Canadian cannabis workers targeted by U.S. border guards for lifetime bans

My Canadian step dad got his American citizenship specifically so he could no longer be hassled at the border.

He doesn't do anything with cannabis except smoke it legally in Colorado.

Such is the level of insanity in this country these days.

I'm weighing my options to leave, myself.

I suspect that all the barriers to entry and exit are there to make sure Americans don't hear about how much better things could be...
My Canadian step dad got his American citizenship specifically so he could no longer be hassled at the border.

He doesn't do anything with cannabis except smoke it legally in Colorado.

Such is the level of insanity in this country these days.

I'm weighing my options to leave, myself.

I suspect that all the barriers to entry and exit are there to make sure Americans don't hear about how much better things could be...
Since he's Canadian, that should give you dual citizenship automatically no?

My son was born here but I was born in Uruguay and became a citizen here. He can move to Uruguay no problem and have dual citizenship.
It's an extremely broken society. Getting worse by the month imo. Glad I have zero to do with the place.
The backlash is coming, even if it's not soon enough for us.

All this batshit crazy bullshit is the last hurrah at the extreme(ist) end of the pendulum swing and we'll start seeing a strong turn to the Left soon. The signs are there, including encouraging signs that Progressives are making inroads into the Democratic Party, even while party insiders are kicking and screaming the whole way.

The main political issue dividing the country isn't abortion or even wealth inequality, it's the needs and desires of rural vs urban populations. That's barely been addressed, let alone resolved. Divisive leaders (like Chump) will keep exploiting that split for personal and political gain as long as Americans let them.
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