Jordan Peterson

Where in that article does anyone blame Jews?

From the article;

"Cultural Marxism is the Marxist dialectic fused with Freudian theory and applied to identity and culture. Like all forms of Marxism, it is based upon categorizing people into abstract groups and then creating a narrative of historical oppression between them. The strategy of Marxists is always to cultivate a victimized group and then convince its members that solidarity is required against the oppressors. This creates resentment and hatred and is how Marxist ideologies fulfill their revolutionary objectives."

So, you're still doubling down on JP is an anti-semite and yet he vigorously denounces anti-semitism while explaining that Jewish people are the most intelligent people, and are rightly so a higher percentage of millionaires and geniuses? That's what you're going with?
So now you’re arguing cultural Marxism, which Jordan Peterson peddles, isn’t an anti Semitic conspiracy theory ?

Fuck an a, didn’t think anyone could be that fucking stupid
"So let’s take apart the far-right claims:

First, psychologically speaking: why do the reactionary conspiracy theorists even bother? This is a straightforward matter. If you’re misguided enough to play identity politics, whether on the left or the right, then you require a victim (in the right-wing case, European culture or some variant) and a perpetrator (Jews). Otherwise you can’t play the game (a YouTube video I made explicating the rules can be found here). Once you determine to play, however, you benefit in a number of ways. You can claim responsibility for the accomplishments of your group you feel racially/ethnically akin to without actually having to accomplish anything yourself. That’s convenient. You can identify with the hypothetical victimization of that group and feel sorry for yourself and pleased at your compassion simultaneously. Another unearned victory. You simplify your world radically, as well. All the problems you face now have a cause, and a single one, so you can dispense with the unpleasant difficulty of thinking things through in detail. Bonus. Furthermore, and most reprehensibly: you now have someone to hate (and, what’s worse, with a good conscience) so your unrecognized resentment and cowardly and incompetent failure to deal with the world forthrightly can find a target, and you can feel morally superior in your consequent persecution (see Germany, Nazi for further evidence and information).

Second, in what manner (if any) are such claims true? Well, Jews are genuinely over-represented in positions of authority, competence and influence. New York Jews, in particular, snap up a disproportionate number of Nobel prizes (see this Times of Israel article), and Jews are disproportionately eligible for admission at elite universities, where they, along with Asians, tend to be discriminated against (see this Newsweek article). It’s possible that we should be happy about this, rather than annoyed: is the fact that smart people are working hard for our mutual advancement really something to feel upset? What, exactly, is the preferable alternative? In any case, the radical/identity-politics right wingers regard such accomplishment as evidence of a conspiracy. It hardly needs to be said that although conspiracies do occasionally occur, conspiracy theories are the lowest form of intellectual enterprise. Is there another, more credible explanation? Yes. Three well-documented factors in fact appear to be at play:

a) The significantly higher than average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews (see this article in the Economist for a credible layman’s analysis; for a scientific take (one of many) see Gregory Cochran’s work: abstract and full paper). Consider that IQ is the most powerful single determinant of long-term socioeconomic success and influence (my lab has published on this issue). Consider also that the effect of a mean or average difference in IQ is dramatically increased at the tails of the distribution, so that a 10-15 point difference produces increasingly large inequalities in group representation in proportion to the degree that a given job requires higher general cognitive ability. This means that proportional Jewish over-representation increases as the demand for IQ increases. Simply put: if a very complex job or role requires an IQ of 145, three standard deviations above the mean and characteristic of less than one percent of the general population, then a group with a higher average IQ will be exceptionally over-represented in such enterprises.

b) The relationship between IQ and Big Five trait Openness to Experience. Openness to Experience is one of the five cardinal personality traits (Wikipedia will fill you in rapidly if you need more info). Openness to Experience has often been considered the reflection of general cognitive ability or intelligence in personality. It’s what you are referring to when you describe someone as thoughtful, smart, artistic or philosophical. People with high IQs tend overwhelmingly to be higher in trait Openness to Experience (particularly in the Openness to Experience aspect of Intellect (Dr. Colin DeYoung’s lab spearheaded a paper on this issue).

c) The relationship between Openness to Experience and political liberalism: Political affiliation is importantly associated with personality. Conservatives/right-wingers tend to be high in Conscientiousness (particularly in the Conscientiousness aspect of Orderliness) and low in Openness to Experience while liberals/left-wingers tend to have the reverse pattern (low Conscientiousness (particularly aspect Orderliness) and high Openness to Experience. The story is somewhat more complicated than that (which we also reviewed), but that covers the basics.

