'Active Duty Discharge' The military is purging experienced personnel on flimsy excuses

weed cured my homosexuality, i am straight now thanks to weed
Alright, so why do you rub your forgotten past in front of all of Our eyes to see, aren't you aware that it's you not letting go, not us.

Not everyone cares to see your past broadcasted all over the internet as if it has some importance , especially if it no longer has importance to you.

Do you still support gay pride?
Alright, so why do you rub your forgotten past in front of all of Our eyes to see, aren't you aware that it's you not letting go, not us.

Not everyone cares to see your past broadcasted all over the internet as if it has some importance , especially if it no longer has importance to you.

Do you still support gay pride?
Alright, so why do you rub your forgotten past in front of all of Our eyes to see, aren't you aware that it's you not letting go, not us.

Not everyone cares to see your past broadcasted all over the internet as if it has some importance , especially if it no longer has importance to you.

Do you still support gay pride?
It's a picture of two men embracing each other, if you see something else it's a personal problem.
I'm not going to sit here an act like 10 plus pages of you non stop blabbering on about how big of an Ego driven Narcissist you are inconsiderate and un caring towards other human beings you are.

What if a person with illness was to pass away in Death no longer existing, but yet you wasted your time saying hateful things about them, you might want to give shit because some of us here are actually Dying, and that this is something we do take seriously.

You seriously need to think about what your saying because I promise you one thing, there are some people who do care about others here and its not what I wished for to come and have to tell people how inappropriate their words are.

I mean just look the last 10 pages are nothing at all in response to the original OP post, just derogatory cringe worthy put downs left and right and honestly has affected the buzz I had hoped for on this particular evening. Thanks?
I'm not going to sit here an act like 10 plus pages of you non stop blabbering on about how big of an Ego driven Narcissist you are inconsiderate and un caring towards other human beings you are.

What if a person with illness was to pass away in Death no longer existing, but yet you wasted your time saying hateful things about them, you might want to give shit because some of us here are actually Dying, and that this is something we do take seriously.

You seriously need to think about what your saying because I promise you one thing, there are some people who do care about others here and its not what I wished for to come and have to tell people how inappropriate their words are.

I mean just look the last 10 pages are nothing at all in response to the original OP post, just derogatory cringe worthy put downs left and right and honestly has affected the buzz I had hoped for on this particular evening. Thanks?
What if they were gay?
I am a little triggered , I realize my last post was a bit dramatic.

I just don't see why health is something you should be joking around about, especially when you actually are on a site that has a decent amount of people with Illness or disability here, and with Cannabis being one of the most health enhancing plants known to exist in the planet, it's obvious that there is an over looked Paradox here......

I'm calm now, but I didn't expect to get agitated by the trading of words that is going on in this thread.

UncleBuck if you would hear it, I would not be against a Gay-LGBT sub section just for people that do need a place to be accepted, i wouldn't go there and post hurtful things about you there, that's not the kind of person I am. I should have explained before I made that first post in reply, I was replying out of offense, and was purposely mirroring what I saw being said.
Alright, so why do you rub your forgotten past in front of all of Our eyes to see, aren't you aware that it's you not letting go, not us.

Not everyone cares to see your past broadcasted all over the internet as if it has some importance , especially if it no longer has importance to you.

Do you still support gay pride?
Yes, I absolutely do support gay rights and have no issues with a gay man being proud and open after he managed to survive the treatment visited upon them by our homophobic and bigoted society.

I am a little triggered , I realize my last post was a bit dramatic.

I just don't see why health is something you should be joking around about, especially when you actually are on a site that has a decent amount of people with Illness or disability here, and with Cannabis being one of the most health enhancing plants known to exist in the planet, it's obvious that there is an over looked Paradox here......

I'm calm now, but I didn't expect to get agitated by the trading of words that is going on in this thread.

UncleBuck if you would hear it, I would not be against a Gay-LGBT sub section just for people that do need a place to be accepted, i wouldn't go there and post hurtful things about you there, that's not the kind of person I am. I should have explained before I made that first post in reply, I was replying out of offense, and was purposely mirroring what I saw being said.
I think a homophobe section on another site for insecure bigots like yourself is a better idea.
I think a homophobe section on another site for insecure bigots like yourself is a better idea.
This argument isnt about Gay's

(or about what any of your opinion of what I am is over a few posts, compared to like 30 towards disabled or "sick" "unhealthy" people)

It's about why UncleBuck likes to discriminate against others who hope to receive acceptance and Love in the world, while he is in the exact same situation yet his Ego blinds him from understanding from seeing that he is 100% wrong, 100% Fail UncleBuck , exact opposite of how you should feel towards others (narcissist). Fail.

