The Real Reason Brett Kavanaugh is So Dangerous to Democracy

yes you did. You are a true patriot
I probably won't live to see the full extent of the damage that is being done to America today by the republicans. The American democracy we all grew up in is going fast, and I fear what is replacing it. This will not end pretty for us, I'm sorry.:-(
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You are uncle bucks sock puppet.

Ya dumb fu.......
Lol at Bucks daytime account having a meltdown.

Thanks for confirming.

And it all concerns me. I’m an American.

But there is no reason to comment about it to you. You are angry and hysterical all the time.
Lol at Bucks daytime account having a meltdown.

Thanks for confirming.

And it all concerns me. I’m an American.

But there is no reason to comment about it to you. You are angry and hysterical all the time.
NO that was not a melt down. That was the taking over of a thread. So much truthfulness was blasted that the OP ran away.
Now we can talk about stuff like your illness. Does it make you bitter. Are you disappointed as to what Trump is doing to healthcare. Pre-existing conditions should be important to you. Do you think this pick will support the pre-existing clause ? Are you still experiencing that nasty renal bleeding ?
NO that was not a melt down. That was the taking over of a thread. So much truthfulness was blasted that the OP ran away.
Now we can talk about stuff like your illness. Does it make you bitter. Are you disappointed as to what Trump is doing to healthcare. Pre-existing conditions should be important to you. Do you think this pick will support the pre-existing clause ? Are you still experiencing that nasty renal bleeding ?
It was definitely a meltdown.
NO that was not a melt down. That was the taking over of a thread. So much truthfulness was blasted that the OP ran away.
Now we can talk about stuff like your illness. Does it make you bitter. Are you disappointed as to what Trump is doing to healthcare. Pre-existing conditions should be important to you. Do you think this pick will support the pre-existing clause ? Are you still experiencing that nasty renal bleeding ?
Lol I have a life.

Thanks for telling us all that you don't.