Official Novichok Dissent Thread

2) The nerve agent was analyzed and announced to be "military grade nerve agent
3) The UK government hasn't released a full report of their test results

This isn't a trial in a court of law.
I ask you, what information do you have that justifies not accepting their verdict? Or is this just another example of you choosing to reject an authority's statement without a good reason?
Nerve agents kill in minutes, there is no recovery. The British government are lying cunts, try living here.
Wouldn't a random fuck up affect random people? Does your conspiracy theory of a fuck up and cover up also include deliberately contaminating the door to their house? This seems a pretty flimsy hypothesis.

I sense that you are skeptical about the government story rather than cynical about it. I'm skeptical too. I'm skeptical that the British government is covering something up. I think we both can agree that we simply don't have the enough facts to conclusively claim anything.

As with the Bay of Pigs, we will know more later. Right now, I consider the sources claiming British cover up: moonofalabama, rt, sputnik, Putin, infowars, @ttystikk and my level of skepticism about this being a British cover up shoots way up.
What I am truly wondering about is the Justice Democrat' s 1.7mill dollars.
Nerve agents kill in minutes, there is no recovery. The British government are lying cunts, try living here.
I get that governments lie. I also agree that nothing has been proven. Its just that I look at the people and sources claiming it was a UK government cover-up and blanch at ever agreeing with them.

The complexity in the argument for cover up is harder for me to accept compared to one that says Putin murdered his own people again.
I get that governments lie. I also agree that nothing has been proven. Its just that I look at the people an sources claiming it was a UK government cover-up and blanch at ever agreeing with them.

The complexity in the argument for cover up is harder for me to accept compared to one that says Putin murdered his own people again.
I just have the feeling if Putin wants someone dead, then know... actually die?
I just have the feeling if Putin wants someone dead, then know... actually die?
Yup, me too. But what if keeping them from speaking or defecting is the real goal and he can get in a way that will garner the support of a thousand useful idiots?

You should watch the video.
Yup, me too. But what if keeping them from speaking or defecting is the real goal and he can get in a way that will garner the support of a thousand useful idiots?

You should watch the video.
I'm open to settling on "could've been fuckery" or "you're over applying logic to these situations when world leaders are just dangerously stupid and got lucky a few times then held onto power by force".
I just have the feeling if Putin wants someone dead, then know... actually die?
A Brief History of Attempted Russian Assassinations by Poison

The Russian opposition politician Vladimir Kara-Murza holds a distinction he would probably like to do without: He has survived attempted assassination by poison not once, but twice.

The first incident came in 2015, when he suddenly fell ill during a meeting. “In the space of about 20 minutes, I went from feeling completely normal to having a rapid heart rate, really high blood pressure, to sweating and vomiting all over the place, and then I lost consciousness,” Kara-Murza told the New York Times in 2016. Doctors told him he had been poisoned.

Then, in 2017, it happened again. “I knew straightaway what it was because this was the second time in two years that this happened, and it, and it began almost identically in the same way,” Kara-Murza told NBC.

His doctors have told him he likely won’t survive a third attempt.

In the heat of the 2004 presidential election in Ukraine, then-candidate Viktor Yushchenko suddenly fell ill and disappeared from the campaign trail. When he reappeared, his face was disfigured, the result of what his doctors described as a near-fatal dose of dioxin.

Yushchenko, a pro-Western candidate, would go on to win the highly contested election that culminated in widespread street protests in support of him, dubbed the Orange Revolution. While responsibility for his poisoning has never been definitively established, suspicion immediately fell on Russian and Ukrainian security services.

There are other examples. Neither a belief in invincibility of Putin or examples of times their attempts failed, prove anything.
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Time to drag this ****OFFICIAL**** therad up again.

Since we last visited another two people have been poisoned by novichok. One of them died. The source of the poisoning was a bottle that was likely discarded after the assassins used it to poison the Skripals and was found by the next two people poisoned.

Mr. Putin and @ttystikk say that this is clearly a Western provocation as was the election season hacking, Syrian chemical weapon use, Olympic doping, shooting down of Malaysia flight 17, etc., etc., etc.. And all of it is meant to discredit Mr. Putin - the democratic leader and landslide winner of the latest free and fair election in Russia.

Clearly any evidence that the bottle gives will be useless because RT is a fair and impartial source. Not to mention moonofbalamalama, Jimmy Dore, Caitlyn Johnstone, BBQ Becky and some random half-heard radio stories.
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Time to drag this ****OFFICIAL**** therad up again.

Since we last visited another two people have been poisoned by novichok. One of them died. The source of the poisoning was a bottle that was likely discarded after the assassins used it to poison the Skripals and was found by the next two people poisoned.

Mr. Putin and @ttystikk say that this is clearly a Western provocation as was the election season hacking, Syrian chemical weapon use, Olympic doping, shooting down of Malaysia flight 17, etc., etc., etc.. And all of it is meant to discredit Mr. Putin - the democratic leader and landslide winner of the latest free and fair election in Russia.

Clearly any evidence that the bottle gives will be useless because RT is a fair and impartial source. Not to mention moonofbalamalama, Jimmy Dore, Caitlyn Johnstone, BBQ Becky and some random half-heard radio stories.
i was gonna bump this thread upon news of the death too but figured tty would just dream up some more fantastic lies and putin apologism so didn't bother
A bottle with a certain amount of residue at least was found in their home. Probably put there by the Mossad if the OP is right.
fucking jews

saul alinsky, george soros, mossad, hasbara cucks, you name them.

everything is the fault of the jews

i was gonna bump this thread upon news of the death too but figured tty would just dream up some more fantastic lies and putin apologism so didn't bother

Did you even do the homework?

The most curious issue of the current case is that it happened Saturday morning. A lot of local emergency action took place since then. But news of the incident emerged only early today. None of the pieces I read explains the four days long lack of reporting. The British government obviously issued a D-notice and prohibited all news of the case until early today and now prohibits to explain the censoring.



British Government Peddles Warmed Over Novichok Muck
It seems that Theresa May felt a need to stoke some more Russia hate:

Just as the World Cup had forced the British media to grudgingly acknowledge the obvious truth that Russia is an extremely interesting country inhabited, like everywhere else, by mostly pleasant and attractive people, we have a screaming reprise of the “Salisbury incident” dominating the British media.
Did you even do the homework?

The most curious issue of the current case is that it happened Saturday morning. A lot of local emergency action took place since then. But news of the incident emerged only early today. None of the pieces I read explains the four days long lack of reporting. The British government obviously issued a D-notice and prohibited all news of the case until early today and now prohibits to explain the censoring.



British Government Peddles Warmed Over Novichok Muck
It seems that Theresa May felt a need to stoke some more Russia hate:

Just as the World Cup had forced the British media to grudgingly acknowledge the obvious truth that Russia is an extremely interesting country inhabited, like everywhere else, by mostly pleasant and attractive people, we have a screaming reprise of the “Salisbury incident” dominating the British media.
Intolerant liberal. I am declaring a D-notice on your ass.