Jordan Peterson

Seriously? I thought I read something from him complaining someone else was jew in name only, and saying how he was offending him and all his jewish relatives.

I try to be cultural sensitive and learn how my Buddhism relates to other similar concepts in other religions. Many times, what someone calls a difference, is really just a difference in terminology when considering religion.

I myself am kind of a JuBu. My grandfather is half jewish, but since jews are matriarchal. That's how I know a lot about obscure jew stuff, he told me.

So let me think. That's make me genetically, about 5% or less jew. But according to law of return of Israel, since it's Y-DNA not mDNA, I'm a big fat ZERO jew. So screw it, I call myself 100% Buddhist.


Namo Amituofo!
Yep seriously. Any of bucks family that is Jewish comes from his wife's side of the family..

Here's buck using that to get his medal in the oppression Olympics

he is stoking racism, white supremacy, and using nazi propaganda and conspiracy theories to do so.

do i have to wait until i am in one of trump's concentration camps to complain about it?
Don't expect Uncle Bumblefuck to attempt to learn anything. He's an intellectual Luddite.
I didn't post it for buck. He's shown time and again that he isn't interested in Peterson's own words but would rather listen to what other people have cherry picked and their conclusion on what they think Peterson meant..

I'm going on how I deal with other conspiracy bullshit like 911 truthers or climate deniers. Just posting the raw data for all the lurkers to see and assess for themselves
I didn't post it for buck. He's shown time and again that he isn't interested in Peterson's own words\

are you sure about that?

because it seems like it's you and the other cult members ignoring the fact that peterson peddles "cultural marxism" as a reason why we need to "defend western civilization".

ya know, the exact same thing david duke and the nazi alt-right are all saying
are you sure about that?

because it seems like it's you and the other cult members ignoring the fact that peterson peddles "cultural marxism" as a reason why we need to "defend western civilization".

ya know, the exact same thing david duke and the nazi alt-right are all saying

who are you trying to convince here with your bullshit?

the far right can say people like you are toxic

the right can say people like you are toxic

the center can say people like you are toxic

and the left can say people like you are toxic

and the far left when they get a chance will call you toxic too as a straight white male who is culturally appropriating the fucking holocaust...
are you sure about that?

because it seems like it's you and the other cult members ignoring the fact that peterson peddles "cultural marxism" as a reason why we need to "defend western civilization".

ya know, the exact same thing david duke and the nazi alt-right are all saying

Hitler was also one of the first leaders for animal rights, but that doesn't mean if you agree with animal rights you agree with hitlers ideology. Saying the 'nazi alt-right' are against marxism so if anyone else is against marxism that = bad is an absolutely pathetic argument
Hitler was also one of the first leaders for animal rights, but that doesn't mean if you agree with animal rights you agree with hitlers ideology. Saying the 'nazi alt-right' are against marxism so if anyone else is against marxism that = bad is an absolutely pathetic argument
It's even more pathetic than you think as buck has to play 6 steps to Kevin bacon to get to the "cultural Marxism" bit
Hitler was also one of the first leaders for animal rights, but that doesn't mean if you agree with animal rights you agree with hitlers ideology. Saying the 'nazi alt-right' are against marxism so if anyone else is against marxism that = bad is an absolutely pathetic argument

Good observation. If you spend about an hour learning about the Logical Fallacies described by Aristotle about, oh, 2300 years ago, you'll never be part of the Cult of Liberalism again. Could be why schools dropped Latin and classical education.

It's well worth watching as it's a perfect example of how people try to misrepresent Peterson

That and Peterson destroys her with the "gotcha" moment
Thanks! I find the misrepresentation of JPs ideas to often be more fascinating than what he is actually talking about.

who are you trying to convince here with your bullshit?

the far right can say people like you are toxic

the right can say people like you are toxic

the center can say people like you are toxic

and the left can say people like you are toxic

and the far left when they get a chance will call you toxic too as a straight white male who is culturally appropriating the fucking holocaust...

toxic is peddling nazi conspiracy theories

Screenshot 2018-07-04 at 2.05.53 PM.png
When you get into the nuance, some people short circuit and revert back to shit posting and safe spaces

where is the nuance in jordan peterson's professed belief that jews are riling other minorities to persecute whites and destroy "western civilization"?
Hitler was also one of the first leaders for animal rights, but that doesn't mean if you agree with animal rights you agree with hitlers ideology. Saying the 'nazi alt-right' are against marxism so if anyone else is against marxism that = bad is an absolutely pathetic argument

"cultural marxism" is a nazi conspiracy theory which is very popular with the neo-nazi "alt right" and is peddled by people like KKK leader david duke, neo-nazi eugenicist phillipe rushton, and many others.

no one who is not a racist bag of shit advocates for this nazi conspiracy theory, unlike animal rights.

you have limited mental abilities to make such a poor, stupid, shitty analogy.

try to do better in the future
It's even more pathetic than you think as buck has to play 6 steps to Kevin bacon to get to the "cultural Marxism" bit


jordan peterson posts about cultural marxism, citing the "frankfurt school" conspiracy directly. that's zero steps.

he also spews on about it in one of his books apparently, not that i will ever read any of his repackaged neo-nazism garbage

when you have to resort to lies as you are doing, you know you have a weak position