"Please everyone treat me proper and accept me I'm Gay, but only accept Gay's it's only Gay's that are important, other humans don't need rights"

As if ACCEPTANCE has no importance in your life..... shame.
This argument isnt about Gay's

(or about what any of your opinion of what I am is over a few posts, compared to like 30 towards disabled or "sick" "unhealthy" people)

It's about why UncleBuck likes to discriminate against others who hope to receive acceptance and Love in the world, while he is in the exact same situation yet his Ego blinds him from understanding from seeing that he is 100% wrong, 100% Fail UncleBuck , exact opposite of how you should feel towards others (narcissist). Fail.

"Please everyone treat me proper and accept me I'm Gay, but only accept Gay's it's only Gay's that are important, other humans don't need rights"

As if ACCEPTANCE has no importance in your life..... shame.
Gays is plural for Gay

Gay's is possessive as in: That is Gay's. Meaning "That belongs to Gay."

Is English a second language for you? Your post was written poorly if it isn't.
Yes, I absolutely do support gay rights and have no issues with a gay man being proud and open after he managed to survive the treatment visited upon them by our homophobic and bigoted society.

I am neutral, homosexuality is bigger than just acceptance, it's part of our realty it will exist no matter what my opinion is of it.

I just have to have hope for those that are lost in the delusion that they are on the proper path in life, deciding that they are above God in what design and sex is more appropriate for them, and the denial of reality and so on.
I am neutral, homosexuality is bigger than just acceptance, it's part of our realty it will exist no matter what my opinion is of it.

I just have to have hope for those that are lost in the delusion that they are on the proper path in life, deciding that they are above God in what design and sex is more appropriate for them, and the denial of reality and so on.
I didn't read a definitive statement. At least your statement isn't as definitive as your question. So, I'll ask as you did.

Do you support gay pride? It's not a complicated question. A simple yes or no suffices.
What if a person with illness was to pass away in Death no longer existing, but yet you wasted your time saying hateful things about them, you might want to give shit because some of us here are actually Dying, and that this is something we do take seriously.
If a person is dead, they are beyond caring what anybody said about them.

Who is "we"?
I didn't read a definitive statement. At least your statement isn't as definitive as your question. So, I'll ask as you did.

Do you support gay pride? It's not a complicated question. A simple yes or no suffices.
Yes, because everyone deserves to have something they are proud of, and everyone deserves to decide what is right or wrong in their lives (all up to perception), we all decide what Our reality should be (to an extent), and I feel it's about accepting that it is a "Right" of each individual, and "Rights" are an essential part of each person's existence, a world without rights becomes a web of oppression and distress.

Certainly any Authorative power would see that that Rights are key to the inner workings of life itself, and that a functioning society cannot exist without such rights.

To deny others of their own Freedom and rights to decide, is to deny my own existence and the decisions that I have the will & freedom to make, I don't want to create a contradicting perception around myself that makes me view others as different than me, as to how they are allowed to live their lives.
If a person is dead, they are beyond caring what anybody said about them.

Who is "we"?
Oh sorry that comment was in regards to just having respect for others while they are alive, regardless of what their health condition is, or age is, we all get illness and death if we don't die before our time is up, old age consumes us, disease finds most of us, ect.

( We = myself and others with a disease, or illness, myself skin Cancer and brain damage from 2 strokes, food allergy sufferer, undiagnosed autistic spectrum).

My issue is that we should be acceptable to all aspects of life and whether it's Race, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Declining Health/ Disabled, Religion, Country of Origin and so on, and as people of the Cannabis world, isn't acceptance from others a big part of our lives also? Not just us accepting them, but them accepting us?

(Zen) You will never find more virtue in the world than helping others and doing right without ever expecting a thank you or recognition, life is about being aware that sometimes you are the only one on Earth that was called to help, no-one can replace who you are, we all need to start showing each other respect on importance of who we each are, regardless of who may or may not have the most health, skill, money, age, ect.

We all have problems / differences that deserve a mutual respect to gain any real ground and progress.

And please with respect..... If someone has something to say, mention it once and stick to that statement, we don't need to go repeating things that are rude or discouraging to each other over and over, don't treat each other like we are unintelligible robots, that will help all of us contain our sanity, and lead to deeper discussion, ect. If something is to be repeated it's better to elaborate, and if you have nothing but nonsense and immature responses, then please keep the elaboration to yourself ?

( and I could have kept to myself also, I agree even I should use my own criticism, I may have appeared careless in my approach, the 99% thing I said was wrong, and I knew it was a false statement when I typed it, I am by no means clear of making an asshat out of myself on this thread, if anyone's thinking that I'm in agreement w/ you)

We need positivity and a progressive + encouraging vibe here on RIU, and sure arguments will occur but reaching deep to add hurt and insult should be limited, and the exploitation of someone's real world problems should be avoided, this is the best way to increase the well-being and peace on this website.

