You lot complain about Trump and US politics?

and if you tell me about meth, I will listen as well. Why does that shit make you pick at your face ? Does meth prevent one from having children. Does it fuck up your appetite? Is it really as easy to make as they say. Why do people do that shit. Is the rush like cocaine.
Oh I also hear you are an expert with crack as well. Do you prefer meth of crack ? What is the most meth you have done in one sitting. What about crack. Which one you think made your poor bones so brittle ?

Well I have said many times but will repeat it again for your forgetful tired brain.

I quit meth in high school. It was a very different drug than the one you re referring to. We did crystal meth from the old bikers.

I quit cocaine in 1999. Crack is also a nasty dirty slightly different drug. We freebased the good old stuff.

Meth was nasty to be on. But very addictive. Coke was so much fun but my real coke addiction was for sex on it. Lots of girls around back then.

As far as brittle bones. I crashed a motorcycle at over 100mph and broke no bones. Did radical sprain my right leg though. I was down for a year in my 20’s.

What fun have you ever had? You sound like a conservative grandpa.
Well I have said many times but will repeat it again for your forgetful tired brain.

I quit meth in high school. It was a very different drug than the one you re referring to. We did crystal meth from the old bikers.

I quit cocaine in 1999. Crack is also a nasty dirty slightly different drug. We freebased the good old stuff.

Meth was nasty to be on. But very addictive. Coke was so much fun but my real coke addiction was for sex on it. Lots of girls around back then.

As far as brittle bones. I crashed a motorcycle at over 100mph and broke no bones. Did radical sprain my right leg though. I was down for a year in my 20’s.

What fun have you ever had? You sound like a conservative grandpa.
He's a semitic hater. Says it's okay because he's Jewish.
Well I have said many times but will repeat it again for your forgetful tired brain.

I quit meth in high school. It was a very different drug than the one you re referring to. We did crystal meth from the old bikers.

I quit cocaine in 1999. Crack is also a nasty dirty slightly different drug. We freebased the good old stuff.

Meth was nasty to be on. But very addictive. Coke was so much fun but my real coke addiction was for sex on it. Lots of girls around back then.

As far as brittle bones. I crashed a motorcycle at over 100mph and broke no bones. Did radical sprain my right leg though. I was down for a year in my 20’s.

What fun have you ever had? You sound like a conservative grandpa.
I once crashed my motorcycle, but it was not fun.
While you were during fucking hard drugs all your life, I was serving this country and traveling the world.
Fun.. try partying in Tokyo, no cocaine needed. I also enjoy fishing in Alaska. Swimming butt naked in Talofofo Falls. Scuba diving in Hawaii. Kicking it in Jamaica smoking some of the best weed to this very day. Hell you never tasted wine until done so in Naples. Before I cross trained my job in the USAF detailed me jumping out a plane. I had to learn to embrace that shit. Never could wrap my head around jumping out a perfectly flying aircraft...but oh what a fucking rush. Again no cocaine needed
I once crashed my motorcycle, but it was not fun.
While you were during fucking hard drugs all your life, I was serving this country and traveling the world.
Fun.. try partying in Tokyo, no cocaine needed. I also enjoy fishing in Alaska. Swimming butt naked in Talofofo Falls. Scuba diving in Hawaii. Kicking it in Jamaica smoking some of the best weed to this very day. Hell you never tasted wine until done so in Naples. Before I cross trained my job in the USAF detailed me jumping out a plane. I had to learn to embrace that shit. Never could wrap my head around jumping out a perfectly flying aircraft...but oh what a fucking rush. Again no cocaine needed
So angry and bitter now though.

So angry and bitter now though.


He thinks he is better and smarter than me so I played with him for a while. He now parrots bucks nasty lies about me and is ashamed to have had to resort to such childish measures to pretend to win.

He is firmly in Bucks camp now.

Six figure income from laundromats and a cleaners. Lol.

That’s a lot of quarters!

And comparing his lifestyle when he was a kid to my active one now. Cmon. I spend my days playing in the forest. Before that I climbed and snowboarded many peaks in Colorado.

What bothers me most is we are in a weed site and I quit chemicals half my life ago and they keep saying I didn’t.

So much for support for the main reason we are here.

Really hateful folk they are. And with no actual self esteem only behind the screen guts.

So angry and bitter now though.

angry and bitter.
Damn your judgement on ones emotion is just as horrible as your child rearing skills.
I would be bitter and anger if I was a wimp of a man and could not take care of my child that I create.
My biggest pride in myself is being a wonderful father, even better when my kids tell me. They have on numerous occasion , so I have to believe them. Have your daughter told you she loves you and how wonderful you are as a father for doing all the things you do for her. What you get for fathers day. My oldest got me a wire brush for my grill and a steak package from Omaha steaks. My second blessed me with two Angel fish for my salt water aquarium. My son 50 gift card ( he a boy what you expect).
again you received ??
He thinks he is better and smarter than me so I played with him for a while. He now parrots bucks nasty lies about me and is ashamed to have had to resort to such childish measures to pretend to win.

He is firmly in Bucks camp now.

Six figure income from laundromats and a cleaners. Lol.

That’s a lot of quarters!

And comparing his lifestyle when he was a kid to my active one now. Cmon. I spend my days playing in the forest. Before that I climbed and snowboarded many peaks in Colorado.

What bothers me most is we are in a weed site and I quit chemicals half my life ago and they keep saying I didn’t.

