Random Jabber Jibber thread


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I was rubbing the head of my dick and smelling it while I was taking a shit reading and posting here......it smelt like a camp fire..... anyone else ever get that?????

I'm sorry excuse me ..... I know I'm out of place. Things like this only a real sicko would share.....never mind me

Carry on

I am craving a smore now though....

K, I'm really done now

Careful if it looks like a stork @srh88 is gunning for it


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I've been there. Since we're sharing... After my evening fap in my lazyboy I grabbed a paper towel and cleaned myself off. I was freshly stoned, so I sat here watching various shit on youtube for a while. Some time later, I grabbed my empty dinner plate to bring into the kitchen, and when I got up to bring it to the sink, I discovered that my left foot was stuck fast to my hardwood floor. I mean really stuck, like glued. So much so that it jerked me to a stop, and my silverware fell off my plate onto the floor. I managed to get free, but it was surprising. I had no idea my spunk had that type of powerful adhering quality. I guess I stepped in some jizz and it dried, cementing my foot to the floor. Now I'm slightly worried that something is wrong with me. If I choose to see a doctor about this, what exactly should I tell them???
Drink more water. Bills in the mail, you're welcome

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Wouldn't you love to tour that cave though, in dry weather?

I've been through 20 something caverns. Meramec in Missouri was very cool, formally Jesse James hideout still with the James gang artifacts on display.

Penn's cave in Pa. is one you go through in a boat. Kinda short, but the boat ride is so fuckin' cool. And it's always 58° in those caves the year around. Summer cool off.

The cave those boys are stranded in is bigger than any I've ever been in.
ever come to gatlinburg for vacation, check out forbidden caverns, about 20 miles away. takes about 45 minutes to walk through, guided tour, lots of cool formations, places where the Cherokees used to winter and moonshiners used to hide.
also pretty close to the Bush bean plant. they have a nice restaurant next door, actually a lot better than you'd think. and they used to have a tour of the plant, was cool to do once


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't you love to tour that cave though, in dry weather?

I've been through 20 something caverns. Meramec in Missouri was very cool, formally Jesse James hideout still with the James gang artifacts on display.

Penn's cave in Pa. is one you go through in a boat. Kinda short, but the boat ride is so fuckin' cool. And it's always 58° in those caves the year around. Summer cool off.

The cave those boys are stranded in is bigger than any I've ever been in.
Ever been to Crystal cave? It's beautiful in there


Well-Known Member
One of the cooler places for cavern touring is Skyline Drive in Va., Shenandoah National Park. 105 mile stretch with 7 or 8 caverns at the bottom of the mountain you can drive down and tour.

Skyline drive is pretty cool also, but on a hazy day you don't get the max view.
That sounds really cool. I'll have check it out if I'm ever in VA again


Well-Known Member

Well, I guess so. I got 3 ripe ones.

Said 49 days, been 63. I think that meant 49 Cali days.

I have 13 bell pepper plants. One was a Blushing Beauty, supposed to be yellow with red streaks kinda like a Ranier cherry look. So I went to the grow place my cousin owns and showed him a pic. I thought I had a rare pheno to take to the county fair.
0703181824a.jpg 0704181519a.jpg
Nope, a mislabeled Purple Majestic.

I like purple too though. Lol.


Well-Known Member
One of the cooler places for cavern touring is Skyline Drive in Va., Shenandoah National Park. 105 mile stretch with 7 or 8 caverns at the bottom of the mountain you can drive down and tour.

Skyline drive is pretty cool also, but on a hazy day you don't get the max view.
Skyline, Luray, Dixie and Natural Bridge caverns are each worth the time to tour.

If planed, the caverns in Va could all be visited in a few days as they are only a couple of
hours drive between any of them.

Luray is located on an earthquake fault line and has the worlds largest musical instrument.

The Great Stalgpipes Organ.
Deep in the Luray Caverns of Virginia sits the largest musical instrument in the world.

The Great Stalacpipe Organ appears at first to be a normal organ, but instead of using pipes, the organ is wired to soft rubber mallets poised to gently strike stalactites of varying lengths and thicknesses. When the keyboard is played, the entire subterranean landscape becomes a musical instrument.

Zoos and Caverns are a weakness of mine. I can't pass one without stopping.:bigjoint:

Stoned stumbling around in the caverns and watching the
animals mate at the zoos should be considered spectator entertainment sports.
I would participate.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Skyline, Luray, Dixie and Natural Bridge caverns are each worth the time to tour.

If planed, the caverns in Va could all be visited in a few days as they are only a couple of
hours drive between any of them.

Luray is located on an earthquake fault line and has the worlds largest musical instrument.

The Great Stalgpipes Organ.
Deep in the Luray Caverns of Virginia sits the largest musical instrument in the world.

The Great Stalacpipe Organ appears at first to be a normal organ, but instead of using pipes, the organ is wired to soft rubber mallets poised to gently strike stalactites of varying lengths and thicknesses. When the keyboard is played, the entire subterranean landscape becomes a musical instrument.

Zoos and Caverns are a weakness of mine. I can't pass one without stopping.:bigjoint:

Stoned stumbling around in the caverns and watching the
animals mate at the zoos should be considered spectator entertainment sports.
I would participate.:eyesmoke:
Yeah, been through Luray. I think that's the 1st one you hit heading south. We went through most of them.

I was in Natural Bridge as a kid and they had a near unbelievable car museum there circa 1966. They had a Tucker Torpedo there, one of 48.

Went back with my kids 25 years later and no more car museum. A real bummer.

Natural Bridge is nice though.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of S'mores... I saw an awesome altercation earlier between this 30ish short, thick, Hispanic woman in front of me, who was buying S'mores ingredients, and an older, maybe mid 60s, black woman 2 registers over. Out of nowhere the woman in front of me raises her voice at the older woman and says "Why are you staring at me, we got a problem?" to which, the old woman replies "You're the one with the problem, if you want it." I couldn't help burst out with a laugh. Then they just start arguing, half in Spanish, maybe, half in English. It was wicked entertaining, i was openly chuckling. The younger one leaves, I check out, go to my car and as I'm loading my trunk, I hear someone yell "You think you can just walk out like that?" It's the old woman, making a bee line for the other woman across the parking lot. She jumps in her car and screws and the old woman chucks a tomato, or maybe an apple, at her car. It was too funny. I think the old woman was a little crazy, she saw me laughing next to my car, and just smiled and laughed , then walked away. Now I want Smores... and a thick Hispanic chick.


Well-Known Member
Incoming rant........
Is it just me or is the whole emotional support dog thing a giant crock of shit? Can't even buy bolts at the hardware store without some shit poodle bugging the hell out of me. Seems to me these people are just too weak to leave the house without their little precious. These dogs aren't helping the blind. They aren't detecting seizures. They just annoy other customers. It's bullshit and needs to end.
Rant over. For now.


Virtually Unknown Member
Incoming rant........
Is it just me or is the whole emotional support dog thing a giant crock of shit? Can't even buy bolts at the hardware store without some shit poodle bugging the hell out of me. Seems to me these people are just too weak to leave the house without their little precious. These dogs aren't helping the blind. They aren't detecting seizures. They just annoy other customers. It's bullshit and needs to end.
Rant over. For now.
Until they have some actual Federal legalization/training/licensing for them, nothing will change. (and it will get worse)