Well-Known Member
Russia announces that the US will withdraw from the INF treaty, funny how they know what tRUmp is going to do before we do, MAGA.
Which party tells Hispanic looking people to go back to Mexico?
Most cases investigated by the FBI end with the arrest of white men.
It's always the white men that are the assholes when it comes to racism.Yup, there is a lot of white folk out there. So there should always be more whites arrested, numbers say so.
Yet, even with numbers, not all the races have equal balance in population to crime/incarceration rates. Weird.
Are you sure one party or the other doesn’t want to deport even legal immigrants?Individuals say this, but I know of not one party that has a go back to Mexico policy with Hispanic looking people.
I think you just mad.
It proves NO COLLUSION!!!What a surprise, russians.
The whole tiny hand thing is so strange. The actual quote that started this called him a "short-fingered vulgarian". But I'll take it.A real ad lol, fun fact, 1/3 of the woman in the USA have larger hands than the orange turd lol.
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The whole tiny hand thing is so strange. The actual quote that started this called him a "short-fingered vulgarian". But I'll take it.
Speaking of "hand size"..I was comparing first lady hands. I believes Michelle Obama's are much larger.
Awful Slovenian tit-job.That eastern European whore has hands the size of a baseball glove , wow. Don't really care for her nude pics or porn movies, too many male attributes.