Oh my bad. Please forgive the oversight on my part.
So the method I used was gleaned from a variety of sources. Basically it goes like this:
A sharp, sterile instrument is used to make a cut at 45 degrees. Ideally you would cut just below a node. Clone is put immediately into a container of tap water. I didn't ph it but I can't see that hurting either. It is left in water for 24 hours to ensure the clone is well hydrated. You can also trim the leaves to reduce transpiration.
Standard sized jiffy pellet is soaked in warm tap water for a couple of minutes to fully expand. Now I take the expanded pellet and rather than squeezing it laterally, if you will, I apply slight pressure with my index finger to the base of the pellet to get a little excess water to drip out. Take the clone, give the bottom half inch a scrape with the sharp utensil to remove a little bit of the "skin", then slice vertically without cutting all the way through. Dip in a disposable container of rooting gel (I used clonex) and insert into the pellet. I put mine almost all the way to the bottom. If the hole isn't big enough for the size of clone you've taken, I used a toothpick dipped in clonex to enlarge it slightly.
The clone then goes into a humidity dome or tent. I used a tent because a very experienced grower told me that cramming clones too closely together is harmful to success rates. I used an entire tent as one big humidity crib but this obviously isn't essential. Just maybe don't have any of them touching each other.
The other parameters I used were 100% humidity for the first 5 days, dropped down to 85-90% thereafter. You can spray the clones if they're wilting but ideally just spray the inside of their dome. I always had heat mats underneath plastic trays in which the clones sat. 74-77 (23-25C) degrees is ideal afaik. Just keep a close eye on the pellets. You can get an idea of how much water is in them by lifting to feel the weight. And also by the lighter colour when they start drying out. I never watered them from the top. Always rehydrated them little by little by pouring water in the tray. As I'm sure you've noticed, they wick up small amounts of water, very quickly. Basically, you don't want them to completely dry out, but you don't want them absolutely saturated either. This is why the wicking action of the peat is useful.
And then yeah I just opened the tent door once a day to exchange the air, check the moisture levels of the pellets, and check the humidity was nice and high.
A few obvious things, which I'm sure you already know are, use very weak lighting. CFL's kept a foot away or more work well. Keep them on a 18/6 light cycle (24/0 is no more beneficial and may actually hinder root growth from what I've read). And use tap water rather than RO or well-water. Chlorine is a key thing missing in a lot of people's troubles with cloning.
Again these are just my very inexperienced musings but it's exactly what I did to get 40/40 on first go so take it how you will.