Jordan Peterson

You are misrepresenting a person's views to the extent of retardation. He clearly states his case, which is against post-modernism. Post-modernism is the idea that there is no objective reality. He is claiming that this ideology is eroding western culture, and you think that makes him a Nazi.

You are a stupid person.

jordan peterson says cultural marxism is destroying america.

Screenshot 2018-07-04 at 2.05.53 PM.png

klan leader david duke says cultural marxism is destroying america

Screenshot 2018-07-04 at 5.05.15 PM.png
Hey everyone, Uncle buck can post pics! Don't let him win, he's tireless in his efforts and he's going to continue the cult mantra until he can destroy that which he hates.
Postage stamp size countries with micro economies ,
The size of the country or economy is irrelevant to the question of success. Countries that implement social democratic policies are objectively more successful, which is exactly why you never hear critics cite them in their argument and instead always construct a straw man argument by using Venezuela and the Soviet Union.
Venezuela's economy is bad because its government is bad, not because of any specific political philosophy. They have an oil rich economy the US looks to exploit
Oh, I wasn't making any type of commentary regarding Venezuela... I actually know very little about what is going on there.

I read THIS CNN article a few weeks back and was reminded of it... lol
Sorry, I didn't mean for my reply to come off so brash
No worries, my man!

I think we will inevitably have to use some form of socialism. Most jobs will be obsolete within a few hundred years or less. I mean, look at transportation jobs alone.... 18 wheelers, buses, taxis, etc. Once self-driving cars really take off that's a huge chunk of jobs gone.... what are they going to do for work? We will need some sort of support net to catch people as jobs start falling to the wayside...

...but I digress...
No worries, my man!

I think we will inevitably have to use some form of socialism. Most jobs will be obsolete within a few hundred years or less. I mean, look at transportation jobs alone.... 18 wheelers, buses, taxis, etc. Once self-driving cars really take off that's a huge chunk of jobs gone.... what are they going to do for work? We will need some sort of support net to catch people as jobs start falling to the wayside...

...but I digress...
Absolutely, and there's no hope to even propagandize those jobs of ever coming back like they've done with coal mining jobs. Politicians will have to address that problem within the next couple decades, what will we do when all menial or unskilled jobs can be done by autonomous robots? This is going to phase out millions of jobs in this century. There is going to come a point where it will be cheaper to utilize an army of robots to do the work humans used to do. If we don't answer that question before that moment is reached, many people will likely suffer.

If we don't use some form of socialism, and things continue the way they're going, it's simply unsustainable
Absolutely, and there's no hope to even propagandize those jobs of ever coming back like they've done with coal mining jobs. Politicians will have to address that problem within the next couple decades, what will we do when all menial or unskilled jobs can be done by autonomous robots? This is going to phase out millions of jobs in this century. There is going to come a point where it will be cheaper to utilize an army of robots to do the work humans used to do. If we don't answer that question before that moment is reached, many people will likely suffer.

If we don't use some form of socialism, and things continue the way they're going, it's simply unsustainable
I agree. What do we do when unemployment hits 40%? 50%? Higher?

Look at the way businesses are created and sold today. The second you're a viable alternative to a large corporation you get bought, unless you stay private and reject all offers to sell. Soon enough, almost all companies will be owned by one or two large parent corporations and the owners of these companies will have such vast wealth that there won't really be enough to go around if we continue like we are.

Capitalism falls apart when no one except the very few rich have money.