Religion was invented to control the masses.
I think there is a little difference between making rules like you can't kill people or steal and telling people there is a invisible being that knows everything and will punish you if you brake any rules.
Most cases investigated by the FBI end with the arrest of white men.So a black woman attacks a hispanic man while telling him to go back to his country, and Im getting the feeling you white to blame whites and Trumpers for the attack.
Hate crimes are up in California. Whats changed? All the people with money are leaving, so who's moving in thats causing a stir?
Tales from the heartland, Part 7.
Last night I was out when the news that Stormy Daniels was arrested nearby broke and I received an alert on my phone. I read the story to a friend while out in public including the part where her lawyer claimed that the arrest was politically motivated. An older gentleman standing next to us asked "how could it be politically motivated?" I said, it could be an attempt to discredit her.
"But she discredited herself years ago", he said
I replied, "Yeah, but then our President slept with her anyway."
"But that was ten years ago!" he protested.
end scene.
Which party tells Hispanic looking people to go back to Mexico?So the black lady that started the fight is a republican?
Whining, duh!Karma is a bitch sometimes lol, MAGA.
So the black lady that started the fight is a republican?
So what about the 90% of your party that is telling Hispanic people, whether Mexican or not, to go back to Mexico?No, she is just a racist.
Now you're just being stupid.
I'm not a religious person at all, but I also don't spew complete bullshit. Yes, God created man in his own image, but he also gave them free will. His hope was that they would do as they were told because they loved and respected Him.
Sound familiar? It's the typical dream of any father - that his children listen to him, heed his advice and be productive and righteous people.
That's the struggle of life and the story the Bible tries to tell. If you're too ignorant to see it for what it is, best to simply ignore it and not discuss it at all.
You don't even need to break any rules, you're damned from birth
"ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God..."
Karma is a bitch sometimes lol, MAGA.