The Real Reason Brett Kavanaugh is So Dangerous to Democracy

that's not a job. you pay no taxes and we pay for your health care

did i?

post the proof then

You can just click on any thread you post in.

And I have paid a whole career of taxes. And haven’t claimed my own money back for disability payments yet.

I thank the plant that inspired this site. Shame you threaten to call the feds on growers.
poop on the floor is harmless

your dick in a kid's butt? very harmful

Well you're half right, half wit. You DID defecate on a floor.

that you befriend bigots and racists is relevant to EVERY topic

that fact colors every comment you make in my mind. i can't speak for others but i'm sure many feel the same
Then you're a very unimaginative person, seeing only the worst about people- and manufacturing it if you can't find it.

How toxic.
Why do I always hear that only "black men" abandon their child when it seems that white men do as well

You have the terrible disease of being completely unable to look at the world through any perspective but your own.

I pity you.

You have the terrible disease of being completely unable to look at the world through any perspective but your own.

I pity you.
your sperm created a child. you let her go with some excuse that you could not be a good father. someone else is raising your child.