You lot complain about Trump and US politics?

Obama and dems set up and let the Russians operate. The investigation must move forward! (to remain in the narrative of undoing all things Obama, should now be the repbub response.)
Myself and 499999 other Americans want our identity back!
at least your cops don't get to carry, they have to call someone. unlike america, where they have one in their holster, long gun in the car and a throw down for 'just in case':wink:

Except routine carrying is becoming more commonplace in the UK, and I don't mean only handguns but also MP5's being routinely seen on the streets of such terrorist hotspots as Inverness.

But I live in Belgium where, like with France and Holland, every cop is armed with at least a handgun. Nobody cares.
Except routine carrying is becoming more commonplace in the UK, and I don't mean only handguns but also MP5's being routinely seen on the streets of such terrorist hotspots as Inverness.

But I live in Belgium where, like with France and Holland, every cop is armed with at least a handgun. Nobody cares.

Whats the education requirement? Here it's High School, which is like 10th grade or form 4 in other parts of the world.
Meanwhile, after Hurricane Donald leaves for Helsinki, normal service is resumed following the distraction of moonhowlers chasing Trump around (seriously, what do they think they achieved apart from feeding his ego, for if he's pissing off a certain section of society then he's, in his mind and the mind of some others, doing exactly what he's supposed to be doing) as May's Brexit plan gets savaged from all sides, especially her own.

See, it takes a specific kind of "special" to create a clusterfuck of this sort of proportion, y'all think you have it bad with Donald but that's really just sore losers ranting like loons as they did when Gore lost because some people suddenly forgot how to use the voting machines they had been using for years, it's a side event, the real one is when everything goes south as May completely fails to get a deal that people can agree to and the UK falls out of the EU in chaos.

That's the one that's going to hurt, because the EU is already teetering on the edge so if things go south it ain't just the UK that feels it but also the EU, and that means everyone will catch that cold. The fun has just begun, Donald is a side show, he's just the warmup act.
And it's all going south faster than I thought, with reports that May's Government will agree to 4 changes tabled by her own people, in an attempt to stop her own people voting down her Brexit plan, which completely tears up her Brexit plan and will have the other half of her party at her jugular as they call for another referendum.

The Trumping Toupeeman is nothing compare to a Tory party that has never learned a thing since they ditched Maggie and just lurch from one disaster to another yet somehow manage to cling on...
And it's all going south faster than I thought, with reports that May's Government will agree to 4 changes tabled by her own people, in an attempt to stop her own people voting down her Brexit plan, which completely tears up her Brexit plan and will have the other half of her party at her jugular as they call for another referendum.

The Trumping Toupeeman is nothing compare to a Tory party that has never learned a thing since they ditched Maggie and just lurch from one disaster to another yet somehow manage to cling on...
Well, you want too see world economic disaster, just wait and see what that individual Trump, that has FIVE bankruptcies under his belt, will do to the worlds economy.
He's a fucking con man that has been bailed out one time after another, but now he is charge of the worlds largest economy.
Good luck America, because no one in the world will bail out Trump anymore, and by association the USA, again.
We are sooo fucked
Well, you want too see world economic disaster, just wait and see what that individual Trump, that has FIVE bankruptcies under his belt, will do to the worlds economy.
He's a fucking con man that has been bailed out one time after another, but now he is charge of the worlds largest economy.
Good luck America, because no one in the world will bail out Trump anymore, and by association the USA, again.
We are sooo fucked

Except the US economy is growing faster than the UK or Euroland, and the huge one called the effects of Brexit will come to the fore before long as the whole venture is doomed to absolute failure. The effects on the German car industry alone could be immense, and that's a huge hit on the EU economy. Greece is still on the edge, Italy's ready to take things further than Trump ever could and hit the Euronuclear button and tell Brussels where to stick it, you have the obvious split in Europe over what to do with all the migrants that were allowed to flow into Germany (and the costs of them too, another massive hit on the German economy), and so on, so the reality is that something else is going to give before Trump has a chance as there is literally only a couple of months to get an agreement on Brexit or it will never get through the ratification process in time, the UK falls out of the EU and chaos reigns supreme.

Oh, Trump has had a whole FIVE bankruptcies? Wow, Richard Branson has lost count of the number of failed projects he's had yet he's seen as a business God. Strange how numbers add up differently depending on who you are talking about, isn't it.

And his 5 bankruptcies are still more real life business experience than 90% of these trough-snouters who claim to "represent the country and it's people" will ever have. That's something else that should be remembered, for these people could teach him quite a lot about lining his own pockets.
bankruptcy is tthe easy way out and forces others to deal with your problems rather than having to deal with them yourself.

And it's still more real-life experience than 90% of the rest of them have, they only know how to grab as much as they can at the expense of the taxpayer for as long as they can and fuck dealing with anyone else's problems because they've got themselves set up for life.
being a failure at business decisions (how do you bankrupt a casino?) is real life experience that you think is important?

Is it more real life business experience than 90% of politicians, yes or no.

A question so simple even someone as simple as Buck can understand it (but would not answer)
Is it more real life business experience than 90% of politicians, yes or no.

A question so simple even someone as simple as Buck can understand it (but would not answer)
as trump is proving, being a failure at business (a real life failure) equates to being clueless about politics.

your point has no correlation b/t politics and business. one does not equate to success or failure in either.

where did Buck touch you? did he violate your rosebud?
as trump is proving, being a failure at business (a real life failure) equates to being clueless about politics.

your point has no correlation b/t politics and business. one does not equate to success or failure in either.

where did Buck touch you? did he violate your rosebud?
I told him he needs therapy