Looks Like OK is Legal

Gl getting the ammount of water yould would need for a large farm the drought has been bad this year
I have a awesome spring that keeps the bar ditch rolling in the worst drought I can remember. Really really good soil as well. I'm am anxious to see how all plays out in the next few months. If the Feds ever reschedule or decriminalize it's on here. I'm just not to keen on the ideal of the federal government being able to take my property for doing something the state says is perfectly legal.
I have a awesome spring that keeps the bar ditch rolling in the worst drought I can remember. Really really good soil as well. I'm am anxious to see how all plays out in the next few months. If the Feds ever reschedule or decriminalize it's on here. I'm just not to keen on the ideal of the federal government being able to take my property for doing something the state says is perfectly legal.
I couldnt agree more, soil that holds water longer is important now its hard to maintain is super dry times because it gets hard pact and water just runs off of it
Being were getting on this liberal vs conservative stuff I thought I'd share that in the very few democrat counties in Oklahoma 788 failed . It was the bigger conservative counties that passed it. By no means am I trying dish on anyone here just thought I'd share that.
Being were getting on this liberal vs conservative stuff I thought I'd share that in the very few democrat counties in Oklahoma 788 failed . It was the bigger conservative counties that passed it. By no means am I trying dish on anyone here just thought I'd share that.

can you point those dem counties out for me

wow, another hypocrite

i will blame it on your mother and the homeschooling you had to endure...
Man that's pretty coarse! It's really not the end of the world. I agree and disagree with both sides on different issue's I would like to think it's ok to be a self thinker and not be hated for it.
Man that's pretty coarse! It's really not the end of the world. I agree and disagree with both sides on different issue's I would like to think it's ok to be a self thinker and not be hated for it.

voting for a nazi racist conman is not my idea of of independent thinking.

he's a cult leader and we have a shit load of gullible, hypocritical people in this country.
Did ya get this map from cnn lul, wait until even cali goes conservative next month get ready for it because the swamp is draining
Just because the govener is a democrat does not mean the law is his and his alone, the only people i know who votted to legalize were conservative the leftys are perfectly happy with pills over cannabis and frequently aregue about the health affects of cannabis when theyre on 10 different pills with 100's of side affects
There is handful of elite people than run the world when it gets right down to it. Been that way a long time and will always be that way. Letting all that hate build up and calling people names don't change shit man. If anything it shows no class and hurts your cause.