to be too hate driven or stupid to know this. Anybody who supports Trump at this point in the game is a traitor and an idiot.

The republicans blocked a single payer health care system that would have cost a third of the present system because people like you were afraid that brown folks would get some. I like the health care system in Canada we pay only third the cost per capita that Americans do and our prescription drug costs are 1/5 to 1/10 of American costs. Yer dumb as a stump and ya don't know any better, you fuck yerself on a regular basis by being driven by your hate and fear.

You need to contact the Trump administration right now, I understand they are short staffed and are looking for unscrupulous people such as yourself. In Canada we have normal people doing politics who act in the best interests of the people and country, it's kinda boring here, like it should be. The doings of the Donald will soon be the doing of the Donald, you can still donate money to his legal defense though, if ya really believe the bullshit.
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When his term is up just like the rest, It's truly amazing how many people suffer from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) not only in America but across the planet, do Americans care who's in charge in Canada, Hell NO !!! Anyone suffering from TDS Please seek help it's not healthy, I didn't want Obama to win but I didn't focus on him I went on w/ my life even though he deserved to be criticized for every stupid dumb ass thing he did like giving away billions of dollars in bailout money that went right into the pockets of CEOs & making Americans pay fines out of their income tax check for not having medical insurance , thats as retarded as retarded gets, I guess you'd like something like that in Canada to replace your current healthcare system. LOL

you fucking retarded morons are still focused on obama.

suck my dick !!!!!!!
What Do You Mean Trump And Putin Are Meeting Again?
Stephen isn't the only person shocked to hear Trump invited Putin to the White House. So was Trump's Director of National Intelligence.

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