So, what’s the story? No conspiracy. Get it? No conspiracy. Jewish people are over-represented in positions of competence and authority because, as a group, they have a higher mean IQ. The effect of this group difference (approximately the difference between the typical high school student and the typical state college student) is magnified for occupations/interests that require high general cognitive ability. Equal over-representation may also occur in political movements associated with the left, because high IQ is associated with Openness to Experience, which is in turn associated with liberal/left-leaning political proclivities.

There is no evidence whatsoever that Ashkenazi Jews are over-represented in any occupations/interests for reasons other than intelligence and the associated effects of intelligence on personality and political belief. Thus, no conspiratorial claims based on ethnic identity need to be given credence."

- Jordan "Not an antisemite" Peterson

Why would someone who is anti-semetic go out of his way to condemn anti-semitism and explain how there is no Jewish conspiracy to take over America, Jewish people are just smart.

You are a stupid person.
Just stop engaging with him. Responses fuel his fire. You're not going to convince him otherwise, there's no point to responding to him. You've already won the hearts and minds. Let this guy finally die off into obscurity.

I don't care about your response to this post, Buck. Don't waste your time. I don't even read them. Nobody does.
"So let’s take apart the far-right claims:

First, psychologically speaking: why do the reactionary conspiracy theorists even bother? This is a straightforward matter. If you’re misguided enough to play identity politics, whether on the left or the right, then you require a victim (in the right-wing case, European culture or some variant) and a perpetrator (Jews). Otherwise you can’t play the game (a YouTube video I made explicating the rules can be found here). Once you determine to play, however, you benefit in a number of ways. You can claim responsibility for the accomplishments of your group you feel racially/ethnically akin to without actually having to accomplish anything yourself. That’s convenient. You can identify with the hypothetical victimization of that group and feel sorry for yourself and pleased at your compassion simultaneously. Another unearned victory. You simplify your world radically, as well. All the problems you face now have a cause, and a single one, so you can dispense with the unpleasant difficulty of thinking things through in detail. Bonus. Furthermore, and most reprehensibly: you now have someone to hate (and, what’s worse, with a good conscience) so your unrecognized resentment and cowardly and incompetent failure to deal with the world forthrightly can find a target, and you can feel morally superior in your consequent persecution (see Germany, Nazi for further evidence and information).

Second, in what manner (if any) are such claims true? Well, Jews are genuinely over-represented in positions of authority, competence and influence. New York Jews, in particular, snap up a disproportionate number of Nobel prizes (see this Times of Israel article), and Jews are disproportionately eligible for admission at elite universities, where they, along with Asians, tend to be discriminated against (see this Newsweek article). It’s possible that we should be happy about this, rather than annoyed: is the fact that smart people are working hard for our mutual advancement really something to feel upset? What, exactly, is the preferable alternative? In any case, the radical/identity-politics right wingers regard such accomplishment as evidence of a conspiracy. It hardly needs to be said that although conspiracies do occasionally occur, conspiracy theories are the lowest form of intellectual enterprise. Is there another, more credible explanation? Yes. Three well-documented factors in fact appear to be at play:

a) The significantly higher than average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews (see this article in the Economist for a credible layman’s analysis; for a scientific take (one of many) see Gregory Cochran’s work: abstract and full paper). Consider that IQ is the most powerful single determinant of long-term socioeconomic success and influence (my lab has published on this issue). Consider also that the effect of a mean or average difference in IQ is dramatically increased at the tails of the distribution, so that a 10-15 point difference produces increasingly large inequalities in group representation in proportion to the degree that a given job requires higher general cognitive ability. This means that proportional Jewish over-representation increases as the demand for IQ increases. Simply put: if a very complex job or role requires an IQ of 145, three standard deviations above the mean and characteristic of less than one percent of the general population, then a group with a higher average IQ will be exceptionally over-represented in such enterprises.

b) The relationship between IQ and Big Five trait Openness to Experience. Openness to Experience is one of the five cardinal personality traits (Wikipedia will fill you in rapidly if you need more info). Openness to Experience has often been considered the reflection of general cognitive ability or intelligence in personality. It’s what you are referring to when you describe someone as thoughtful, smart, artistic or philosophical. People with high IQs tend overwhelmingly to be higher in trait Openness to Experience (particularly in the Openness to Experience aspect of Intellect (Dr. Colin DeYoung’s lab spearheaded a paper on this issue).

c) The relationship between Openness to Experience and political liberalism: Political affiliation is importantly associated with personality. Conservatives/right-wingers tend to be high in Conscientiousness (particularly in the Conscientiousness aspect of Orderliness) and low in Openness to Experience while liberals/left-wingers tend to have the reverse pattern (low Conscientiousness (particularly aspect Orderliness) and high Openness to Experience. The story is somewhat more complicated than that (which we also reviewed), but that covers the basics.

