Jordan Peterson

fuck pseudo-intellectual windbags like you too

jordan peterson is a white supremacist

you are his apologist

fascism relies on little shitstains like you not rocking the boat

I've actually said I feel JP has a terrible grasp of logic and a self-serving approach to truth to the point that no one should pay attention to anything he says. In your world, that makes me his apologist. You even purport that I am 'not rocking the boat,' meaning, in your mind, not rocking the boat is the same thing as defending JPs views. This is the purity politics I mentioned. It doesn't matter if I take the same positions as you, If I don't think and act exactly as you see appropriate, I'm part of the problem. That sounds a bit like tyranny to me. As I said, you are the thing you hate.

Your frustration has caused you to build a strawman. You asked for my informed opinion on JP's political views, and I simply said I am not informed about them because I don't think JP is worthy of attention. This annoyed you, so you pretend I've said that the social issues you care about are not worthy of attention. Then comes the foaming-at-the-mouth name calling and the weak non-sequitur justifications. If I didn't know that you've been around these forums forever I'd be forced to wonder if you were a plant by the alt-right meant to play the part of a 'triggered snowflake' in order to make the left look bad.

[chants from the nazi militias in the streets grow louder]

heinsenberg: yes, but buck used a staged photo. this is the real outrage here

It really shouldn't be surprising or a revelation to you that when you lie and manipulate, especially when done so transparently, you lose credibility. I suppose it may be surprising for you to learn that the suffering and injustice of others does not restore your credibility. Yes, the policies of the current administration are travesties which demand immediate and severe attention. The state of the culture which tolerates and emboldens bigotry and discrimination should be a source of outrage to any compassionate and thinking person. Any response other than "this is not acceptable" reflects a deeply flawed and perverted view of justice and humanity.

The problem is that you aren't doing anything to help. What you've done is merely co-opt the indignity and abuse of others as a reason for you to be an asshole and not have people call you on it. You're using the villainy of others as cover for your own. You're depending on the views of your enemies to be so shitty that no one notice the stench coming from your own mouth.

And the worst part is, you think no one has noticed. But, you are not a stupid man Buck. You, it turns out, have noticed your hypocrisy. That's why you go into a meltdown and resort to personal attacks. Anything to distract you from yourself. You are a mess. Trump and JP and the like have broken you. You can't deal, so instead you flail.
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I've actually said I feel JP has a terrible grasp of logic and a self-serving approach to truth to the point that no one should pay attention to anything he says. In your world, that makes me his apologist. You even purport that I am 'not rocking the boat,' meaning, in your mind, not rocking the boat is the same thing as defending JPs views. This is the purity politics I mentioned. It doesn't matter if I take the same positions as you, If I don't think and act exactly as you see appropriate, I'm part of the problem. That sounds a bit like tyranny to me. As I said, you are the thing you hate.

Your frustration has caused you to build a strawman. You asked for my informed opinion on JP's political views, and I simply said I am not informed about them because I don't think JP is worthy of attention. This annoyed you, so you pretend I've said that the social issues you care about are not worthy of attention. Then comes the foaming-at-the-mouth name calling and the weak non-sequitur justifications. If I didn't know that you've been around these forums forever I'd be forced to wonder if you were a plant by the alt-right meant to play the part of a 'triggered snowflake' in order to make the left look bad.

It really shouldn't be surprising or a revelation to you that when you lie and manipulate, especially when done so transparently, you lose credibility. I suppose it may be surprising for you to learn that the suffering and injustice of others does not restore your credibility. Yes, the policies of the current administration are travesties which demand immediate and severe attention. The state of the culture which tolerates and emboldens bigotry and discrimination should be a source of outrage to any compassionate and thinking person. Any response other than "this is not acceptable" reflects a deeply flawed and perverted view of justice and humanity.

The problem is that you aren't doing anything to help. What you've done is merely co-opt the indignity and abuse of others as a reason for you to be an asshole and not have people call you on it. You're using the villainy of others as cover for your own. You're depending on the views of your enemies to be so shitty that no one notice the stench coming from your own mouth.

