Well-Known Member
fuck pseudo-intellectual windbags like you too
jordan peterson is a white supremacist
you are his apologist
fascism relies on little shitstains like you not rocking the boat
I've actually said I feel JP has a terrible grasp of logic and a self-serving approach to truth to the point that no one should pay attention to anything he says. In your world, that makes me his apologist. You even purport that I am 'not rocking the boat,' meaning, in your mind, not rocking the boat is the same thing as defending JPs views. This is the purity politics I mentioned. It doesn't matter if I take the same positions as you, If I don't think and act exactly as you see appropriate, I'm part of the problem. That sounds a bit like tyranny to me. As I said, you are the thing you hate.
Your frustration has caused you to build a strawman. You asked for my informed opinion on JP's political views, and I simply said I am not informed about them because I don't think JP is worthy of attention. This annoyed you, so you pretend I've said that the social issues you care about are not worthy of attention. Then comes the foaming-at-the-mouth name calling and the weak non-sequitur justifications. If I didn't know that you've been around these forums forever I'd be forced to wonder if you were a plant by the alt-right meant to play the part of a 'triggered snowflake' in order to make the left look bad.
[chants from the nazi militias in the streets grow louder]
heinsenberg: yes, but buck used a staged photo. this is the real outrage here
It really shouldn't be surprising or a revelation to you that when you lie and manipulate, especially when done so transparently, you lose credibility. I suppose it may be surprising for you to learn that the suffering and injustice of others does not restore your credibility. Yes, the policies of the current administration are travesties which demand immediate and severe attention. The state of the culture which tolerates and emboldens bigotry and discrimination should be a source of outrage to any compassionate and thinking person. Any response other than "this is not acceptable" reflects a deeply flawed and perverted view of justice and humanity.
The problem is that you aren't doing anything to help. What you've done is merely co-opt the indignity and abuse of others as a reason for you to be an asshole and not have people call you on it. You're using the villainy of others as cover for your own. You're depending on the views of your enemies to be so shitty that no one notice the stench coming from your own mouth.
And the worst part is, you think no one has noticed. But, you are not a stupid man Buck. You, it turns out, have noticed your hypocrisy. That's why you go into a meltdown and resort to personal attacks. Anything to distract you from yourself. You are a mess. Trump and JP and the like have broken you. You can't deal, so instead you flail.
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