Greenpoint seeds!!

what would you like to see?

Prepaid account credit option that would work similar to the nugget system, but allow for account top-up purchases. So I could buy $300 upfront that would be available in my account to use when I desire without any verification or MO delays. Purchase credit upfront, verify once, purchase many times. You could also just sell nuggets to credit the account.
Prepaid account credit option that would work similar to the nugget system, but allow for account top-up purchases. So I could buy $300 upfront that would be available in my account to use when I desire without any verification or MO delays. Purchase credit upfront, verify once, purchase many times. You could also just sell nuggets to credit the account.

It would be nice to be able to cover shipping with nuggets as well. Even if it was 10 bucks of nuggets. Costs more than that to send 5 bucks with a tracking number.
Visa is very good about keeping banned industries from using their systems.

MC and Amex not so much.
I can't buy without using visa...Every ones situations are different
I almost would be happy to do a bank transfer paying the extra $ they charge you guys to do that providing there was some sort of free or extra seeds to make up for us covering the extra costs to you guys...just a thought
That pie sounds amazing
I wouldn't know, lol.
One was polished off while I was out with a friend and Mr Tang took the other one to work with him to share with the crew today.

Back to the kitchen I go...…

Edited to add. With the holiday coming I had plans of making a few more to take to camp. I picked two massive flats of berries. So its pies, jam and trim jail for me today.

@sourgummy it sounds like you have one that leans heavy toward the Cherry Pie. If you can, would you throw up some pics. I'm curious if there's any standout characteristics to look for.
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Has it been outside for a while or did you put it out while in flower? The seeds will still ripen though, right?

I put it outside when I first sexed my pack back in March. She had not sexed so I stuck her in between two males. Once she showed I rubbed her on the two males and let her be. In theory she is probably done. I'm just waiting for the pods to begin to open and I will probably take her down and pull the seeds out. It is a Bodega Bubblegum x Bodega Bubblegum
Just throwing this out there. Has anybody else had trouble getting there order from the Cannaventure drop on June 7th. Not used to having to wait over 3 weeks for a order.Greenpoint has contacted cannaventure but no reply. I hate doing business with people that don't communicate well.
Both look nice n healthy but I'm diggin the leaves on that larger one.

When I was in college a friend of mine had let me take care of one of his grow houses for two weeks while he was on vacation. Needless to say it was too much responsibility for me at the time, and I killed at least two trays full of vegging plants in one of the rooms. I felt really bad and tried my best, but crap happens.
Thank you to all our loyal customers for helping get this fixed. Seriously. Thanks for making the extra thread and bringing it up and everything. I believe it helped it get done faster.

Thank You
Nice! Real nice!