Jordan Peterson

“What’s interesting is that on the conservative side of the spectrum we’ve figured out how to box in the radicals and say, ‘no, you’re outside the domain of acceptable opinion,’”

the republicans have nominated a nazi, an actual nazi, to run for congress in illinois

in iowa, they have a senator tweeting nazi propaganda and no one in the GOP has condemned him. not one person

the republican president is tearing children away from their parents and locking them in concentration camps.

but yeah, it must be really difficult to call a transgendered woman "she". real struggle you cult members have.
[chants of "blood and soil" from the torchlit mob grow louder in the streets]

beefbiscuit and ginja: the real problem here is that buck has gone way too far left. i will not refer to that trangender woman as "her". unthinkable.
no it isn't, he just wants to be a dick to transgendered people. just call them by what they want to be called and i'll do the same for you, captain dickless

the republicans have nominated a nazi, an actual nazi, to run for congress in illinois

in iowa, they have a senator tweeting nazi propaganda and no one in the GOP has condemned him. not one person

the republican president is tearing children away from their parents and locking them in concentration camps.
we can still be pissed off with that whilst looking at people like yourself and say not only are you not helping but theres no way us normal people want to be ruled by rabid messes like yourself

but yeah, it must be really difficult to call a transgendered woman "she". real struggle you cult members have.
peterson isnt happy with it being forced by law

he'll happily call a transgenred woman a she if asked
had no idea ginja was so triggered by being polite to people

didn;t you say you had two dozen transgender friends who all agree with the guy screaming nazi rhetoric at angry white kids?
I liked when Peterson said this;

“What’s interesting is that on the conservative side of the spectrum we’ve figured out how to box in the radicals and say, ‘no, you’re outside the domain of acceptable opinion,’” the University of Toronto professor said. “Now, here’s the issue. We know that things can go too far on the right, and we know that things can go too far on the left. But we don’t know what the markers are for going too far on the left. I would say that it’s ethically incumbent on those who are liberal or left-leaning to identity the markers of pathological extremism on the left and to distinguish themselves from the people who hold those pathological viewpoints — and I don’t see that that’s being done.”

Buck is an example of going too far on the left.
lol buck going too far is a very very low bar to step over tho. although "dont be like buck" is a good starting point
[chants of "blood and soil" from the torchlit mob grow louder in the streets]

beefbiscuit and ginja: the real problem here is that buck has gone way too far left. i will not refer to that trangender woman as "her". unthinkable.
If you look like a female, I'll call you her\she. If you look like a man, I'll call you him\he.

If you prefer to be called the opposite; I'll most likely just call you what you prefer. I'm not going to use any of the made-up nonsense words listed above, and I certainly don't think it should be considered a hate-crime to feel that way.
If you look like a female, I'll call you her\she. If you look like a man, I'll call you him\he.

If you prefer to be called the opposite; I'll most likely just call you what you prefer. I'm not going to use any of the made-up nonsense words listed above, and I certainly don't think it should be considered a hate-crime to feel that way.
"i'm opposed to hate crime laws and will endlessly defend the guy spewing nazi propaganda but really the problem here is buck saying we should be polite to vulnerable and persecuted minority groups"
the guy you are defending in this thread proliferates nazi propaganda and conspiracies.
out of all the lines and arguments this is the most pathetic one or yours

you seem to be in a strange reality where marxism never existed and it was all made up by hitler...

you can bleating that bullshit all you want but i dont think a single person here believes you

but hey at least your keeping yourself busy.....
out of all the lines and arguments this is the most pathetic one or yours

you seem to be in a strange reality where marxism never existed and it was all made up by hitler...

you can bleating that bullshit all you want but i dont think a single person here believes you

but hey at least your keeping yourself busy.....

are you denying that "cultural marxism" is a nazi conspiracy theory?
are you denying that "cultural marxism" is a nazi conspiracy theory?
are you saying that there is no such thing that could be described as cutural marxism?

this is getting pathetic now buck

i dont give a fuck what hitler said that was a fucking long time ago

there is a clear wave of the far left at the moment and their ideology is strongly in the camp of oppressed and oppressors

cultural marxists is a good enough description for me

what would you call them?
are you saying that there is no such thing that could be described as cutural marxism?

this is getting pathetic now buck

i dont give a fuck what hitler said that was a fucking long time ago

there is a clear wave of the far left at the moment and their ideology is strongly in the camp of oppressed and oppressors

cultural marxists is a good enough description for me

what would you call them?

so you are embracing nazi conspiracy theories now. got it
you are embracing nazi ideology, so of course everything else looks far left to you
lmao god your such a tool

i think you might want to look inwards with that sentiment

everyone in this thread to you are "nazi facists" just because we dont agree with you

maybe just maybe your the one on the far left and that anyone even slighty to your right are not actually "nazi facists"

#Dont be like buck!!