And the worst part is, you think no one has noticed. But, you are not a stupid man Buck. You, it turns out, have noticed your hypocrisy. That's why you go into a meltdown and resort to personal attacks. Anything to distract you from yourself. You are a mess. Trump and JP and the like have broken you. You can't deal, so instead you flail.
more long-winded repetition

the fact is you have spoken out more and more pointedly against my staged picture than a gasbag canadian spouting nazi conspiracy theories and propaganda, or children being put in concentration camps after being torn away from their parents

so go ahead and fill up 8 pages with your bloated bullshit, it doesn't matter. your actions speak louder than your heaps of useless words
I've actually said I feel JP has a terrible grasp of logic and a self-serving approach to truth to the point that no one should pay attention to anything he says. In your world, that makes me his apologist. You even purport that I am 'not rocking the boat,' meaning, in your mind, not rocking the boat is the same thing as defending JPs views. This is the purity politics I mentioned. It doesn't matter if I take the same positions as you, If I don't think and act exactly as you see appropriate, I'm part of the problem. That sounds a bit like tyranny to me. As I said, you are the thing you hate.

Your frustration has caused you to build a strawman. You asked for my informed opinion on JP's political views, and I simply said I am not informed about them because I don't think JP is worthy of attention. This annoyed you, so you pretend I've said that the social issues you care about are not worthy of attention. Then comes the foaming-at-the-mouth name calling and the weak non-sequitur justifications. If I didn't know that you've been around these forums forever I'd be forced to wonder if you were a plant by the alt-right meant to play the part of a 'triggered snowflake' in order to make the left look bad.

It really shouldn't be surprising or a revelation to you that when you lie and manipulate, especially when done so transparently, you lose credibility. I suppose it may be surprising for you to learn that the suffering and injustice of others does not restore your credibility. Yes, the policies of the current administration are travesties which demand immediate and severe attention. The state of the culture which tolerates and emboldens bigotry and discrimination should be a source of outrage to any compassionate and thinking person. Any response other than "this is not acceptable" reflects a deeply flawed and perverted view of justice and humanity.

The problem is that you aren't doing anything to help. What you've done is merely co-opt the indignity and abuse of others as a reason for you to be an asshole and not have people call you on it. You're using the villainy of others as cover for your own. You're depending on the views of your enemies to be so shitty that no one notice the stench coming from your own mouth.

And the worst part is, you think no one has noticed. But, you are not a stupid man Buck. You, it turns out, have noticed your hypocrisy. That's why you go into a meltdown and resort to personal attacks. Anything to distract you from yourself. You are a mess. Trump and JP and the like have broken you. You can't deal, so instead you flail.
Great post, man. Spot on analyzation.
more long-winded repetition

the fact is you have spoken out more and more pointedly against my staged picture than a gasbag canadian spouting nazi conspiracy theories and propaganda, or children being put in concentration camps after being torn away from their parents

so go ahead and fill up 8 pages with your bloated bullshit, it doesn't matter. your actions speak louder than your heaps of useless words

Right, this is exactly what I said you would do. Point to actual atrocities and pretend like they are somehow your own. Divert the outrage that these kids deserve and use it as cover for your own shitty disposition. Pepper it with name calling and belittlement, and then stroke your boner in reassurance that you are the most pure and that you finally have a reason to explain why other people don't like you. It's not because you suck at being a person, it's because everyone else is Nazis! If people don't accept that, well that just proves what Nazi sympathizers they really are.

Meanwhile I don't hear you actually crying out over kids being in detention camps or discrimination against gays and blacks. You only mention them when you need to deflect from or justify your own shitty behavior. This is why you have no problem misrepresenting JP's words to make them worse, and why using a staged photo gives you no pause. It because it serves you better. You don't actually care about these issue, you care about what you can gain from them.

And because you don't have an actual position that can be articulated, your only response is to double down. Pretend that replies with more than one paragraph are "long winded", which is an anti-intellectual tactic used by everyone from creationists to anti-vaxxers, and then cry "but, the children!" It is, of course, your prerogative to be this way, but you really shouldn't be surprised when other people see through it.
Right, this is exactly what I said you would do. Point to actual atrocities and pretend like they are somehow your own. Divert the outrage that these kids deserve and use it as cover for your own shitty disposition. Pepper it with name calling and belittlement, and then stroke your boner in reassurance that you are the most pure and that you finally have a reason to explain why other people don't like you. It's not because you suck at being a person, it's because everyone else is Nazis! If people don't accept that, well that just proves what Nazi sympathizers they really are.

Meanwhile I don't hear you actually crying out over kids being in detention camps or discrimination against gays and blacks. You only mention them when you need to deflect from or justify your own shitty behavior. This is why you have no problem misrepresenting JP's words to make them worse, and why using a staged photo gives you no pause. It because it serves you better. You don't actually care about these issue, you care about what you can gain from them.