So, what’s the story? No conspiracy. Get it? No conspiracy. Jewish people are over-represented in positions of competence and authority because, as a group, they have a higher mean IQ. The effect of this group difference (approximately the difference between the typical high school student and the typical state college student) is magnified for occupations/interests that require high general cognitive ability. Equal over-representation may also occur in political movements associated with the left, because high IQ is associated with Openness to Experience, which is in turn associated with liberal/left-leaning political proclivities.

There is no evidence whatsoever that Ashkenazi Jews are over-represented in any occupations/interests for reasons other than intelligence and the associated effects of intelligence on personality and political belief. Thus, no conspiratorial claims based on ethnic identity need to be given credence."

- Jordan "Not an antisemite" Peterson

Why would someone who is anti-semetic go out of his way to condemn anti-semitism and explain how there is no Jewish conspiracy to take over America, Jewish people are just smart.

You are a stupid person.

well, none of that rambling and nonsense undoes the fact that jordan peterson peddles cultural marxism, which is an anti-semitic and racist conspiracy theory

also, did he cite greg "homosexuality is an infection" cochran?

jesusfuck your cult is dumb
Just stop engaging with him. Responses fuel his fire. You're not going to convince him otherwise, there's no point to responding to him. You've already won the hearts and minds. Let this guy finally die off into obscurity.

I don't care about your response to this post, Buck. Don't waste your time. I don't even read them. Nobody does.
do you really buy into any of that pseudo-scientific babble he just posted?

of course you do, peterson's crap is tailor-made for angry young whites like you who can;t get laid

so peterson cites gregory cochran, who believes that homosexuality is an infection caused by a pathogen, and who works with noted neo-nazi henry haprending?


you guys are just too much

The Southern Poverty Law Center has documented Harpending's works and statements on race, noting his association with white supremacist groups and referring to his work as an attempt to perpetuate scientific racism. The SPLC notes he attributed stereotypes of different human populations to genetic differences, often saying that Africans, Papua New Guineans, and "Baltimore"[13] (African-Americans) possess the same genetic temperamental predispositions which he said are characterized by "violence, laziness, and a preference for 'mating instead of parenting'",[14] while Europeans and northern Asians "have evolved higher intelligence and 'tend to be more disciplined than people who take life for granted'";[14] he favored mass deportation of illegal immigrants from the United States using FEMA camps as part of the process and did not believe that more money should be spent on education in the United States because he thought the race-based disparities are based on genetics rather than disparities in funding; gave conferences at what the SPLC says are white supremacist groups; and supported eugenics, crediting it in the form of the death penalty for the "genetic pacification" of the western European population.[13]
this gregory cochran guy that peterson likes to cite is an HBD adherent, aka "human biodiversity", a completely racist, white supremacist pseudoscience.

this is the shit that you guys cite?

fucking pathetic shit
Just stop engaging with him. Responses fuel his fire. You're not going to convince him otherwise, there's no point to responding to him. You've already won the hearts and minds. Let this guy finally die off into obscurity.

I don't care about your response to this post, Buck. Don't waste your time. I don't even read them. Nobody does.
Wise words.
gregory cochran: the problem with the black species is that they failed to evolve from the neck up like whites did

jordan peterson: i think i will cite this genius for my thesis on how women are like lobsters
Aww. Are you lonely? Need a shot of your daily negative reinforcement on the Internets? Wookin' pa nub (in all the wrong places)?

It seems, you are the fragile and insecure one. Why are you so mean and evil? Don't you have family to love you? What he says must be true and you're really lonely.

From what I know, "cultural Marxism" is real, and not some "nazi conspiracy." Who except you brought up the jews?

When people talk about cultural Marxism, what they mean, usually, and just because you think only a nazi thinks so, doesn't make it true. Many people who are just as liberal, loving of jews, and actual jews talk about the term cultural Marxism, such as university professors. Not as some code for hating jews, but with the meaning a "culture" or rather proto-culture using Marx's ideas.

But you're right, there's no "culture" of Marxism, since not even USSR was real Marxist, and also Marx didn't believe in culture and thought of "culture" as a base (such as capitalist) and the superstructure of all (in this instance capitalists) who pull on the base and warp it, so the original base no longer looks like the true base.

But did you know Marx was very racist? It's true!

He called his landlord a "nigger jew".

He's was also homophobic. Gosh, he called a rival a "schwanzchwulen" which loosely means, "homosexual dickhead."

