second grow: closet cfl/hps


Well-Known Member
Well damn man....i would kill someone....that just sucks..But why would they take the bong? Was it a good one? and did they steal any tvs or anything?


Well-Known Member
Ay man what's up .....long time .... My lap top is down and I got in a lil car accident on sunday so I kinda in a lil mess.....still had to come check up on ur girls....sorry to hear that you lost least they didn't take all....just be careful bro..... They coming along nicely....will hit ya a pic or. Two of my lil grow when I get back my laptop... The outdoor grow is no longer....batchacks (leaf cutter ants) came one night and stripped it to stalk....looks like a stick in the ground now .....never even knew if it was a he or she.... There maaaay be a lil hope it has like 2 lil leaves on it maybe it will ketch back.the indoor one is doing ok. Just kinda worried about them not getting watered as I am kinda injured but gotta take care of the kids u know ? Lol ne ways take it easy


Well-Known Member
Well damn man....i would kill someone....that just sucks..But why would they take the bong? Was it a good one? and did they steal any tvs or anything?
they took my really good camera, my bong, (which was awesome) a really nice 1 footer, and the money that was sitting on the table...

Ay man what's up .....long time .... My lap top is down and I got in a lil car accident on sunday so I kinda in a lil mess.....still had to come check up on ur girls....sorry to hear that you lost least they didn't take all....just be careful bro..... They coming along nicely....will hit ya a pic or. Two of my lil grow when I get back my laptop... The outdoor grow is no longer....batchacks (leaf cutter ants) came one night and stripped it to stalk....looks like a stick in the ground now .....never even knew if it was a he or she.... There maaaay be a lil hope it has like 2 lil leaves on it maybe it will ketch back.the indoor one is doing ok. Just kinda worried about them not getting watered as I am kinda injured but gotta take care of the kids u know ? Lol ne ways take it easy

thanks man i appreciate it, i hope you get your laptop back soon


Well-Known Member
well..that sucks..its not like you can go to the cops either..i feel for ya..might i suggest you invest in a firearm?


Active Member
Dude, im so sorry to hear about what happened. I havent been on in a little while and I came to check what was going on and such bad news. But shit happens, sometimes you have to eat it and move on. Your lucky you even have any of them left. Back when I was in college a few years ago, me and my roomate were trying to grow some babies, and some kids broke into our place, took our only two plants which were clones, as well as my bong, two bubblers, a nice grinder and about a half o. It was one of the worst days ever, but they didnt get my $500. But moral of the story, be careful always keep your shit locked and enjoy what you still have left. Either way, your babies are looking great!


Active Member
Oh, and I wanted to ask, you said you have them in a closet right? With no air filters or anything? Mine are the same way but they are starting to stink up my whole room and im getting a little worried about it. Do you or anyone else on this for that matter know a good way to kill some of that yummy smell???


Well-Known Member
i use a big bucket of febreeze with a little exhaust fan cut into it and holes poked around the top it makes the whole place smell like febreeze

plus i have a couple odor eaters in the closet


Well-Known Member
...................sooooo jeleous*..lookin good though...if i come trick or treating at your house, will you give me bud instead of candy?


Well-Known Member
damn man i just read through your journal and real nice work on the plants! I hope mine turn anywhere near those. Some shitty shit about what happened also dude, but least you still have a couple left! anyway keep up the great work for sure


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for stopin buy jesus! stick around and see the final product

god i cant wait to cut these bitches down...

i just wanna get it over with
im still pissed about losing two, and seeing these girls just reminds me like every day

plus i wanna try my hand at aeroponics and cloning

but im waiting to move outta here untill i grow again



Well-Known Member
haha yea man i know what you mean! We just put ours into flower today so soon enough, but soon can't get here soon enough lol. Anyway i updated couple of pics before i put them into flower tonight. Check em out lemme know what you think :joint: put a link to the journal in mah signature.



Active Member
they are looking great man. I cant wait to see the final product. How do you know when the plants are ready to be harvested?