Thank you, All for your reply's.
Oh sorry that comment was in regards to just having respect for others while they are alive, regardless of what their health condition is, or age is, we all get illness and death if we don't die before our time is up, old age consumes us, disease finds most of us, ect.

( We = myself and others with a disease, or illness, myself skin Cancer and brain damage from 2 strokes, food allergy sufferer, undiagnosed autistic spectrum).

My issue is that we should be acceptable to all aspects of life and whether it's Race, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Declining Health/ Disabled, Religion, Country of Origin and so on, and as people of the Cannabis world, isn't acceptance from others a big part of our lives also? Not just us accepting them, but them accepting us?

(Zen) You will never find more virtue in the world than helping others and doing right without ever expecting a thank you or recognition, life is about being aware that sometimes you are the only one on Earth that was called to help, no-one can replace who you are, we all need to start showing each other respect on importance of who we each are, regardless of who may or may not have the most health, skill, money, age, ect.

We all have problems / differences that deserve a mutual respect to gain any real ground and progress.

And please with respect..... If someone has something to say, mention it once and stick to that statement, we don't need to go repeating things that are rude or discouraging to each other over and over, don't treat each other like we are unintelligible robots, that will help all of us contain our sanity, and lead to deeper discussion, ect. If something is to be repeated it's better to elaborate, and if you have nothing but nonsense and immature responses, then please keep the elaboration to yourself ?

( and I could have kept to myself also, I agree even I should use my own criticism, I may have appeared careless in my approach, the 99% thing I said was wrong, and I knew it was a false statement when I typed it, I am by no means clear of making an asshat out of myself on this thread, if anyone's thinking that I'm in agreement w/ you)

We need positivity and a progressive + encouraging vibe here on RIU, and sure arguments will occur but reaching deep to add hurt and insult should be limited, and the exploitation of someone's real world problems should be avoided, this is the best way to increase the well-being and peace on this website.

Thank you, All for your reply's.

The only reason we have the right to peacefully protest is because men with guns killed Nazis and Japanese Imperialists.
Oh sorry that comment was in regards to just having respect for others while they are alive, regardless of what their health condition is, or age is, we all get illness and death if we don't die before our time is up, old age consumes us, disease finds most of us, ect.

( We = myself and others with a disease, or illness, myself skin Cancer and brain damage from 2 strokes, food allergy sufferer, undiagnosed autistic spectrum).

My issue is that we should be acceptable to all aspects of life and whether it's Race, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Declining Health/ Disabled, Religion, Country of Origin and so on, and as people of the Cannabis world, isn't acceptance from others a big part of our lives also? Not just us accepting them, but them accepting us?

(Zen) You will never find more virtue in the world than helping others and doing right without ever expecting a thank you or recognition, life is about being aware that sometimes you are the only one on Earth that was called to help, no-one can replace who you are, we all need to start showing each other respect on importance of who we each are, regardless of who may or may not have the most health, skill, money, age, ect.

We all have problems / differences that deserve a mutual respect to gain any real ground and progress.

And please with respect..... If someone has something to say, mention it once and stick to that statement, we don't need to go repeating things that are rude or discouraging to each other over and over, don't treat each other like we are unintelligible robots, that will help all of us contain our sanity, and lead to deeper discussion, ect. If something is to be repeated it's better to elaborate, and if you have nothing but nonsense and immature responses, then please keep the elaboration to yourself ?

( and I could have kept to myself also, I agree even I should use my own criticism, I may have appeared careless in my approach, the 99% thing I said was wrong, and I knew it was a false statement when I typed it, I am by no means clear of making an asshat out of myself on this thread, if anyone's thinking that I'm in agreement w/ you)

We need positivity and a progressive + encouraging vibe here on RIU, and sure arguments will occur but reaching deep to add hurt and insult should be limited, and the exploitation of someone's real world problems should be avoided, this is the best way to increase the well-being and peace on this website.

Thank you, All for your reply's.
this may not be the place for you.....
we're not really interested in peace and well being while our country is being raped by trump and his buddies.
and honestly, many of us aren't really interested in it in general. the world is full of conflict, in the human, animal, and insect world. even plants use other plants to get ahead......it's a savage garden, don't go out without your parasol
this may not be the place for you.....
we're not really interested in peace and well being while our country is being raped by trump and his buddies.
and honestly, many of us aren't really interested in it in general. the world is full of conflict, in the human, animal, and insect world. even plants use other plants to get ahead......it's a savage garden, don't go out without your parasol
I'm guessing this a period of heightened irritation for you guys?

The Deep State not running things quite how you like it, eh?