Well-Known Member
Awful Slovenian tit-job.
Yeah, never a fan of the salad bowl looking tits that look like a balloon ready to pop.
Awful Slovenian tit-job.
Yup, there is a lot of white folk out there. So there should always be more whites arrested, numbers say so.
Yet, even with numbers, not all the races have equal balance in population to crime/incarceration rates. Weird.
and for some reason the media will not call this nazi a terroristYou won't hear a word on this from tRUmp.
"Fine people"You won't hear a word on this from tRUmp.
Not all white people are hateful assholes, just for clarification.
You're a little thin on evidence for that statement lol, and I'm of Scandinavian descent which means I'm quite white.
I think of the decent people like my mom's english teacher who helped my mom find work when my dad left and the factory moved to Kansas. There are plenty of decent white folks in this country.