Hola. Wanted to make some suggestions from the packs listed. I've never ran the snow leopard but if your goal is finding the loud heavy in the packs your holding I'd start with the space monkey, straw dd, and the mother's milk. I'd wait til u have a few more grows til u sow the cowbell and sky lotus. Reasons being gsc crosses tend to veg slow and favor indirect light and cooler temps. The sky lotus will act the opposite, growing tall lanky loving light and fast growth rates.
Mother's milk tends to b less stanky but potent as can be. Likes to b staked up. Finishes w a soft floral powdery nose hard to explain til u get a whiff.
Space monkey is pretty hardy, medium bush gg structure w smells ranging from lemon gas to tennis balls. Easy to grow gets super frosty. Good for novice growers perhaps?
Strawberry daydream. I've run both parents but not the strawdd. My guess, these will want to grow tall and possibly long bloom times. 10ish weeks. With unreal terps n heavy yeilds.. ssdd can pack a punch too so should fit the bill.
Another thing to consider, u may find gold in these packs. Might b wise to run one pack at a time. Look for the keepers. Any one pack should have a heavy fruity winner n there. Good picks!. .. j1hashplant screams potent fruity in my mind. Good luck on your grows!