MantisMan SOG I


Hello everyone. What a great forum.

First attempt at growing to full maturation. Took 40 clones from two mothers and got 100% strike rate to my surprise. Vegged for a few days then straight into 12/12. Had dangerously low root zone temp issues for the first couple of weeks which seems to have caused slow growth and nute deficiencies but I've sorted it now. Girls are nice and warm at 27-30c ambient. I love to learn and I'm very inexperienced so any advice would be quite welcomed.:D

Rainbow Jones by Connoisseur Genetics
2’x4’ Gorilla tent.
32 clones at 4 per sq.’ SOG style.
8 x Vero29’s driven at 1050ma = ~300w.
Canna Terra Pro with 15% added perlite.
Nutes are KISS Maxibloom.
Great White Myco & Trich.

Acclimating to the stronger light.

20 Days Flowering

30 Days Flowering



Thanks vertnugs and WeedSexWeightsShakes. Very nice of you to stop by.

Indeed they are 1 gallon fabric pots. I water them all by hand. It really sucks. Very time consuming. Next SOG I'll go coco and set up a drip irrigation.


Well-Known Member
Thanks vertnugs and WeedSexWeightsShakes. Very nice of you to stop by.

Indeed they are 1 gallon fabric pots. I water them all by hand. It really sucks. Very time consuming. Next SOG I'll go coco and set up a drip irrigation.
I always thought it would be fun to do sog but didn’t want to hand water all of them lol!
I was hand watering 11 plants in 5-7 g fabric pots and that is time consuming enough.
If you get a watering system please share!


Well-Known Member
Soil SOG works great with but no so great with fabric pots.

I use 32 oz blacked out plastic cups with drain holes, then another 32 oz clear to catch the run off.

The runoff seeps back into the soil, insuring each plant is well fed. This keeps me from having to pull each plant to feed. They don't get the extra cup until they need water every 2 days. Gives me an extra 1-2 days between feeding/watering without causing root rot.

Give it shot you wont be disappointed.


Soil SOG works great with but no so great with fabric pots.

I use 32 oz blacked out plastic cups with drain holes, then another 32 oz clear to catch the run off.

The runoff seeps back into the soil, insuring each plant is well fed. This keeps me from having to pull each plant to feed. They don't get the extra cup until they need water every 2 days. Gives me an extra 1-2 days between feeding/watering without causing root rot.

Give it shot you wont be disappointed.
Thanks for the advice, ChefKimbo. I might have to try that in the future at some point.;)


Let your night time temps drop to get the purple to express.
Yeah that's what I've been doing and there's a fair bit of purpling already. I'm trying not to have too much of a swing between day and night temps though.

I'll definitely let them get freezing towards the end. lol


Well-Known Member
Soil SOG works great with but no so great with fabric pots.
I discovered something when I did the large grow using my perforated bags method....

There is a high humidity vapor hanging right around our bags or pots... When I had the bags too close to each other, very little air pruning happened as the roots stayed moist.


I discovered something when I did the large grow using my perforated bags method....

There is a high humidity vapor hanging right around our bags or pots... When I had the bags too close to each other, very little air pruning happened as the roots stayed moist.
I certainly noticed this in the early weeks. I could go 7-9 days without watering because they're all crammed next to each other and they took ages to dry out. The roots just bust out of the sides and the bottom as a result. I'm back to watering every 3 or 4 days now though as the girls are drinking heaps. If I had my time over I would've probably saved my money and just used normal plastic pots as I'm not sure how much benefit the fabric ones are given the aforementioned crowded setup. Very little extra oxygen and wet/dry cycling is happening as compared to plastic, imo.


Well-Known Member
Only a few roots come out and most root tips will die over time. Get a big knife when it's done and cut a root ball in half. You will clearly see a difference. I always use a tray and often watering only from below with fabric pots. At least every 2nd time. But I also have a hydroton layer on top of the soil to prevent the soil from drying out to fast. Helps also against fungus gnats and the root can use all the soil available.


Only a few roots come out and most root tips will die over time. Get a big knife when it's done and cut a root ball in half. You will clearly see a difference. I always use a tray and often watering only from below with fabric pots. At least every 2nd time. But I also have a hydroton layer on top of the soil to prevent the soil from drying out to fast. Helps also against fungus gnats and the root can use all the soil available.
Interesting. I'll be sure to do that. What is the purpose or proposed benefits of watering from the bottom up, I wonder?