I care so little about the London Hammer that I didn't even read the entire first sentence of your reply, I could care less what you believe or feel (maybe you should call somebody?)

I'm assuming you realized that for everyone you cite, someone could cite opposition, but in this case the laboratory reports speak for themself, that is if common carbon dating technology is to be believed?

I don't have opinion either way regarding the London Hammer, which I've said now three times or so, tho you seem to want to ascribe an opinion to me.

I simply offered it as a point of discussion, your argument is with the multiple Laboratory groups that have done the carbon dating.

You seem to know all about it so why don't you post the reports from the testing Laboratories ?

Why don't you talk about the molecular structure of the Hammers iron, how it's never been seen even up to our current age?

I'm sure you've got a great explanation, or somebody else you can find to quote for that too, or is that too specific?

No. As before, you are offering a circular argument ..backed up with a straw man argument (which is frankly not valid in a rational debate). Science (and rationality) has long had a set of rules for investigating and debating (created over time to strengthen understanding ..and not limit it in dogma and bad logic).
You are (yet again) using circular arguments and pseudo(fake)-science ..yet seem either unaware that you are (perhaps because you don't know the difference) or you simply don't care. As I said before; probably due to a non-secular education.

I have nothing to debate with you, as your response only offers a pit of ignorence, fakery and dogma. And so has nothing to rationally 'discuss' per se.
No. As before, you are offering a circular argument ..backed up with a straw man argument (which is frankly not valid in a rational debate). Science (and rationality) has long had a set of rules for investigating and debating (created over time to strengthen understanding ..and not limit it in dogma and bad logic).
You are (yet again) using circular arguments and pseudo(fake)-science ..yet seem either unaware that you are (perhaps because you don't know the difference) or you simply don't care. As I said before; probably due to a non-secular education.

I have nothing to debate with you, as your response only offers a pit of ignorence, fakery and dogma. And so has nothing to rationally 'discuss' per se.
this thread, the flat earth thread, and the chem trails thread are all the same. people see something on youtube that has some level of production value (basically a 12 year old that's good with an editing suite) and assume it's true. then, once they're invested in it, they apparently lose all interest in any other information, unless it confirms their erroneous beliefs.
this thread, the flat earth thread, and the chem trails thread are all the same. people see something on youtube that has some level of production value (basically a 12 year old that's good with an editing suite) and assume it's true. then, once they're invested in it, they apparently lose all interest in any other information, unless it confirms their erroneous beliefs.
This from a doofus who thinks rivers flow uphill and that the oceans CURVE 8 inches per mile squared. Don't hide from the fact that you actually believe this stupid crap because you do. No if and or buts about it. So who is making the assumptions? Do fake NASA missions confirm your own erroneous beliefs? I have showed you but you have absolutely no interest in anything anti-NASA or anything that contradicts their propaganda !! :dunce: GLOBETARD
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Fuck your endless parade of bullshit stories and fraudulent 'artifacts'.

