The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

We have officially crossed into the twilight zone with right wingers, a quote from the article sums it up, "Who or what is QAnon? Just asking that question sucks you into a world that's like Pizzagate on bath salts". Just when I thought these wack jobs couldn't get any crazier I see this.
Right up there with flat earthers, but when ya consider a large portion of the country can't figure out that Trump is an evil cocksucker who can't be trusted with anything, much less power, its not entirely unexpected. If ya don't feel like voting, remember all the morons out there who will...
I like how this guy expresses himself, an American Patriot and real conservative who believes in the constitution. I don't agree with his ideology, but I can't argue about the integrity, honor and patriotism of the man. You might wanna pay attention to what this guy is saying, it's a warning from a wise man
Steve Schmidt: GOP Is "A Threat To Liberal Democracy" | All In | MSNBC
Trump's autocratic impulses are transforming the country, according to the former strategist, and the Republican Party is enabling him.
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This has been evident to anyone with eyes for quite some time. Ryan has backed nunez fully. Mconnel has also backed trump - even threatening obama to not disclose what he was up to.

Everyone in the GOP is complicit, which is why they will probably get away with it.
They have permanently lost anybody with a brain, the youth for a generation, the national security and law enforcement communities, the military and the independents. They've lost everybody who is not a Trumper and I'm hoping the midterms will be a sound repudiation of Trump and the GOP, if not yer finished as a democracy and we are fucked here in Canada. I think Trump might have even lost few Harley fans with his latest boneheaded tweets. It will be a struggle, but the good guys will win, Trump is a loser and he's gonna lose this time too and anything he has control over like the GOP, loses too. The majority of Americans won't trust the republicans to hold Trump to account, check him and impeach him.

The rot runs deep in the GOP and the lifers in the FBI and justice departments are gonna have a real close look after the midterms. I figure the shit is really gonna hit the fan soon and for the next few years it's gonna be a rough ride for America.
sorry but he was governor until 2003. he was a civilian at the time. you wouldn't be let in either.
I don't think facts matter with his type, Trumpers don't deal too well with facts, their usual diet is bullshit and Donald keeps them well supplied. Any bullshit will do, it's just a cover for racism hate and fear, that's what's really jerking their chain. Vote, because idiots like that probably do.
We are already doubly fucked. As soon as the GOP gets to put some fox mouthpiece into kennedy's chair on SCOTUS, there will be no stopping the ruin. They will have a solid 5-4 vote on every issue from abortion to marriage to voting rights.

They can even shut down the free press with a few tweaks to the independence of reporters and a reinterpretation of first amendment rights. Gays won't be able to hide like they did in the 50's. They will be in jail or worse. Same for activists.

Arresting opponents without charge will be child's play. Democracy dies with a 50-49 vote prior to the mid terms.
Let's hope Warner wasn't just blowing smoke rings here. This might just turn over the gop's apple cart for a while....

Senator Mark Warner, a Democrat, reportedly said to a crowd at a private fundraiser: “If you get me one more glass of wine, I’ll tell you stuff only Bob Mueller and I know. If you think you’ve seen wild stuff so far, buckle up. It’s going to be a wild couple of months.”

Buckle up indeed.
Let's hope Warner wasn't just blowing smoke rings here. This might just turn over the gop's apple cart for a while....

Senator Mark Warner, a Democrat, reportedly said to a crowd at a private fundraiser: “If you get me one more glass of wine, I’ll tell you stuff only Bob Mueller and I know. If you think you’ve seen wild stuff so far, buckle up. It’s going to be a wild couple of months.”

Buckle up indeed.
I don't think Mueller is gonna fuck around with Trump at all, he's gonna drop a big one or several all at once on him, overwhelming force, shock and awe, he's playing for keeps. Trump's legal strategy is to fire everyone in sight when the time comes and make Scott Pruitt the AG, I think Mueller is waiting for the primaries to finish before he acts.I believe he will drop one on Donald that the GOP can't ignore during election season, forget the "rules", one way or another the American people are gonna judge this shit, if the GOP won't act on Mueller's findings. There's no way out for the GOP they are about to have a blow torch applied to them.
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Bloomberg: Robert Mueller To Zero In On Donald Trump-Russia Collusion Allegations | Hardball | MSNBC
Today, Bloomberg News reported Mueller is also preparing to "accelerate" his probe into possible collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Kremlin.
September shit storm, maximum pain for the republicans
Bloomberg: Robert Mueller To Zero In On Donald Trump-Russia Collusion Allegations | Hardball | MSNBC
Today, Bloomberg News reported Mueller is also preparing to "accelerate" his probe into possible collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Kremlin.
September shit storm, maximum pain for the republicans

i'm gonna watch this, but i don;t think you understand. the GOP is complicit, they are not going to admit this and fox news has been laying the ground work for years.

this will take a war.
i'm gonna watch this, but i don;t think you understand. the GOP is complicit, they are not going to admit this and fox news has been laying the ground work for years.

this will take a war.
After the election, see how things play out, a majority in the house and senate and quite possibly a landslide will see the political landscape change overnight. If you think you saw Trump squirm in the past, just wait till then, he'd be running off to moscow on airforce one pardoning everyone he could think of. Mueller must know what Putin has on Trump by now and the only hold he has on Donald is Asylum. The only way out for Donald in the end is to run for russia and I figure he's sucking Vlad's arse on the upcoming trip to arrange things. Donald will broadcast russian propaganda from moscow and claim a "deep state coup" drove him from power. If yer really lucky, it might happen before the election, with Donald leaving the GOP and his base high and dry. I wonder how many weeks he'd be in moscow before the GOP got around to impeaching him. I can see it now a procession of GOP senators will go to moscow and beg Donald to come back, Donald will insist on keeping air force one and renaming it Trump one and not until they make that bad man Mueller go away.
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Is trump looking to leave NATO? At the G7, Trump said of the NATO Summit on July 11-12 in Brussels: "It will be an interesting summit. NATO is as bad as NAFTA. It's much too costly for the U.S."

Another payback to Russia?