And because you don't have an actual position that can be articulated, your only response is to double down. Pretend that replies with more than one paragraph are "long winded", which is an anti-intellectual tactic used by everyone from creationists to anti-vaxxers, and then cry "but, the children!" It is, of course, your prerogative to be this way, but you really shouldn't be surprised when other people see through it.
jordan peterson is using nazi propaganda. that's what "cultural marxism" is. it is a conspiracy theory used originally by the nazis. it posits that jews are riling up homosexuals and black people and others to destroy "western civilization".

"preserving western civilization" is a long known code of the neo-nazi, white supremacist, hard right. for reference:

Screenshot 2018-06-26 at 11.19.39 PM.png

these are demonstrable, easily verified facts. i am not sure why you would accuse me of having to misrepresent jordan peterson. his very own canards speak for themselves. he is stoking racism, white supremacy, and using nazi propaganda and conspiracy theories to do so.

do i have to wait until i am in one of trump's concentration camps to complain about it? just because the atrocities being committed are not my own does not mean i cannot speak out against them. on the contrary, it gives me a greater obligation to speak out against them since i am still in a position to do so.

you are still complaining more about a staged photo meant to depict the horrors unfolding around us rather than the horrors unfolding around us. and just look at the likes you are getting. dbkick is jew hater. pabloesqouobar is a virulent racist trump supporter. padawan calls people "faggots" and says black people have a herd-like mentality.

make better decisions.
I happen to like western culture....

There's lots of freedom, democracy, and social programs, etc., that help people. It's not perfect but I don't want to see a Communist or Islamic government in Canada or the USA.

What is wrong with that? You do realize you can be a proponent of western culture without being a nazi, right? Or are you really that fucking stupid, Buck? It's ok, you can plead the fifth.
Setting aside my conversation with Buck, I am wondering what exactly it is that you guys admire about JP. The man doesn't seem to be on the right side of any issues. He seems to be full of bad arguments for stupid ideas. Sure, he looks reasonable when held next to reactionaries like Buck, but that's a low bar pretty much anyone could pass. Even the broad issues on which I find myself in agreement, like anti-postmodernism, it's for very different reasons than what he argues.

So what am I missing?
Setting aside my conversation with Buck, I am wondering what exactly it is that you guys admire about JP. The man doesn't seem to be on the right side of any issues. He seems to be full of bad arguments for stupid ideas. Sure, he looks reasonable when held next to reactionaries like Buck, but that's a low bar pretty much anyone could pass. Even the broad issues on which I find myself in agreement, like anti-postmodernism, it's for very different reasons than what he argues.

So what am I missing?
Personally,since my name was dropped by what's his name , I don't even know who the fuck JP is and I really couldn't care less. I just like seeing you bitchslap buck with every post he makes.
Off topic I'd like to thank you again for the knowledge you shared years ago. I tend to try to run a sterile res anymore but your advice has helped me out a time or two when that wasn't possible.
Setting aside my conversation with Buck, I am wondering what exactly it is that you guys admire about JP. The man doesn't seem to be on the right side of any issues. He seems to be full of bad arguments for stupid ideas. Sure, he looks reasonable when held next to reactionaries like Buck, but that's a low bar pretty much anyone could pass. Even the broad issues on which I find myself in agreement, like anti-postmodernism, it's for very different reasons than what he argues.

So what am I missing?
Personally, I don't admire the guy. Like you said, he seems to fall on the wrong side of most issues. One thing I did like that I recently saw is he is at least willing to consider alternative positions from his own and be swayed by them if they're reasonable enough. On Jim Jeffrey's show, Jeffrey's compared LGBT rights with civil rights for minorities saying that the implementation of those laws in the 60's has resulted in a better opportunity for minorities, Peterson agreed, then Jeffrey's applied the same logic to LGBT rights, and Peterson admitted he hadn't considered that position before, and Jeffrey's might be right. To me, admitting fault is a big step in actually considering the validity of an issue. I think he should apply that to other issues.
Personally, I don't admire the guy. Like you said, he seems to fall on the wrong side of most issues. One thing I did like that I recently saw is he is at least willing to consider alternative positions from his own and be swayed by them if they're reasonable enough. On Jim Jeffrey's show, Jeffrey's compared LGBT rights with civil rights for minorities saying that the implementation of those laws in the 60's has resulted in a better opportunity for minorities, Peterson agreed, then Jeffrey's applied the same logic to LGBT rights, and Peterson admitted he hadn't considered that position before, and Jeffrey's might be right. To me, admitting fault is a big step in actually considering the validity of an issue. I think he should apply that to other issues.

