Random Jabber Jibber thread


Well-Known Member
Kinda long rant.

No one i know has even a one week reserve of funds for emergencies. My mother's got a pension, social security and works part time. My friends work full time jobs, some have a second part time job, some of them childless couples living together. I've been out of work for 5 years, voluntarily, this autumn, living off savings and investments i had. I've got my bills coveted for the next year and a little cash available. I'm losing money monthly, yet I'm the one they all come to for financial help. My mother had her phone shut off and can't put gas in her car, because her pension check didn't get deposited in time. My friend and her BF knew they were losing their apartment for 3 months(and didn't have to pay rent from what I understand) , they didn't bother trying to save money until 2 weeks before they had to move, guess what, they didnt have enough to cover 1st, last and security anywhere. All these people have weekly income, i don't fucking get it, they find money for alcohol/ drugs/multiple coffees a day/ fast food/ weekend travel/ novelty junk/ etc., but cry poor me when they can't pay bills or something breaks. Fucking people need to figure out WTF priorities are, this banks closed from here on out. I'm so fucking sick of irresponsible people thinking they aren't accountable for their own actions. You knew rent was due! You knew your insurance ended that month! You know you have a loan! You know your cars been dying for a year! You know your pet needed medical care! WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU DO SOMETHING WHEN YOU FUCKING REALIZED THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!? Great.. My mother's here.. I'm gonna go give her an earful.


Well-Known Member
I can't like or agree with this. I don't know of a lot of things that Federal intervention that has made better.

I own a service dog for a very rare disability that the feds would probably not recognize. I really don't want service dog prohibition added to cannabis prohibition.
That's usually a county thing, within the state around here.

Current federal gov't. is just a propaganda machine. Too busy to worry about dogs.

Well, Russian dogs maybe ;-).


Global Moderator
Staff member
Kinda long rant.

No one i know has even a one week reserve of funds for emergencies. My mother's got a pension, social security and works part time. My friends work full time jobs, some have a second part time job, some of them childless couples living together. I've been out of work for 5 years, voluntarily, this autumn, living off savings and investments i had. I've got my bills coveted for the next year and a little cash available. I'm losing money monthly, yet I'm the one they all come to for financial help. My mother had her phone shut off and can't put gas in her car, because her pension check didn't get deposited in time. My friend and her BF knew they were losing their apartment for 3 months(and didn't have to pay rent from what I understand) , they didn't bother trying to save money until 2 weeks before they had to move, guess what, they didnt have enough to cover 1st, last and security anywhere. All these people have weekly income, i don't fucking get it, they find money for alcohol/ drugs/multiple coffees a day/ fast food/ weekend travel/ novelty junk/ etc., but cry poor me when they can't pay bills or something breaks. Fucking people need to figure out WTF priorities are, this banks closed from here on out. I'm so fucking sick of irresponsible people thinking they aren't accountable for their own actions. You knew rent was due! You knew your insurance ended that month! You know you have a loan! You know your cars been dying for a year! You know your pet needed medical care! WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU DO SOMETHING WHEN YOU FUCKING REALIZED THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!? Great.. My mother's here.. I'm gonna go give her an earful.
+ Rep. :clap:

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
if someone has a legitimate need for a service animal, i'm fine with it. i may decide to go to another restaurant to eat, but i'm not going to say shit about it. the people that piss me off are the ones that just luv their wittle dawgie sooo much they just can't leave the little fucking flea bag fart factory at home.....the may have a condition, but it requires a foot up their ass, not a service animal.
they should have to be licensed properly, with a tag, and if they don't have it, they and their dog can move the fuck on


Well-Known Member
if someone has a legitimate need for a service animal, i'm fine with it. i may decide to go to another restaurant to eat, but i'm not going to say shit about it. the people that piss me off are the ones that just luv their wittle dawgie sooo much they just can't leave the little fucking flea bag fart factory at home.....the may have a condition, but it requires a foot up their ass, not a service animal.
they should have to be licensed properly, with a tag, and if they don't have it, they and their dog can move the fuck on
Hear hear, it pisses me off when I see these morons walking around the bloody SUPERMARKET with their little rat dogs in a bloody shoulder bag, or see them pushing the dog around in something akin to a baby buggy.

First, it's a dog. It doesn't matter how small it is, it's a living, breathing, intelligent creature and not a fucking fashion accessory like cheap jewellery.

And if your dog is so fucked it can't walk anywhere, do the decent thing and put the poor bastard out of it's misery.

People with little dogs carrying them when they are on public transport, fine, no problem as most humans don't pay attention to where they are going. The second you put it into some sort of fashionable shoulder bag, however, is the second you deserve to get a slap on the back of the head with a cricket bat (the thwack of willow upon skull is acoustically more satisfying than that from a baseball bat).


Well-Known Member
if someone has a legitimate need for a service animal, i'm fine with it. i may decide to go to another restaurant to eat, but i'm not going to say shit about it. the people that piss me off are the ones that just luv their wittle dawgie sooo much they just can't leave the little fucking flea bag fart factory at home.....the may have a condition, but it requires a foot up their ass, not a service animal.
they should have to be licensed properly, with a tag, and if they don't have it, they and their dog can move the fuck on
I agree with the sentiment, not so much with the regulation. Too many people are emotionally weak. They need to learn to suck it up and deal with life. Not saying there aren't legitimately damaged people that need it, but most don't.