So much for support for the main reason we are here.

Really hateful folk they are. And with no actual self esteem only behind the screen guts.


Lol, most laundry mats are open 24/7/365 London would only need to clear two hundred and seventy three dollars a day make six figures, peanuts. No wonder you never amounted to anything but a burned out meth dealer, sad.
He thinks he is better and smarter than me so I played with him for a while. He now parrots bucks nasty lies about me and is ashamed to have had to resort to such childish measures to pretend to win.

He is firmly in Bucks camp now.

Six figure income from laundromats and a cleaners. Lol.

That’s a lot of quarters!

And comparing his lifestyle when he was a kid to my active one now. Cmon. I spend my days playing in the forest. Before that I climbed and snowboarded many peaks in Colorado.

What bothers me most is we are in a weed site and I quit chemicals half my life ago and they keep saying I didn’t.

So much for support for the main reason we are here.

Really hateful folk they are. And with no actual self esteem only behind the screen guts.

"Hate costs plenty, love would have been free"
I can't remember the name of the song that comes from, but I dig the thought!
He thinks he is better and smarter than me so I played with him for a while. He now parrots bucks nasty lies about me and is ashamed to have had to resort to such childish measures to pretend to win.

He is firmly in Bucks camp now.

Six figure income from laundromats and a cleaners. Lol.

That’s a lot of quarters!

And comparing his lifestyle when he was a kid to my active one now. Cmon. I spend my days playing in the forest. Before that I climbed and snowboarded many peaks in Colorado.

What bothers me most is we are in a weed site and I quit chemicals half my life ago and they keep saying I didn’t.

So much for support for the main reason we are here.

Really hateful folk they are. And with no actual self esteem only behind the screen guts.

I suggest you look into how much two laundromats can make. One can make you anywhere between 40-65 yearly Then add in a cleaners. Should I mention my pension. Please stop showing how little you know. It makes you sound so jelly.
Why do you keep saying I'm better and smarter than you?
By the why what is it you do for a living beside playing in the forest. Seem like you have only been to 3 places in your boring ass life. Colorado, NJ, and MI.
I got a Vegas trip coming up in August once the kiddies are back in school. Want to hook up? but please don't try to get me to do meth or coke. Strictly weed for me
Lol, most laundry mats are open 24/7/365 London would only need to clear two hundred and seventy three dollars a day make six figures, peanuts. No wonder you never amounted to anything but a burned out meth dealer, sad.
Thank you
I actually don't run it 24/7. I did try it, could not keep it staffed and was losing a lot of money due to fuck faces breaking in the machines early on. I do offer a drop off clean and fold service. that shit helps. Why do some hate quarters on RIU. Take it to the bank and it is all dollars.
Lol, most laundry mats are open 24/7/365 London would only need to clear two hundred and seventy three dollars a day make six figures, peanuts. No wonder you never amounted to anything but a burned out meth dealer, sad.

Not even close with costs and maintenance. And most laundromats are not open 24 hrs.

I ran car dealerships for many years. You don’t seem to understand business.
I suggest you look into how much two laundromats can make. One can make you anywhere between 40-65 yearly Then add in a cleaners. Should I mention my pension. Please stop showing how little you know. It makes you sound so jelly.
Why do you keep saying I'm better and smarter than you?
By the why what is it you do for a living beside playing in the forest. Seem like you have only been to 3 places in your boring ass life. Colorado, NJ, and MI.
I got a Vegas trip coming up in August once the kiddies are back in school. Want to hook up? but please don't try to get me to do meth or coke. Strictly weed for me

I’m a caregiver now. We grow medical weed and make edibles here. I live on the donations. I exercise to try to keep my colon illness at bay as best I can. I can’t get out quite often regardless. I was born with a deformity in my abdomen that was never diagnosed as a child. It caused chronic problems there is no real solution too in my late 30’s. I have some other illnesses as well.

I bled out when I was 28 from a burst diverticula at the thin poorly developed part of my colon. I worked more than a decade after that but ended up very sick. I still have not applied for permanent disability. I want to get better and go back to work. But it isn’t likely anymore.

I am pretty sure you would think very differently about me than you post if we met. If you didn’t try to play me and actually listened. And had not repeated the lies about me we could have had good conversations I think.

I really don’t know what your problem is with talking down to people. If you are proud of your accomplishments why do you need to talk down to others. Success precludes doing that.

I live a simple honest life and have learned to live with much less than what I was working for in my career.

For me. It’s much better out here in the woods. I had enough of population and payments.

Also I grew up around Atlantic City. I have grown to hate casinos and gambling. But it was fun when we got comps from the pit bosses we sold cars to.
I honestly don't know what's funnier, the meltdown in the UK where EVERYONE has told May her plan is a joke that will not be accepted, and The Donald has said that there won't be a UK-US trade deal, one of THE biggest arguments in favour of Brexit, if she goes down that path, or the bitching here.
he was a used car salesman for a while. in case you couldn't tell by his charming personality

You're criticizing personalities? Lol dude.

I ran all the different departments at different times in the front end of a multi franchise and multi location new car and truck dealership.

I also sales managed a few smaller private franchise and used car dealerships.

I have trained hundreds of salespeople. And I won an award from GM for most lease profit from a dealer in the country and was flown out to do a presentation for the company execs.

You post propoganda and sometimes install windows I hear.

Know what a car manager could make in the 90’s? I was younger than you then.

So much for all your theories about me and my life. You are really just a blogger.