.don't think you can fix a flux capacitor with a stone hammerRe-posted for posterity
i'm not so sure that they're worried about us, if they're aware of us, we're a historical docudrama to them, a sociological phenomenon to study, not any kind of threat.While I understand there is no evidence of aliens, I believe that has to do more with our technological myopia than their absence.
We've been sailing the oceans for 2000 years.
We've been using machines to multiply our efforts for 300 years.
We've had powered flight for 115 years, about the same length of time we've had radio.
We've been using machines to multiple our ability to calculate for 70 years.
I contend that we can't even begin to understand the technological capabilities of an advanced civilisation that has done these same things, say, a million years ago.
We just aren't looking in the right way, in the right place, with the right technologies or some combination of the above.
As I've said before in this thread, I don't think they want us to be aware of them yet. We are still far too stupid and violent.
We're just advanced enough to make a mess wherever we go. A hornet's nest is still annoying.i'm not so sure that they're worried about us, if they're aware of us, we're a historical docudrama to them, a sociological phenomenon to study, not any kind of threat.
FYI - modern artifacts trapped in concretions are well known to geologists. They played a big part in the 'creationist' movement in the 1980's (and later this type of 'evidence' was used by other new age types).
For example, the hammer artifact (shown earlier in this thread) is known as the 'London hammer' (also look up the 'petrifying well'). It's a normal process which looks 'amazing' to the untrained eye. This lack of knowledge is what the pedlars of this stuff rely on (as well as the 'marks' belief in some dogma that the scammer can tantalise / manipulate).
It could happen...perhaps Earth just grows the best god damn weed in the known universe!
A few hits and these aliens become unable to follow any logical flight patterns, zig zagging around in the sky (with their full beams on). Then miscalculating warp jumps and ending up in the outer reaches of the universe. Only to then be rescued showing signs of acute memory loss (plus ravenous appetite). With scant memory of their original mission, a new research party is sent to Earth to investigate (rinse and repeat).
the science is the same whether you or i like it or not, it's never been able to date objects millions of years old, the half life of carbon 14 is around 5760 years, once it gets past the 60 thousand year mark, there's too little of it to be detected anymore. and that's in any object that contains carbon. they can't date any material that never contained carbon. if they can't detect any carbon 14 in your hammer, all it means is thats its older than 60,000 years. if they're saying anything over 60 thousand, they're lying, they can't know thatAgain I know little about the London hammer beyond the link I posted, all I know is that multiple carbon datings have set that date, you'd have to take it up with them.
Convenient science that carbon dating! If we like the result we gladly accept it. If we don't we call it bunk!? ..very interesting approach to science.
What carbon dating can and can't do is well known to science. You might try learning some.Again I know little about the London hammer beyond the link I posted, all I know is that multiple carbon datings have set that date, you'd have to take it up with them.
Convenient science that carbon dating! If we like the result we gladly accept it. If we don't we call it bunk!? ..very interesting approach to science.
Nyborg is people!It could happen...
Cue Heavy Metal the movie lol
What carbon dating can and can't do is well known to science. You might try learning some.
Again I know little about the London hammer beyond the link I posted, all I know is that multiple carbon datings have set that date, you'd have to take it up with them.
Convenient science that carbon dating! If we like the result we gladly accept it. If we don't we call it bunk!? ..very interesting approach to science.
Imo, this is not a rational reply. The fact you state "I know little about the London hammer beyond the link I posted .." indicates a strong leaning to confirmation bias. You simply look for things that support your beliefs (without doing any decent background checks on its validity/authenticity). Rather then follow a more rational, scientific approach to fact checking.
A very simply google search came up with the fact that the owner of the hammer (one Carl Baugh)
'said' that it was tested by Battelle Laboratory in Columbus, Ohio (a lab that has tested moon rocks for NASA). 'According' to Baugh, the tests found the hammer to have unusual metallurgy—96.6 percent iron, 2.6 percent chlorine, 0.74 percent sulfur, and no carbon
However..Glen J. Kuban (taking one example), a vocal skeptic of Baugh’s hammer claims, wrote in a 1997 paper titled “The London Hammer: An Alleged Out-of-Place Artifact,” that the tests were conducted PRIVATELY rather than at Battelle Laboratory (nothing *cough* dodgy there, right *cough, ahem*). He cites a 1985 issue of the magazine 'Creation Ex Nihilo'. Epoch Times contacted Battelle Laboratory to verify. A spokeswoman said she had not heard of the hammer in her 15 years at the lab.
So Beachwalker, with that in mind, have you ever bothered checking that these people (who claim 'real' scientific studies have been conducted) are not just bold face lying to you? ..by simply using pseudo-science and relying on the fact that some people don't fully check their facts (and have pre-existing dogma which invokes confirmation bias that can be exploited).