What did you accomplish today?

Went to sleep, woke up again, got up, turned on fans, made coffee, had me ablutions, found out how toxic a fart has to be to disgust something that licks it's own arse when I let rip with something that burned my nosehairs and made my eyes water, which was followed a few seconds later by oldest cat, sprawled out on another bit of the couch, lifting her head, giving me a filthy look, and walking out of the room when the draught from the fan blew the toxic cloud round to her...
And we're fecking melting here, wanna swap?

Oh, hang on, that would mean South Effrican beer and not Belgian stuff, looks like you best get the thermals out.
Our beers are good. Quite a range too.

Unfortunately, as is the norm, only the mass produced cat piss gets shipped here, you'll know what I mean by only being able to get a fraction of the thousands of different beers from this tiny little fart of a country
The Belgian market is nowhere near dead, mainly because we don't really do "lite" beer here. We have the alcohol free and "radler", and various fruit beers, but not really that lite stuff.

We prefer full baritone beer farts, not squeaky little lite beer farts.
I need some small engine advice.
My old craftsman riding lawn mower recently started dying while I'm mowing, like it's running out of gas. Sputters a few times as an early warning then dies.
It's definitely not out of gas.
Here's the kicker -- if I let it sit a couple of hours, it starts up after extensive cranking and I can finish the yard.
I'm thinking fuel system so I changed the fuel filter.
Nothing changed.
What do you think?
Maybe a gunked up carb? But why would a cool down period help a clogged carb?
I'm stumped. :dunce:

What do you think?