Stress+Recovery time=Better yield & potency

So how can you expect me to absorb anything you saying when I'm getting called something different in every post.

I expect you to realise people's comments have triggered an emotional, defensive reaction & critically think through your reply instead of getting caught up replying to what you think they said when you're actually replying to your emotional reaction to what they said. Any conflict resolution course will stress the importance of that awareness in avoiding these kinds of (mostly) non constructive arguments. I have pointed out numerous times you're acting defensively & that's getting in the way of understanding what people are saying.

I can relate because I'm also very passionate & easily get worked up. I've learned I'm much better off controlling myself instead of blaming others. One is empowering, the other wastes your time/energy but it's fully up to you how you live because you're the one that has to live with the consequences.

It doesn't make two shits of a difference to me if you listen to us about stressing plants, putting indoor plants outside or any of the other ignorant things you've promoted. I'm not the one that lose yield, potency, possibly a crop. By all means ignore the personal advice about why you've gotten the reaction you have. I'm not the one who everyone will think is an asshole that cares more about his ego then solid info. Like you've said, we're gonna do us, you do you. We have to live with our lives, you have to live with yours.

Cheers & keep it green bud
I expect you to realise people's comments have triggered an emotional, defensive reaction & critically think through your reply instead of getting caught up replying to what you think they said when you're actually replying to your emotional reaction to what they said. Any conflict resolution course will stress the importance of that awareness in avoiding these kinds of (mostly) non constructive arguments. I have pointed out numerous times you're acting defensively & that's getting in the way of understanding what people are saying.

I can relate because I'm also very passionate & easily get worked up. I've learned I'm much better off controlling myself instead of blaming others. One is empowering, the other wastes your time/energy but it's fully up to you how you live because you're the one that has to live with the consequences.

It doesn't make two shits of a difference to me if you listen to us about stressing plants, putting indoor plants outside or any of the other ignorant things you've promoted. I'm not the one that lose yield, potency, possibly a crop. By all means ignore the personal advice about why you've gotten the reaction you have. I'm not the one who everyone will think is an asshole that cares more about his ego then solid info. Like you've said, we're gonna do us, you do you. We have to live with our lives, you have to live with yours.

Cheers & keep it green bud
Didn't read the whole not playing victim. Feel like y'all trying to justify why y'all got on here being complete assholes instead of just coming out and saying I heard of theses things but there's other ways to get the best yeild and potency without stressing your plant. That type of response would of avoided all of that but nobody and mean nobdoy did that at first. Slowly came around to it after the was done with there stamd up comedy show.
How have I missed people points when I agreed with some of them, shit might have agreed with majority of them because I know all about the optimal conditions and the common stress techniques people use like top, fim,ect.

The fact you think topping/fimming is a "stress technique" instead of actually understanding that it's managing hormones to control growth (which is beneficial despite the stress not because of it) perfectly illustrates how you're still missing the point.

Even though you previously stated that you understand it's about apical dominance not stress. So by now referring to it as a "stress technique" you illustrate that;
1) you don't get it, you're missing the point.
2) you're saying you agree with things that you don't understand
3)you're the center of the miscommunication in this thread. It's not people not reading your replies creating probelms; it's your use of broken english, your misuse of terms you think ypu understand & you're assumption that you know more then you actually understand.
Like I said I like arguing. I wanted to see how many comments I could get. Y'all came on here trying to be Mr joker so I went alone with and talked my shit back. WHY ARE YALL SO DEFENSIVE???????
The fact you think topping/fimming is a "stress technique" instead of actually understanding that it's managing hormones to control growth (which is beneficial despite the stress not because of it) perfectly illustrates how you're still missing the point.

Even though you previously stated that you understand it's about apical dominance not stress. So by now referring to it as a "stress technique" you illustrate that;
1) you don't get it, you're missing the point.
2) you're saying you agree with things that you don't understand
3)you're the center of the miscommunication in this thread. It's not people not reading your replies creating probelms; it's your use of broken english, your misuse of terms you think ypu understand & you're assumption that you know more then you actually understand.
Still cause stress on the plant no matter the benefit it provides
Once again didn't say I was the best but not gone be classified as dumb for asking about some of the stoner myths
Asking questions doesn't make you dumb, it's what the site is for. Here's the problem with your statement and the reason you're catching shit.

Idk maybe just of a lil theory of mines after reading alot about weed plants and going through my first grow is that to get the best smokable weed with the best taste, flavor, and power you have to stress your plant. Whether it be LST or super cropping, like they say and I have experienced, that weed plants are Hardy and bounce back quick. From lst to increase yeild aslo topping, FIM.
That's not a question about some stoner myth. You clearly state and claim to have experienced stressing a plant gives you the best taste, flavor, and power.

The fucked up part is in the previous sentence you say it's your first grow? How can you experience something that hasn't happened yet? LST or super cropping make it taste better? GTFOH stop spreading bullshit potentially fuckin up some newbs meds because you wanna play grow pro on the internet.

Monday it's the third week of your first grow, by saturday you're
Robert Connell Clarke.
No flower Stretch
Asking questions doesn't make you dumb, it's what the site is for. Here's the problem with your statement and the reason you're catching shit.

