You lot complain about Trump and US politics?

Dear oh dear, you really struggle, don't you.

Meanwhile, outside of Baldrick's delusional world of the turnip, another 2, not quite so important, cabinet members have stepped down. That's 5 resignations from May's cabinet so far today.

I see a meltdown in the offing, just as they should be getting what is arguably THE most important situation the country has faced since 1939 in order.

A typically British farce, you guys have a lot to learn about screwing things up properly.
Again with the comparisons? What do you have against turnips?

How did you vote on Brexit?
i see boris johnson is bailing too, smartest thing he's ever done. looks like May's government isn't doing so well.
but at least she isn't a racist, empathy-less, crass, tasteless, moral-less moron, who practices cronyism, nepotism, and can't tell one truth without telling ten lies
As they would say in England
"Well said sir, well said"
Again with the comparisons? What do you have against turnips?

How did you vote on Brexit?

I voted leave. I have no issue with the european countries or their people, I do have an issue with a supra-national organisation hell-bent in turning itself into a recognised country in it's own right at the expense of these individual countries. And since the UK has never been a "full" partner in the Great EU Escapade, then like any bad relationship the decent thing to do is end it, ideally amicably.
@Roger A. Shrubber

There's 3 quit so far, more are expected to follow, and could you imagine the outcry if Trump sent out feelers to get support for something from the Democrats as his own side would likely reject it? That's what's happening in the UK now, the "Government" is having to beg to the opposition for help because they know their own people will tell them to do one.

Oh, and your description of Trump is actually a perfect description of the UK Labour party, Again, they make your lot look like amateurs thanks to their casual sexism and racism (the second you state candidates can only be a specific gender and/or racial ethnicity is the second you show your own sexism and racism, for you are deliberately practising racial and/or sexual prejudice no matter what you think you are doing) and their institutionalised anti-semitism. And all you have to do then is be a "human rights campaigner" who writes a so-called "independent" whitewash, erm, report saying that there's no such thing, even though your own party disagrees, and you quickly get a seat in the House of Lords where you can cream off thousands a month for not even turning up.

As I say, you guys have a lot to learn.
The Tory's fucked it up.
Don't blame Labour.
Trump supported Brexit, do you?
The Tory's fucked it up.
Don't blame Labour.
Trump supported Brexit, do you?

Already said I did, and did so from long before Trump opened his trap. Reasons have been given above, if the words aren't too big for you.

And I would never deny that the Tories fucked it up, that started in 2014 when Cameron made the promise of a referendum and then did NOTHING to plan for any potential Brexit because his own arrogance made him believe that the Great Unwashed would follow his lead, especially after "winning" the Scottish Independence Referendum and then, against the polls and odds, winning a majority in the 2015 Election. Up until the Brexit referendum he ensured that nobody did any sort of research or planning into what to do if the vote went against what he wanted, and that's why we have the clusterfuck we have today as they still don't know what they want.

So be a dear and tell me where I have tried to blame Labour for this megaclusterfuck unfolding as we speak, for I know I have not done such a thing.

I have pointed out some unpleasant sides to the Labour Party, however, so I suggest you read things again before making such stupid and false accusations.
You're a bunch of rank amateurs. After all, you can only screw up one country at a time.

Oh, ye of short memories, look at the state of the former British Empire, especially the USA and Chiraq (how many shootings and fatalities in Chicago over the last couple of weekends?), when you can come close to fucking up such a huge swathe of the world at the same time you can come back and say that.

See, you're still amateurs, especially since you needed British help to fuck up Iraq
Oh, ye of short memories, look at the state of the former British Empire, especially the USA and Chiraq (how many shootings and fatalities in Chicago over the last couple of weekends?), when you can come close to fucking up such a huge swathe of the world at the same time you can come back and say that.

See, you're still amateurs, especially since you needed British help to fuck up Iraq

You've taught us well but there isn't much doubt we've surpassed the teacher.

You've taught us well but there isn't much doubt we've surpassed the teacher.

Nope, you're still amateurs, even someone as inept as Carter couldn't fuck things up like Blair, Brown and Cameron did, and you'll only reach the same level when you build aircraft carriers but won't be able to use them for a couple of years because you don't have anything that can fly off them. I mean, you guys design a new aircraft carrier you at least have SOMETHING that can use it, the UK just has big floating football fields.

Oh, and be talking about selling one of them because, as usual, costs went through the roof so you can't afford two.

You have much to learn, Padawan.
Nope, you're still amateurs, even someone as inept as Carter couldn't fuck things up like Blair, Brown and Cameron did, and you'll only reach the same level when you build aircraft carriers but won't be able to use them for a couple of years because you don't have anything that can fly off them. I mean, you guys design a new aircraft carrier you at least have SOMETHING that can use it, the UK just has big floating football fields.

Oh, and be talking about selling one of them because, as usual, costs went through the roof so you can't afford two.

You have much to learn, Padawan.
You'll be buying the Navy version of the F-35 from us; you know, the piece of shit that doesn't work, never will and is already obsolete but still costs taxpayers trillions?
You'll be buying the Navy version of the F-35 from us; you know, the piece of shit that doesn't work, never will and is already obsolete but still costs taxpayers trillions?

Y'all said the same about Raptor and every other fast jet you ever built, and like them F-35 will deliver.

It'll just be late and way over budget like everything else.