Stress+Recovery time=Better yield & potency

I know right. That old dual shock tt500 required a kidney belt when I rode.

I like three wheelers as well. I had a trx 250r that was bored out. I saw videos the other day of a stock 250r keeping up with a raptor 700. Mine was over 300cc. 6 speed. It was a beast. I outran a vette on it until about 120-130mph.

It looked like this one. I should have kept it. The motors are worth money. They don't make 250's like that anymore.

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I want a cr500.
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Dude people give 3 wheelers a bad wrap for flipping. Imo it's way easier to flip a quad. I've rolled quads way more than 3 wheelers. A 3 wheeler is a lot lighter and nimble. Very easy to control when it does bicycle. Further more a quick stab of the gas wil set the ass end into a slide setting in back down even in the sharpest of high speed turns. Unlike a quad to where one minute your having fun ripping a donut and the next you've got a 400 pound steaming hot machine on top of you. I use to put flat track tires on the back wheels and a balloon in the front of my three wheelers. I've had several 185r's a 250 and my cleanest I bought out of Oregon was a 125. I will say they are very dangerous for flipping over backward going up any remotely steep inclines. Gotta damn near tank ride em if your hill climbing to keep the front end down. My brother had to have reconstructive surgery on his face and teeth from taking the handle bar to the face when we were kids. We would ride a steep hill with a complete vertical face at the top four feet. The transition was very smooth but you have to commit fully. One pussy thought going up and you'd be eating handle bar for dinner((like my brother)) Basically if you gave it the beans it would fly up over the lip and set the back wheels down first and then tap the brake upon landing and you'd be fine. If you didn't go as fast as possible, it would launch you straight up and the back wheels would land back in the lip up top. Then it would literally just shit whip the bike backwards into a backwards roll. My brother was seriously fucked up. He's a big dude and one of the toughest SOBS I know. He didn't go to the doc until the next day. Only reason he went is because he was missing teeth and figured he'd have a hard time getting pussy like that. So they X-ray his face and he had fractures as well as serious dental issues. I had a badass quad at one point. It was an older bike but had tons of after market suspension work done. I'd always laugh because it looked dated as far as the plastics go. But that thing had so much travel and such good suspension, it would soak up even the most terrible landings like nothing. Probably the most air I've ever gotten was on that quad. Like a pillow when it landed. We had a jump that would launch us down an irrigation check over a row of grapes in the neighbors vinyard. Lots of fun on that quad. I have pictures of taking some knarly gaps we built as youngsters at the ranch. I'll see if I can find em. Well I'm sitting in the last green house killing time inbetween waterings. I think I'll go finish watering and kick on the coolers. Suppose to be a hot one here.
Hey pwezzyhole
I have these plants sour d,
8 weeks into flower
8x5 scrog
I have 2 weeks left but as you can see I have a bad leaf.

What should I do?
Stress them?
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Dude I was watering this morning and thinking about the pic you took of your uncle through the wax

I then realized I had never seen your Grow. Weird that you would post it today. Btw good on you for looking after him. I know what it takes to take care of family members.

Beautiful work
Dude I was watering this morning and thinking about the pic you took of your uncle through the wax

I then realized I had never seen your Grow. Weird that you would post it today. Btw good on you for looking after him. I know what it takes to take care of family members.

Beautiful work
Thank you man,
He's a good dude,
Just plays solitary all day n drives me up a wall with the same conversation over and over.
Thank you man,
He's a good dude,
Just plays solitary all day n drives me up a wall with the same conversation over and over.

I could tell he's a character. He was game to take that pic and that was funny. He made me laugh harder than anyone that day. I know exactly what it's like to take care of family who can't quite do it on their own. It's not hard and can have it's tough spots occasionally, but I wouldn't want it any other way. We're stuck with em

Good on you
I was talking about pewsy lol

Kennys stealing days are over

LMFAO...... haha my bad bro. Puzzy isn't smart enough to pull off such things. He's the kind of guy that would hand his ID to the teller while robbing a bank, because she said she can't open the cash drawer without some ID.

That actually happend recently. Dude got away with 2 bank robberies and then gave his actual ID at the third when the teller asked.....I think it was Puzzy's dad. Probably why he's trying to grow.
Dude people give 3 wheelers a bad wrap for flipping. Imo it's way easier to flip a quad. I've rolled quads way more than 3 wheelers. A 3 wheeler is a lot lighter and nimble. Very easy to control when it does bicycle. Further more a quick stab of the gas wil set the ass end into a slide setting in back down even in the sharpest of high speed turns. Unlike a quad to where one minute your having fun ripping a donut and the next you've got a 400 pound steaming hot machine on top of you. I use to put flat track tires on the back wheels and a balloon in the front of my three wheelers. I've had several 185r's a 250 and my cleanest I bought out of Oregon was a 125. I will say they are very dangerous for flipping over backward going up any remotely steep inclines. Gotta damn near tank ride em if your hill climbing to keep the front end down. My brother had to have reconstructive surgery on his face and teeth from taking the handle bar to the face when we were kids. We would ride a steep hill with a complete vertical face at the top four feet. The transition was very smooth but you have to commit fully. One pussy thought going up and you'd be eating handle bar for dinner((like my brother)) Basically if you gave it the beans it would fly up over the lip and set the back wheels down first and then tap the brake upon landing and you'd be fine. If you didn't go as fast as possible, it would launch you straight up and the back wheels would land back in the lip up top. Then it would literally just shit whip the bike backwards into a backwards roll. My brother was seriously fucked up. He's a big dude and one of the toughest SOBS I know. He didn't go to the doc until the next day. Only reason he went is because he was missing teeth and figured he'd have a hard time getting pussy like that. So they X-ray his face and he had fractures as well as serious dental issues. I had a badass quad at one point. It was an older bike but had tons of after market suspension work done. I'd always laugh because it looked dated as far as the plastics go. But that thing had so much travel and such good suspension, it would soak up even the most terrible landings like nothing. Probably the most air I've ever gotten was on that quad. Like a pillow when it landed. We had a jump that would launch us down an irrigation check over a row of grapes in the neighbors vinyard. Lots of fun on that quad. I have pictures of taking some knarly gaps we built as youngsters at the ranch. I'll see if I can find em. Well I'm sitting in the last green house killing time inbetween waterings. I think I'll go finish watering and kick on the coolers. Suppose to be a hot one here.
It was a beast and very nimble. I would hit some gnarly jumps and near verticle climbs with it.

