Democrats Could Block the Republican SCOTUS Nomination- But Only If They Want To

republicans own this shitshow, vote them out....
And replace them with Democrats who won't fix what's wrong?

They'll scream about social issues but won't touch income it wealth inequality.

They'll play identity politics against the right but won't regulate the financial interests, nevermind hold them accountable for historic corruption.

THAT'S why they keep losing, you know.

We don't need a Republican 'lite', we need a real alternative.
And replace them with Democrats who won't fix what's wrong?

They'll scream about social issues but won't touch income it wealth inequality.

They'll play identity politics against the right but won't regulate the financial interests, nevermind hold them accountable for historic corruption.

THAT'S why they keep losing, you know.

We don't need a Republican 'lite', we need a real alternative.
You know it's just going to erode the value of your money, right? All that schlock you buy at Walmart is about to get more expensive.

No, I dont know this. What percentage of my money am I gonna lose and why?

We dont have a walmart in the immediate area. They dont allow them to set up shop here. Keeps home values up among other benefits, like not having a walmart around. Between Amazon and Zupan's we got all we need with a cherry on top.
If that's the best you have by way of rebuttal, I'll accept your concession.

Bottom line is that politics in America isn't a team sport, especially not when both sides are on the corporate dole.

If you don't agree with me, fine. Let's hear WHY you don't agree?
No, I dont know this. What percentage of my money am I gonna lose and why?

We dont have a walmart in the immediate area. They dont allow them to set up shop here. Keeps home values up among other benefits, like not having a walmart around. Between Amazon and Zupan's we got all we need with a cherry on top.
so you support one of trumps biggest enemies?......:roll:
No, I dont know this. What percentage of my money am I gonna lose and why?

We dont have a walmart in the immediate area. They dont allow them to set up shop here. Keeps home values up among other benefits, like not having a walmart around. Between Amazon and Zupan's we got all we need with a cherry on top.

As if buying from Amazon is going to protect you from paying more for tariff affected goods!

Ladies and gentlemen, you just can't make this stuff up!

Your enemy is not foreigners who make stuff cheaper; it's domestic corporations who systematically reduce your wages, benefits and infrastructure here in America.

Believing Fix News' propaganda to the contrary is exactly the same as believing the Big Bad Wolf when he says he won't eat you!

By the way, your red hoodie looks silly...
If that's the best you have by way of rebuttal, I'll accept your concession.

Bottom line is that politics in America isn't a team sport, especially not when both sides are on the corporate dole.

If you don't agree with me, fine. Let's hear WHY you don't agree?
Your rearranging deck chairs on the titanic......we should all work on getting rid of the iceberg (trump) first.....we will get around to where you want your chair, if we make it to shore.

As if buying from Amazon is going to protect you from paying more for tariff affected goods!

Ladies and gentlemen, you just can't make this stuff up!


I never said buying from Amazon would protect me from anything other than having to deal with "walmart shoppers."

The couple percent I may pay on foreign goods in the future will go unnoticed.
Your rearranging deck chairs on the titanic......we should all work on getting rid of the iceberg (trump) first.....we will get around to where you want your chair, if we make it to shore.
I get where you're coming from; Trump is the most visible symptom of the disease.

The problem with your prescription is that it's as helpful to solving the problem as using makeup to cover smallpox blisters.

Replacing him with another corporatist warmongering shill, just because they hail from the 'other' team, isn't a solution. If it was, we wouldn't be so deep in this jam.

Never forget that Obama bailed out the banks and didn't bother to protect average Americans, thus presiding over the greatest upward transfer of wealth in human history. Never forget that Obama started more wars than any other president in history. Never forget that until Trump came along, Obama dropped more bombs per day than any other leader in human history. I voted for him- but I sure didn't vote for any of those outcomes!

THAT'S the kind of thing that saw the likes of Trump get into office and not adressing it will not solve the problem.

Trump is a sign of desperation and distrust that our system can ever take care of the needs of 80% of Americans.

The Democratic Party is hopelessly corrupted and We the People know it- the latest sham masquerading as an election made that obvious, along with the fact that the plutocrats don't care if we know because they don't think there's anything we can do about it.

You and I are on the same page about the problem and we share a sense of urgency about making changes; I just don't share your faith that the Democratic Party is interested in solving anything; they've made too much history that shows the opposite.
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I never said buying from Amazon would protect me from anything other than having to deal with "walmart shoppers."

The couple percent I may pay on foreign goods in the future will go unnoticed.
25% and rising fast.

Then there's all the people about to lose their jobs.

To take just one specific example, soybean farmers won't be the only ones affected; harvesting, milling, transportation, longshoreman and shipping companies will all lose jobs.

They won't be shopping at Walmart or getting Amazon prime or anywhere else and the economy will slow down.

I get that you aren't sophisticated enough to follow me, I'm writing for other people who are.
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Is your strategy to beg republicans not to show up?

Fucking stellar idea
Classic strawman. I didn't say that, you did.

Your strategy seems to be to alienate everyone who doesn't parrot the exact required party line.

Fucking stellar idea.

How's it working?

Still down 1200 Democratic seats since Obama's election...

Even with the orange clown in office there's little chance of regaining both houses...

You shit on your right flank AND your left, leaving you with little but lies, idpol and no ideas your party hasn't stolen- but won't actually implement.

Your party has studiously ignored the biggest issues facing Americans for so long it's forgotten how to actually represent us.

Your last presidential candidate was a conservative warmonger who would have been completely at home in Reagan's adminstration- or either Bush, for that matter.

You're the textbook definition of an Intolerant Liberal.

How IS that working out for you, anyway?
Classic strawman. I didn't say that, you did.

Your strategy seems to be to alienate everyone who doesn't parrot the exact required party line.

Fucking stellar idea.

How's it working?

Still down 1200 Democratic seats since Obama's election...

Even with the orange clown in office there's little chance of regaining both houses...

You shit on your right flank AND your left, leaving you with little but lies, idpol and no ideas your party hasn't stolen- but won't actually implement.

Your party has studiously ignored the biggest issues facing Americans for so long it's forgotten how to actually represent us.

Your last presidential candidate was a conservative warmonger who would have been completely at home in Reagan's adminstration- or either Bush, for that matter.

You're the textbook definition of an Intolerant Liberal.

How IS that working out for you, anyway?


Did you even do the homework chunk?

Have Democrats gained 50 seats formerly held by Republicans since Trump was elected?