I really couldn't care less if there's animals in an establishment, but just like kids, keep them quiet and away from me.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Hear hear, it pisses me off when I see these morons walking around the bloody SUPERMARKET with their little rat dogs in a bloody shoulder bag, or see them pushing the dog around in something akin to a baby buggy.

First, it's a dog. It doesn't matter how small it is, it's a living, breathing, intelligent creature and not a fucking fashion accessory like cheap jewellery.

And if your dog is so fucked it can't walk anywhere, do the decent thing and put the poor bastard out of it's misery.

People with little dogs carrying them when they are on public transport, fine, no problem as most humans don't pay attention to where they are going. The second you put it into some sort of fashionable shoulder bag, however, is the second you deserve to get a slap on the back of the head with a cricket bat (the thwack of willow upon skull is acoustically more satisfying than that from a baseball bat).
i don't think it's the difference between willow and ash, i think it's the large flat surface, provides more of a "Crack!", the rounded surface of a bat is more of a thump


Virtually Unknown Member
I can't like or agree with this. I don't know of a lot of things that Federal intervention that has made better.

I own a service dog for a very rare disability that the feds would probably not recognize. I really don't want service dog prohibition added to cannabis prohibition.
I guess what I'm saying who determines the animal is a "certified" service animal? How many weeks/months of training is required? How is the animal tested in various situations (loud noises, busy traffic, other animals, airplanes, trains, buses). Or do you just send in your $150 to XYZ Certification and get your nifty vest and "papers"? I realize there is a need for service animals but if you have them out in the world, there is also a need for some testing standardization that assures they won't panic in certain situations. But then, that makes it a $25K> dog, too.
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Well-Known Member
i don't think it's the difference between willow and ash, i think it's the large flat surface, provides more of a "Crack!", the rounded surface of a bat is more of a thump
The willow is a softer wood, more flexible so even if it was baseball bat shaped the sound would be different.

But, as you say, the shape does give a more satisfying sound and you would notice the difference if you made a cricket bat out of ash as a comparison.

Now Ebony, that's a different story, that would be more like the squish of a watermelon being hit.


Well-Known Member
I guess what I'm saying who determines the animal is a "certified" service animal? How many weeks/months of training is required? How is the animal tested in various situations (loud noises, busy traffic, other animals). Or do you just send in your $150 to XYZ Certification and get your nifty vest and "papers"?
Isn't that quite easy to do as assorted countries already have very clear definitions and "emotional support" isn't one of them.

Blind, deaf, physically/mentally disabled, epilepsy, all recognised as reasons for a recognised "service" animal. "I'm a little snowflake who can't go anywhere without her chihuahua" isn't.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I guess what I'm saying who determines the animal is a "certified" service animal? How many weeks/months of training is required? How is the animal tested in various situations (loud noises, busy traffic, other animals). Or do you just send in your $150 to XYZ Certification and get your nifty vest and "papers"? I realize there is a need for service animals but if you have them out in the world, there is also a need for some testing standardization that assures they won't panic in certain situations. But then, that makes it a $25K> dog, too.
i'm not sure how they're certified now. i'm not sure if they ARE certified now. it certainly seems like there should be some kind of training, they're going to be taking the dog into public, like a seeing eye dog, and they require some pretty intensive training to be able to ignore people and vehicles, and do their jobs. you hardly ever hear of a seeing eye dog biting anyone, and a lot of it is because of that training. if you just let people go to their shrink and get a note, so they can take whatever dog they want with them when they go out, then it devalues a good program that some people actually need.


Virtually Unknown Member
i'm not sure how they're certified now. i'm not sure if they ARE certified now. it certainly seems like there should be some kind of training, they're going to be taking the dog into public, like a seeing eye dog, and they require some pretty intensive training to be able to ignore people and vehicles, and do their jobs. you hardly ever hear of a seeing eye dog biting anyone, and a lot of it is because of that training. if you just let people go to their shrink and get a note, so they can take whatever dog they want with them when they go out, then it devalues a good program that some people actually need.
Yes that's what I'm saying. Seeing eye dogs are about $50K


Well-Known Member
most birds are just dumb as fuck. i was driving one day in FL and there was bird just chilling right in the middle of the road hanging out... i figured itd move. nope. that car probably still has feathers under the hood.
i also been hit by a blue jay. was going down the road in my work truck and then some blue flew right into my mirror. it pretty much exploded.
I was driving down my buddy’s driveway, long dirt rd, and this big ass owl flew over the car and landed several feet in front of me, right in the middle of the driveway. Looked right at me, kinda sizing me up. Lol. I think he knew I wasn’t gonna run him over..

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I was driving down my buddy’s driveway, long dirt rd, and this big ass owl flew over the car and landed several feet in front of me, right in the middle of the driveway. Looked right at me, kinda sizing me up. Lol. I think he knew I wasn’t gonna run him over..
i might have, that owl either has an attitude, or he's stupid, either way you'd be doing the other owls a favor