He also wrote a whole self hating manifesto "On the Jewish Question" about how the only way Jews can stop their vile actions, (I don't actually think that, it's what Marx said). He wrote paraphrased by Dennis Fischman: "Jews, Marx seems to be saying, can only become free when, as Jews, they no longer exist."

Quite harsh huh?

Therefore what I don't get is why a "nazi" since all the Nazi's died, why do you call them that? Makes no sense, oh well.

Anyway, why do these nazi (I use that term since you like it so much, and you can understand who I'm talking about) even hate Marx anyway? Is it just because he was part jew? That's rather silly. Marx hates jews just as much as any nazi. So shouldn't they consider themselves blood brothers with a Marxist? I digress, sigh.

But take care,

Namo Amituofo!
You could have said much less and I still would have credited you with being just as dumb
You could have said much less and I still would have credited you with being just as dumb

Point out what I said is false, or are you only a troll like the "god" you believe in? Like I said in another thread, Jews are Henotheistic, they believe in many gods: Yahweh, Elohim, yam-hahar, adonai, el, shadai, etc etc. Or are you just not a very good jew? Or you just fooling with me and want to sick Hashem on me? I say bring it!

Every single word is 100 truth%. I'm a Buddhist. If I lie, the only one who I'm lying to is myself. That would hinder my way towards being a Buddha, which one day I hope to become.

I've already felt what's called Sotapanna. It's a feeling like you belong to all.

So I don't confuse you, it's what Jews like yourself call: Neshama. If you don't understand, talk to your Rabbi.

Anyways, take care!

Namo Amituofo!
Point out what I said is false, or are you only a troll like the "god" you believe in? Like I said in another thread, Jews are Henotheistic, they believe in many gods: Yahweh, Elohim, yam-hahar, adonai, el, shadai, etc etc. Or are you just not a very good jew? Or you just fooling with me and want to sick Hashem on me? I say bring it!

Every single word is 100 truth%. I'm a Buddhist. If I lie, the only one who I'm lying to is myself. That would hinder my way towards being a Buddha, which one day I hope to become.

I've already felt what's called Sotapanna. It's a feeling like you belong to all.

So I don't confuse you, it's what Jews like yourself call: Neshama. If you don't understand, talk to your Rabbi.

Anyways, take care!

Namo Amituofo!
You need therapy
You need therapy


Douglas Kellner, radical democratic lefty professor with a course called cultural Marxism and Cultural Studies, still professor.

Nicholas Drapela, radical republican righty, fired from Oregon State University for Climate Change denial.

Claim by nobody Unclebuck: Cultural Marxism is a Nazi conspiracy theory.
Reality check: cultural Marxism is a valid description for a failed theory describing what eventually turns into an authoritarian nightmare.

Reality check: climate change denial is a conspiracy theory, reality confirmed: Professor claiming said conspiracy was fired.

What do you call it when the reality you espouse is false, and no matter how many others tell you it's false you claim those people persecute you? Hmmm? I call that schizophrenia. Go get a diagnosis before you harm your loved ones, ASAP!

BTW, I'm a libertarian socialist, not some Marxist, neo-Marxist, or cultural Marxist, whatever hipster who yells, "I don't agree, you're a Nazi!"

See, not all lefties are loony toons like yourself, and give your "cause" a bad name.
. Or are you just not a very good jew?
Buck isn't Jewish... His wife is Jewish but buck himself was brought up in a Catholic family.

Unfortunately for buck and his identity politics that lands him squarely in the "white straight male" category..

So in order for buck to get a place on the podium in the oppression Olympics what he appears to be doing is culturally appropriating the fucking holocaust to pretend he's under attack and to justify his vile behaviour.

Fucked up innit?
Buck isn't Jewish... His wife is Jewish but buck himself was brought up in a Catholic family.

Unfortunately for buck and his identity politics that lands him squarely in the "white straight male" category..

So in order for buck to get a place on the podium in the oppression Olympics what he appears to be doing is culturally appropriating the fucking holocaust to pretend he's under attack and to justify his vile behaviour.

Fucked up innit?

Seriously? I thought I read something from him complaining someone else was jew in name only, and saying how he was offending him and all his jewish relatives.

I try to be cultural sensitive and learn how my Buddhism relates to other similar concepts in other religions. Many times, what someone calls a difference, is really just a difference in terminology when considering religion.

I myself am kind of a JuBu. My grandfather is half jewish, but since jews are matriarchal. That's how I know a lot about obscure jew stuff, he told me.

So let me think. That's make me genetically, about 5% or less jew. But according to law of return of Israel, since it's Y-DNA not mDNA, I'm a big fat ZERO jew. So screw it, I call myself 100% Buddhist.


Namo Amituofo!