You lot complain about Trump and US politics?

STOP. What about your comment that the gray eagle is not a UCAV.
Now you trying to change up your argument and still failing. Dude you a fucking joke
Okay, don't believe me when I say that unmanned air to air combat aircraft aren't already in testing.

It won't be my funeral.
Fool you don't even know what an UCAV is. Please STFU
Intolerant Liberal telling people to shut up again.

No respect for constitutional rights, no ability to have an open debate without screaming epithets.

Ok, it drops bombs. If that's the definition of combat, fine.

I notice you've been working awfully hard at ignoring my point that unmanned dogfighters are on the way.

One and a half TRILLION FUCKING DOLLARS would be a lot better spent on that than a piece of shit that will spend more time in the maintenance hangar than the flight line.

I'm talking about value for dollars spent.

You are arguing over semantics.

If you're as smart as you say, impress us.
Intolerant Liberal telling people to shut up again.

No respect for constitutional rights, no ability to have an open debate without screaming epithets.

Ok, it drops bombs. If that's the definition of combat, fine.

I notice you've been working awfully hard at ignoring my point that unmanned dogfighters are on the way.

One and a half TRILLION FUCKING DOLLARS would be a lot better spent on that than a piece of shit that will spend more time in the maintenance hangar than the flight line.

I'm talking about value for dollars spent.

You are arguing over semantics.

If you're as smart as you say, impress us.
Please quote where I said I was so smart. Must be you feeling that way about me. lol thanks
Not trying to impress some guy who can't even be a man and raise his child
I would just rather exercise my constitution right of free speech and tell you to STFU.
You don't have to because that is your right to look like a fool.
Oh let me know when we have that UCAV that can dog fight a F35 or the F22
Please quote where I said I was so smart. Must be you feeling that way about me. lol thanks
Not trying to impress some guy who can't even be a man and raise his child
I would just rather exercise my constitution right of free speech and tell you to STFU.
You don't have to because that is your right to look like a fool.
Oh let me know when we have that UCAV that can dog fight a F35 or the F22
They're on the drawing board or already in testing.

Telling others to shut up only advertises that you have no good arguments.

But we knew that already.
They're on the drawing board or already in testing.

Telling others to shut up only advertises that you have no good arguments.

But we knew that already.
Well when you say stupid shit like the MQ-1C Gray Eagle is not an UCAV why should I argue with a dumb ass. Just like this guy telling me that the UN army has recruiting offices.
Here is some homework for you. Find the max ceiling for any UCAV then compare it to the max ceiling of the F35 or F22. Then STFU please
Well when you say stupid shit like the MQ-1C Gray Eagle is not an UCAV why should I argue with a dumb ass. Just like this guy telling me that the UN army has recruiting offices.
Here is some homework for you. Find the max ceiling for any UCAV then compare it to the max ceiling of the F35 or F22. Then STFU please
Intolerant Liberal.

Is your terminal inability to think the reason why you couldn't get an aeronautical engineering job?

By all means, keep arguing semantics.
Intolerant Liberal.

Is your terminal inability to think the reason why you couldn't get an aeronautical engineering job?

By all means, keep arguing semantics.
When I got out the military I was offered a 6 figure income in the tower/flight line. I turned it down because I felt I could do it with my own business, so did my wife. Two laundromats and a cleaners later I am.
Now what do you do for a living
are you crying ?
He's just getting defensive about his not dealing with his issues, be it emotional, drugs, laziness, I don't know. All I know is we can't bring the subject of his abandoned daughter up without him getting all angry and histrionic in his replies.
He's just getting defensive about his not dealing with his issues, be it emotional, drugs, laziness, I don't know. All I know is we can't bring the subject of his abandoned daughter up without him getting all angry and histrionic in his replies.
And you have lost the argument.

Thanks for your concession, Intolerant Liberal