Outdoor dwc


Well-Known Member
*****I've moved this thread to this forum site as it seemed the last forum I was using is obsolete *****Recent searches haven't turned up much for the topic so I figured I'd take it upon myself to do some trial and error. The plant, which is bagseed, it was originally in soil but I was transferred to a homemade deep water culture made from pieces from Walmart. It took awhile to root as my dog knocked it over in the backyard and broke the roots that had started to grow so that it's stunted the growth, but it's now on his way to Growing healthy roots. At the moment I have General Hydroponics bio root and small amounts of 20 20 20.
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Well-Known Member
After looking at the roots once the sun came up today, I've noticed exponential growth. The roots have finally stabilized to plant enough so that it'll hold itself up and not just the clay pellets. I have some new growth of foliage as well. I will be getting some pictures up later this morning.


Well-Known Member
How are you maintaining the reservoir temperature?

Pretty cool that this is working out for you. I'm doing outdoor coco coir this season, and that's been working out really well for me.

Hope the rest of the season goes well for you.



Well-Known Member
I do have a thermometer in it to take accurate readings ,but throughout the day I move it from one spot to the other to maintain shade on the bucket but not on plant itself. I also have a hole dug it where it sits in most of the day. If it ever does get uncontrollably hott I use a frozen water bottle for 5 mins.


Well-Known Member
I've noticed a lot of algae on the roots so ive decided to move it. Despite not having a lot of light throughout the day, I've put it in the hole at the back of my yard to keep it cool and to keep the light from penetrating the pail. It's growing at a rapid rate but not so much in comparison to indoor dwc ( with alot of control) .
I will have pics up soon.


Well-Known Member
Maybe consider lining the outside of your bucket with panda film (white side out) or silver reflective insulation to mitigate sunlight penetration.

I've done that on my outdoor hempy buckets, seems to be working out just fine.


Well-Known Member
There was someone here on rollitup I talked to a while back that had great success doing this and his res temps occasionally reached 90. You just have to keep the resorvoir sterile.


Well-Known Member
Still growing and still too warm. The hole I have dug for this to sit in is in a raised bed and I believe raised beds are a few degrees warmer than if I dug down deeper.


Well-Known Member
Still growing and still too warm. The hole I have dug for this to sit in is in a raised bed and I believe raised beds are a few degrees warmer than if I dug down deeper.
What about an ice probe in the side of the bucket? May be just enough to bring into a reasonable range.


Well-Known Member
These plants look nice. I've done outdoor DWC for several years now and have never had a problem. i did notice though that last year I used white buckets and had lots of algae and the plants seemed a little smaller than usual. I've also never had problems with water temperatures-they get as high as 95 degrees. I've got 5 plants growing in buckets and they are all doing great, i'll post pics later. You can see last years DWC grow if you look at my profile (I think).