Well-Known Member
Google has labeled diagrams of both, go ahead, show me how reading is done.If you only that easy. Reading through this thread its pretty obvious you either refuse or simply cannot grasp science.
Google has labeled diagrams of both, go ahead, show me how reading is done.If you only that easy. Reading through this thread its pretty obvious you either refuse or simply cannot grasp science.
If you follow his channel you would know that he doesn't like led's.I get that he sells both. My friend also owns a hydro store, and loves selling LEDs because it's a better profit margin and he knows they will be back to buy a differant led and then on and on. He literally laughs about it.
Just my perspective after watching the video, like I said, it's well put together, but the order he did things, way he said things, and the things tested gives me the impression it was never truly ment to be a fair test.
I never really see temps 10f over ambient, that's just crazy to me. As you see in my data a few posts up
K guess that was just my impression then. Anyways still think this video is a little suspicious. Hes def overstating the heat generated, I never see numbers like that. Everyone I know swears by moving more air, and its proven over an over to work. And when a few parts come into question, it all comes into question.If you follow his channel you would know that he doesn't like led's.
My mate runs a hydro store to. He has no LED's.
HID(MH and HPS)bulbs do not have filaments. They have arc tubes. Your bro science does not apply here.Dude a lightbulb is literally a filament surrounded by gas encased in glass. A heater is a filament. In both cases electricity is used to heat the filament. What about that is wrong. Point it out.
lol ok dude. So we are changing the name in a bigger application but it still is what it is.HID(MH and HPS)bulbs do not have filaments. They have arc tubes. Your bro science does not apply here.
if they both use 1000 watts and both produce the same heat. Where does the light energy the HID bulb produces come from? Be careful now, the LOTCE is in play here. And it's a law that cannot be ok dude. So we are changing the name in a bigger application but it still is what it is.
A 1000 watt hps makes the same amount of heat as a 1000 watt room heater and it's basic structure is nearly identical so split hairs all you want it doesn't change anything
You dont seem to understand and that's ok. Theres likely no way I can convince you, and you'll probably continue saying bro science to anything.if they both use 1000 watts and both produce the same heat. Where does the light energy the HID bulb produces come from? Be careful now, the LOTCE is in play here. And it's a law that cannot be broken.
Everyone get ready to be wowed by bro science.
It does. Put it in a sealed area with a thermo meter and turn it on. Are you kidding me? Hahahahah oh man your a riotSo you cannot logically answer. I'm not surprised. Tell me this. Why does a 1000watt inline fan not produce very much heat?
Light is still heat...
Conservation of Energy. You need to understand this very basic rule. It's real science.
It's the efficiency of a particular type of bulb that dictates how much heat and how much light it produces at a given wattage.
Light is still heat...
I call BS on that
All light carries heat. Still heat and light are two different forms of energy. 1000 watts can create only a certain amount of each. When it comes to lighting the heat emitted by a certain type light is directly related to how efficiently it can produce light.
I call BS on that
Yeah none of that applies to the conversation a 1000w light that is 60% effecient will produce the same heat as a 1000w that is 40% effecientPhysics say different.
Light is electromagnetic radiation. Heat is a form of energy transfer. Light will produce heat when absorbed, heat can in turn produce light (see Black body). But the two are different.
if they both use 1000 watts and both produce the same heat. Where does the light energy the HID bulb produces come from? Be careful now, the LOTCE is in play here. And it's a law that cannot be broken.
Everyone get ready to be wowed by bro science.