I saw that interview a couple of days ago. I agree, openly admitting that you were wrong is an unusual thing. He was the same way with Sam Harris. He admitted that Sam has some very strong and compelling arguments against the idea that usefulness = truth, and that he would have to give those arguments some thought. The problem is, he doesn't seem to actually change his mind. He seems to move on to the next venue and start over ala Duane Gish style. To me, that's intellectual dishonesty.

I also find it hard to believe that he hadn't thought of that analogy before. Comparing refusal to serve gays with refusal to serve blacks seems axiomatic. I think it points to only two possibilities. He had made/heard that connection before and simply ignored it, or it actually hadn't occurred to him, which means he hasn't really given the issue much thought beyond confirmation bias.

In the end, changing one's mind in the face of good arguments is commendable only because not many do it. In reality, it is the very least we expect people to do when sitting at a table with adults. So, I am not inclined to give him too much credit for it.

I agree with his stance on compelled speech and rampant political correctness. That's really about it...

Yep, me to. However, being against the legal compulsion to speak a certain way is pretty much a no brainier. I don't think it takes any sort of special insight (and I realize you were not positing that it does).
So, as it turns out, Buck has been attacking and berating a bunch of people who don't actually support or endorse anything JP says. It seems like Buck himself is the one that's been keeping people from discussing the fact that JP has nothing meaningful to say. It's almost as if running into a room while biting the heads of chickens and spitting blood on everyone is a poor way to get them to listen to your message. I think we can add social justice warrior to the list of things Buck sucks at doing.
I happen to like western culture....

There's lots of freedom, democracy, and social programs, etc., that help people. It's not perfect but I don't want to see a Communist or Islamic government in Canada or the USA.

What is wrong with that? You do realize you can be a proponent of western culture without being a nazi, right? Or are you really that fucking stupid, Buck? It's ok, you can plead the fifth.

are you honestly worried about an islamic government taking over?
Personally,since my name was dropped by what's his name , I don't even know who the fuck JP is and I really couldn't care less. I just like seeing you bitchslap buck with every post he makes.
Off topic I'd like to thank you again for the knowledge you shared years ago. I tend to try to run a sterile res anymore but your advice has helped me out a time or two when that wasn't possible.
any jews fire you from your min wage job today?
So, as it turns out, Buck has been attacking and berating a bunch of people who don't actually support or endorse anything JP says. It seems like Buck himself is the one that's been keeping people from discussing the fact that JP has nothing meaningful to say. It's almost as if running into a room while biting the heads of chickens and spitting blood on everyone is a poor way to get them to listen to your message. I think we can add social justice warrior to the list of things Buck sucks at doing.

still complaining more about mean ol' buck than a guy indoctrinating disaffected angry whites into neo-nazism by spewing repackaged nazi propaganda.

and getting likes from rabid jew haters along the way.

well done! you must be proud.
any jews fire you from your min wage job today?
Manage to hold your job for another day, lucky you? Only a few more decades to go.
Try to stay on topic.
I won't get into a heated argument with you because I know the outcome .
Pray for any Israeli soldiers to murder palestinian babies?
How about this? Post up some of the photos you took from the protest at the ICE facility right down the street from your house the other day.
Manage to hold your job for another day, lucky you? Only a few more decades to go.
Try to stay on topic.
I won't get into a heated argument with you because I know the outcome .
Pray for any Israeli soldiers to murder palestinian babies?
How about this? Post up some of the photos you took from the protest at the ICE facility right down the street from your house the other day.
still triggered by that ICE protest, eh?

you gonna blame jews for that as well?
still triggered by that ICE protest, eh?

you gonna blame jews for that as well?
Seriously , it was right down the street from you, if I felt as strongly as you claim to feel about the topic I would have been at that protest.
I won't even mention the time that the alt-right made an appearance in fort collins, I know you didn't attend that one because your ass was sitting right here doing what you do.
Seriously , it was right down the street from you, if I felt as strongly as you claim to feel about the topic I would have been at that protest.
I won't even mention the time that the alt-right made an appearance in fort collins, I know you didn't attend that one because your ass was sitting right here doing what you do.
alt right?

you mean nazis?

how's your poverty life style going? are the jews still ruining your shitty life?

Screenshot 2018-06-27 at 7.43.03 PM.png

glad he's on your side, heisenberg!