It's time to grow up and join the real world of verifiable facts, science and technology.
Like pliable tissue found in a triceratops horn? So how can pliable tissue be 65 million years old? It can't. Talk about bullshit stories and fraudulent artifacts. Dumb ass
This from a doofus who thinks rivers flow uphill and that the oceans CURVE 8 inches per mile squared. Don't hide from the fact that you actually believe this stupid crap because you do. No if and or buts about it. So who is making the assumptions? Do fake NASA missions confirm your own erroneous beliefs? I have showed you but you have absolutely no interest in anything anti-NASA or anything that contradicts their propaganda !! :dunce: GLOBETARD
show me proof of one single thing you've claimed so far...not fucked up stupid youtube me a report from a lab verifying one claim you've me one bit of proof that every single airline pilot, ship navigator, astronomer, lying to the entire rest of the world, and they're so good at it not one single one of them has ever told the truth......explain how the "special effect" of the sun and the moon are so good that they fool every astronomer on the entire planet, daily, and have since before we had telescopes?
explain to me why we can see that every other object of any size in space is a globe, but the earth is "special" for some reason? what reason is that? did God decree it to be so? that this one planet in the entire cosmos would be different than ALL the others, that this world is "special" ?
explain it.....¿
show me proof of one single thing you've claimed so far...not fucked up stupid youtube me a report from a lab verifying one claim you've me one bit of proof that every single airline pilot, ship navigator, astronomer, lying to the entire rest of the world, and they're so good at it not one single one of them has ever told the truth......explain how the "special effect" of the sun and the moon are so good that they fool every astronomer on the entire planet, daily, and have since before we had telescopes?
explain to me why we can see that every other object of any size in space is a globe, but the earth is "special" for some reason? what reason is that? did God decree it to be so? that this one planet in the entire cosmos would be different than ALL the others, that this world is "special" ?
explain it.....¿
All other planets are sphere? WTF are you talking about? Have you zoomed in on stars/planets? They are anything BUT spherical my erroneous assumptionist. Ships have used plane trigonometry for centuries to navigate the open ocean. Doppler radar, seismographic equipment both operate under the rule of a flat extended plane. Sailors HAVE played with laser sights on the open ocean and have come forward with the fact that they know it to be flat. Today's Astronomers are pseudo scientist simply operating under the current and popular theory of heliocentric ism. Which has been proven by so called "radicals" as an impossibility. If you go against status quo then you are ridiculed and outcast. Not unlike the beatniks of the 1950's who smoked the evil weed. 75 years from now flat earth will be the widely accepted view. P.S. Don't talk shit about youtube NASA uses it for their live ISS feeds. LOL !!!!!
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All other planets are sphere? WTF are you talking about? Have you zoomed in on stars/planets? They are anything BUT spherical my erroneous assumptionist. Ships have used plane trigonometry for centuries to navigate the open ocean. Doppler radar, seismographic equipment both operate under the rule of a flat extended plane. Sailors HAVE played with laser sights on the open ocean and have come forward with the fact that they know it to be flat. Today's Astronomers are pseudo scientist simply operating under the current and popular theory of heliocentric ism. Which has been proven by so called "radicals" as an impossibility. If you go against status quo then you are ridiculed and outcast. Not unlike the beatniks of the 1950's who smoked the evil weed. 75 years from now flat earth will be the widely accepted view. P.S. Don't talk shit about youtube NASA uses it for their live ISS feeds. LOL !!!!!
Another fine product of Republican school funding, right here.
Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug.

Also too, classic "I can't conceive/comprehend how x can happen, therefore god/aliens/conspiracy"
I don't have to create a member bish. Confirmation bias? Confirmed via physics not "theories" that water does not flow uphill and standing water does not curve. Throw in a idiotic "theory" called gravity which discriminates and randomly pulls at every direction in order to make a spherical NASA earth possible in the eyes of the masses. You shimbob, rrog/shrubber etc etc ARE the masses you see? So, that is what makes you a Globetard :hump:
You're hopeless.
I'm still interested on what bullshit you come up with on how pliable tissue can survive 65 million years. You believe pliable tissue can survive 65 million years? :roll: The earth's age, history, how it functions, its shape, evolution and human history are all mysteries. Just so you know gravity is just a theory not physics.bongsmilie The earth is composed of liquids, metals and gases and they all have varying degrees of density proven by physics. NASA has a theory called gravity which contradicts physics. You witness density displacement on a daily basis not gravity. If you drop a coin it hits the sidewalk because the coin is more dense than air not because of a force called gravity. Back to pliable tissue. Pliable soft tissue was found in a triceratops horn therefore man certainly existed alongside triceratops. Mary Schweitzer found soft tissue in a t-rex leg bone in Montana so certainly man existed alongside t-rex as well. Did the native americans kill and feast on dinosaurs? I have seen/found huge flint spear points (im a amatuer archeologicalist) capable of bringing down something much larger than bison.
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