Pre registration for the greatest party cup grow off of 2018

Only schwaggier plant in the competition was mine haha,your the Dawg of this thread...
Ease up, I'm a newbie breaking my cherry!
I agree with the schwagg!
I made a lot of mistakes but I'm glad I made it to harvest.
I expect no votes and only posted above at the OP's request.
I should not have topped. Should not have stressed them early with the light. Should not have under fertilized then over fertilized. Should not have put Clorox in my evaporative cooler. Probably forgot a few things I should not have done lol.
No way am I The Dawg. Totally disagree with that. The Dawg crashed and burned 10 days into a comp. I never have and may never experience that embarrassment. Have you?

Practicing for the next comp.
Very airy but I bet you would smoke it if you were out lol.
The big one grown organic under 12/12 was harvested yesterday. The pair of small ones under 12/12 grew 1 1/2 inches in the last 3 days and will stretch for 4 weeks. Looking at the pair I can't believe they are the same plants I just looked in on.

I had a blast and I'll be back Bro! See you in the next comp!

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Budzbuddha was my early favorite.
Underground Scientist had a great trellis and was also my early favorite.
Big Green Thump has a cool cage and had a strong finish.
I went with nfhiggs not because of the weight but because of the appearance of the buds. Maybe I don't have a good eye IDK but I felt if I was going to buy a 1/4 from one of the contestance I would gamble on his.

1) nfhiggs
2) Big Green Thumb
3) Budzbuddha

Honorable mentions: Underground Scientist, hybridway2 and DesertPlants.

PS. To all of the above!
My votes:
1st place - me. 'Cuz ol' club footed Cleatus pulled through and played a good game.
2nd place - NfHiggs. 19 grams of goodness.
3rd place - Hybrid.
Honorable mention to all who played this game. I'll see you in the next round.
You guys are all in My Dawg House.
My only question is if I play in an LED ONLY contest in the future and my plant shows growth in a 2 day period like the plant below. Will I be suspected of cheating lol?
Gonna take you all down! One by one!
Happy Growing!
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I also disagree with your plant being schwagg. I just looked at your pictures. It's a small plant but it looks like a good smoke IMO, at least from the picture.
It's interesting when I go back and read this post. It probably influenced my vote to consider which buds I'd like to smoke. Tough call on what plants are the winners, so many look good.
Look forward to future comps. I'll try not to act like a pain in the ass newbie next time, just a pain in the ass. ;) :peace:
Remember... a vote for DesertPlants is a vote for sex toy plant designs, world peace, and everlasting life. Plus, here are some quotes to think about:

“DesertPlants should win the solo cup grow.” - Bingus

“DesertPlants should definitely win.” - My Mom

“I don’t know who DesertPlants is.” - SnoopDogg

“That depends on you definition of ‘is’.” - Bill Clinton

“I like Pizza Steve” - the movie Multiplicity
OK, here is my official vote:

#1 Gotta give this one to.... Cleatus and Big Green Thumb. She started out a homely buck-toothed, slack jawed yokel but flowered like Ellie Mae Klampett.

#2. Gotta give this vote to myself. I even handicapped myself by staying in a 16 oz cup when I could have gone with 20.

#3. Gotta give this one to Hybridway, another guy that handicapped himself and still came out with a pretty darn respectable weight.

Special mention to Kushash, who kept track of who was "in" and who was "out".
Thanks for the mention nfhiggs!


Big Green Thumb

Have Not Voted:

Underground scientist
Rolla J

As always this may not be accurate.
Put an @ before those names so it tags them.
Thanks for the mention nfhiggs!


Big Green Thumb

Have Not Voted:

Underground scientist
Rolla J

As always this may not be accurate.