I got hurt on it as well. Freak accident. Just one of those random things that happen.

I could cross water on it without sinking.
I know right. That old dual shock tt500 required a kidney belt when I rode.

I like three wheelers as well. I had a trx 250r that was bored out. I saw videos the other day of a stock 250r keeping up with a raptor 700. Mine was over 300cc. 6 speed. It was a beast. I outran a vette on it until about 120-130mph.

It looked like this one. I should have kept it. The motors are worth money. They don't make 250's like that anymore.

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I want a cr500.
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I love my 500
I had a YZ490 super tall bike. That thing literally wanted to kill whoever rode it. Those big bikes are a blast.
I had an old IT490 when I was way too small to ride it. I had to lean on trees to start it. The bike behind the 500 is an xr600. There's actually 2 of them. I needed a parts bike for a project (never finished the project.. frame is cracked and the old xr600 used to keep the oil in the frame). And wedged behind that up against the wall is my second bike I ever had with a clutch.. an old xr100.
I had an old IT490 when I was way too small to ride it. I had to lean on trees to start it. The bike behind the 500 is an xr600. There's actually 2 of them. I needed a parts bike for a project (never finished the project.. frame is cracked and the old xr600 used to keep the oil in the frame). And wedged behind that up against the wall is my second bike I ever had with a clutch.. an old xr100.

My first bike was a YZ80..... I had lots of fun on that little bike. I actually just realized I had 2 YZ's as a kid. There was several years between the 80 and the 490.... I actually bought both of them from the same old guy. Was my brothers best friends dad. Same guy I bought a wrecked street bike off of and stuck the motor on an old three wheeled gold cart. I still wonder how I'm still alive.
Dude people give 3 wheelers a bad wrap for flipping. Imo it's way easier to flip a quad. I've rolled quads way more than 3 wheelers. A 3 wheeler is a lot lighter and nimble. Very easy to control when it does bicycle. Further more a quick stab of the gas wil set the ass end into a slide setting in back down even in the sharpest of high speed turns. Unlike a quad to where one minute your having fun ripping a donut and the next you've got a 400 pound steaming hot machine on top of you. I use to put flat track tires on the back wheels and a balloon in the front of my three wheelers. I've had several 185r's a 250 and my cleanest I bought out of Oregon was a 125. I will say they are very dangerous for flipping over backward going up any remotely steep inclines. Gotta damn near tank ride em if your hill climbing to keep the front end down. My brother had to have reconstructive surgery on his face and teeth from taking the handle bar to the face when we were kids. We would ride a steep hill with a complete vertical face at the top four feet. The transition was very smooth but you have to commit fully. One pussy thought going up and you'd be eating handle bar for dinner((like my brother)) Basically if you gave it the beans it would fly up over the lip and set the back wheels down first and then tap the brake upon landing and you'd be fine. If you didn't go as fast as possible, it would launch you straight up and the back wheels would land back in the lip up top. Then it would literally just shit whip the bike backwards into a backwards roll. My brother was seriously fucked up. He's a big dude and one of the toughest SOBS I know. He didn't go to the doc until the next day. Only reason he went is because he was missing teeth and figured he'd have a hard time getting pussy like that. So they X-ray his face and he had fractures as well as serious dental issues. I had a badass quad at one point. It was an older bike but had tons of after market suspension work done. I'd always laugh because it looked dated as far as the plastics go. But that thing had so much travel and such good suspension, it would soak up even the most terrible landings like nothing. Probably the most air I've ever gotten was on that quad. Like a pillow when it landed. We had a jump that would launch us down an irrigation check over a row of grapes in the neighbors vinyard. Lots of fun on that quad. I have pictures of taking some knarly gaps we built as youngsters at the ranch. I'll see if I can find em. Well I'm sitting in the last green house killing time inbetween waterings. I think I'll go finish watering and kick on the coolers. Suppose to be a hot one here.
I've rolled a couple 3 wheelers. Way easier to roll than a quad in my opinion. When I raced motorcross I just got a new Thor Core 4 helmet and was hyped about it. Got on a friend's 250r and was doing a wheelie playing around then I hit the power band and flipped right on my back and the bars got my helmet and cracked my visor right in half. I was a sad boy that day