Is Trump being the worst POTUS on purpose?!


Well-Known Member
POTUS ... " Piece Of Taint Under Scrotum "

Has singlehandedly made this country look like the short yellow bus coming down the street. He is a classless oaf that " cannot " function if he isn't part of a headline story.
He claims North Korea is now " nuke free " and you can sleep better tonight , all from a photo op. No experience in world affairs , only that he wants the world to put him front and center .... right comrade ?! ....

We are the laughing stock of the world ..... He managed to start a trade war with EVERYONE. He fucked over all of us hard working Americans with making changes that effect what we will end up paying as a consumer. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer has NEVER been so obvious. He hires staff and ass kissers that have ZERO experience in the offices they hold. Ivanka makes trade deals with China for her OWN interests of her brand. He blocks naturalized and LEGAL green card holders WANTING TO SERVE IN OUR MILITARY......... " WANTING TO SERVE OUR COUNTRY AS PROUND AMERICANS " ...... Let that sink in.

His dysfunctional group of family trumptards STILL help him conduct private business " in his name " .... His arrogance and greed is without measure. He wants a fucking SPACE FORCE ..... To " command and make space OUR dominate new frontier " .

Seriously... How in the fuck does anyone not see what a waste of oxygen this orange baboon really is ? .... He thinks excerise is stupid because we are born with a finite amount of energy like a battery ?... WTF ?

Everything this mutha fucka touches FAILS .... Trump airlines , Trump university , casinos , marriage, went bankrupt four fucking times , hides his finances , claims he can get any woman , buys portraits of himself at charity auctions, fakes magazine covers , can't even walk a golf green , makes suggestive comments about Ivanka , once told her to get a boob job , hired " illegals " for his properties ( denied it ) , has multiple lawsuits pending , blatant racist , is obsessed with Obama ( jealous much ? ) ,thought and insisted he was being wire tapped , praises Putin ( licks his dick ) ,
refuses / backpedal paying workers and contractors , treats allies like sub serving fools , caught on record asking how old some girls were ( they were 14 ) and said : " I'll be dating you in a few years " ......

He was a piece of shit WELL BEFORE BECOMING PRESIDENT... And his ONLY FOCUS right now is being RALLY MODE for midterm.

I cannot fathom how anyone with a half of a brain can blindly follow this idiot....
Is it something in the Mountain Dew or Chem Trails ? Is his BASE a pool of inbred S or what ? .... It is fucking shocking that AMERICANS don't shut this fucker down .
All you have to do is look back .... The deeper you look the worse it gets.

I am in no part a Clinton supporter either .... That is a whole other story there , fucking illuminati / reptilian shit ... Lol .

Please lord Jesus ... Strike this ape with bloody stool , aneurysm, heart attack , lightening bolt , terminal bone spurs .... Send Thanos ..... Something .......... Amen.


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Purchased with charity money - for himself . Little hands and all.
Tell me that was photoshopped..


Well-Known Member
I’m going with ‘Inbred S’..every day I dream of slipping a needle dagger into his jugular..I take dagger lessons in my mind.

My doctor upped the benzo dosage and made them disintingrating for quick hit during Trump Twitter Stress. It’s for when 15-20 is too long.

Has your doctor adjusted your meds lately? You might mention to him that people have recently noticed a change for the worse in your mania.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i see a whole slew of trump related illnesses on the horizon, both mental and physical.....
Huckabee-Sanders syndrome....the inability to differentiate between the truth and a lie, as long as trump said it....(i think a lot of idiots already have this, just undiagnosed yet)
Bernie's disease.....a slow draining of enthusiasm, charisma, charm, and a growing sense of disillusionment.........
Pence's palsy.......a religious fervor that can lead to speaking in tongues, wearing button up sweaters, listening to Pat just gets uglier as it progresses......
Severe turn orange, your hands shrink by 50%, you lose any sense of taste, your morals, the top of your head goes bald but the sides grow very long, and you spend all of your time seeking the attention and approval of idiots