That's not a question about some stoner myth. You clearly state and claim to have experienced stressing a plant gives you the best taste, flavor, and power.

The fucked up part is in the previous sentence you say it's your first grow? How can you experience something that hasn't happened yet? LST or super cropping make it taste better? GTFOH stop spreading bullshit potentially fuckin up some newbs meds because you wanna play grow pro on the internet.

No flower Stretch
Now you would think this reply would be case closed.
Incoming horseshit and deflection is imminent.
Asking questions doesn't make you dumb, it's what the site is for. Here's the problem with your statement and the reason you're catching shit.

That's not a question about some stoner myth. You clearly state and claim to have experienced stressing a plant gives you the best taste, flavor, and power.

The fucked up part is in the previous sentence you say it's your first grow? How can you experience something that hasn't happened yet? LST or super cropping make it taste better? GTFOH stop spreading bullshit potentially fuckin up some newbs meds because you wanna play grow pro on the internet.

No flower Stretch
Once again y'all don't read everything and yeah it maybe because I put everything together but I clearly said experienced that the plants is actually Hardy and can bounce back from anything. But them type of response I respect because I see you trying to get a understanding as to what I'm actually trying to say instead of just calling me dumb because I can clarify anything I write.
Didn't read the whole not playing victim. Feel like y'all trying to justify why y'all got on here being complete assholes instead of just coming out and saying I heard of theses things but there's other ways to get the best yeild and potency without stressing your plant. That type of response would of avoided all of that but nobody and mean nobdoy did that at first. Slowly came around to it after the was done with there stamd up comedy show.

Again I've offered to pull up comments from the first page where people did say that but you ignored them. This is the 3rd time I've mentioned it.

We can go around in circles arguing semantics forever if you want. Well, not forever, eventually my back will be healed enough I'm not bed ridden. Easily another 2 or 3 months if ya want to commit to endless semantics. Or you could look at it from another perspective, ours. I've considered your comments from how I perceive your point. Which is why I can relate & expressed how I did the same thing as a noob. I didn't have your tenacity or sheer bull headedness, which impresses me as I'm one of the most stubborn, obstinate pricks out there.

Or you can take a break for a day or two, maybe a week. Take the time to go through the comments with a more open mind, there has been a lot of people telling you in a lot of ways that myths like these are a waste of time, focus on the fundamentals. Some in very sarcastic ways, others in more neutral terms.

I also understand you feel like people jumped on you for no reason & were making fun of you out of spite. That isn't it, these questions are asked endlessly they need to be shot down in beginners forums because otherwise they spread & make learning harder for noobs. Since it comes up weekly, decade after decade, people don't take it seriously or the people who bring it up. Unless they have actual supporting evidence, never happens.

Listen to what I'm saying instead of reacting to what you think I'm saying.
And like I said LST and topping helps yield not the potency part. Just like me y'all choosing to comment on what u want so no need for nobody to feel defensive
Once again y'all don't read everything and yeah it maybe because I put everything together but I clearly said experienced that the plants is actually Hardy and can bounce back from anything. But them type of response I respect because I see you trying to get a understanding as to what I'm actually trying to say instead of just calling me dumb because I can clarify anything I write.

This is why YOU need to communicate clearly. It's not up to us to interpret what you're trying to say, especially when you keep changing what you're saying.

At first you wanted debate, then you liked arguing, at one glorious point you were "teaching us" because we're old/out of touch/stuck in our ways, now you're seeing how many comments you can get when earlier you didn't care about comments/likes.

Maybe you really are just a prepubescent angry troll asshole who just plucked a pic of the web.
Again I've offered to pull up comments from the first page where people did say that but you ignored them. This is the 3rd time I've mentioned it.

We can go around in circles arguing semantics forever if you want. Well, not forever, eventually my back will be healed enough I'm not bed ridden. Easily another 2 or 3 months if ya want to commit to endless semantics. Or you could look at it from another perspective, ours. I've considered your comments from how I perceive your point. Which is why I can relate & expressed how I did the same thing as a noob. I didn't have your tenacity or sheer bull headedness, which impresses me as I'm one of the most stubborn, obstinate pricks out there.

Or you can take a break for a day or two, maybe a week. Take the time to go through the comments with a more open mind, there has been a lot of people telling you in a lot of ways that myths like these are a waste of time, focus on the fundamentals. Some in very sarcastic ways, others in more neutral terms.

I also understand you feel like people jumped on you for no reason & were making fun of you out of spite. That isn't it, these questions are asked endlessly they need to be shot down in beginners forums because otherwise they spread & make learning harder for noobs. Since it comes up weekly, decade after decade, people don't take it seriously or the people who bring it up. Unless they have actual supporting evidence, never happens.

Listen to what I'm saying instead of reacting to what you think I'm saying.
Once again didn't read whole post. Y'all sound like y'all trying to help but like I said it gets over crowded once u start trying to talk shit and judge me. The first part of you comment I was about to answer but then u go right back to talking shit and like I said and am not gone keep doing I have agreed with people from page one of my thread. The thread didn't go side ways until mfs start having a comedy show on my shit.