The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

I see the American Red Cross can't get into the detention centers for children, how bad is it when the senators, congressman, NGO's and the American Red Cross can't gain access to the kids. The public is feed government propaganda footage of boys and young men, subtext (be afraid of these people), the girls and young children are hidden away. Trump is spouting racist rhetoric of pure lies and hate and is holding thousands of children hostage in secret conditions. I don't trust a thing the Trump administration says about these children and their treatment and I sure as shit don't trust Trump with their safety and welfare.

Sheesh, even Hitler let the red cross into the pow camps....... I think they even visited the real camps, though only very small areas.

They are also keeping lawmakers out. And they control all spending authority and have constitutional oversight powers......
Harley-Davidson moving jobs out of US over Trump's tariffs
President Donald Trump's trade policy is backfiring on Harley-Davidson. The company is shifting some production of motorcycles for European customers out of the United States to avoid EU retaliatory tariffs.
The pain is starting real quick, by election day a lot of folks are gonna be out of a job if Donald keeps going with his trade war. Let's see, trade wars and layoffs, snatching babies and abusing children, cruel and vulgar behavior, treason, abuse of office. What do his supporters see in this guy? Is getting the brown folks worth fucking up the richest society in human history? Far too many people are bullshitting themselves about not being racist and are willing to cut their own throat and that of their country because of it. I think seeing Obama as president caused something to snap in a lot of white Americans, they seem to have lost their minds, soon they will lose their jobs.
How LBJ Foresaw the Election of Donald Trump

In the 1964 presidential election Barry Goldwater received only 6 percent of the African American vote, down 26 points from fellow Republican Richard Nixon’s failed run four years earlier. Among other critics, Martin Luther King Jr. said that while Goldwater was not necessarily bigoted, his philosophy “gives aid and comfort to the racists.”

While Goldwater helped to kick off a strong conservative streak still apparent in American politics today, including a role in Ronald Reagan’s 1980 victory, he was trounced by Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964. Johnson had been president for less than two years following the JFK’s assassination, yet his domineering personality and acerbic tone made him a popular public figure.

Johnson took advantage of this alpha role by bending political capital to his advantage. The man was not without racist sentiments, using race as a buffer and tool for jockeying. Running the country during the era of Civil Rights, Johnson knew how to inspire resentment in what today is being called the ‘white working class’ when he stated,

"If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you".

It may or may not have been Mark Twain that said history doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes. Regardless of source, the sentiment remains remarkably true a half-century after LBJ’s crass sentiment.
Harley-Davidson moving jobs out of US over Trump's tariffs
President Donald Trump's trade policy is backfiring on Harley-Davidson. The company is shifting some production of motorcycles for European customers out of the United States to avoid EU retaliatory tariffs.
The pain is starting real quick, by election day a lot of folks are gonna be out of a job if Donald keeps going with his trade war. Let's see, trade wars and layoffs, snatching babies and abusing children, cruel and vulgar behavior, treason, abuse of office. What do his supporters see in this guy? Is getting the brown folks worth fucking up the richest society in human history? Far too many people are bullshitting themselves about not being racist and are willing to cut their own throat and that of their country because of it. I think seeing Obama as president caused something to snap in a lot of white Americans, they seem to have lost their minds, soon they will lose their jobs.

i am very proud of the USA's trading partners by putting tariffs on products that will hurt trump voters the most.

brilliant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you".

we are a mentally diseased nation. we really are doomed. this shit will fail at some point...
I like the sound of this.

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They could have a picture of Trump blowing Putin and his base wouldn't mind at all, just as long as he gets them brown folks and pisses off liberals. Come on he's running concentration camps for kids that not even the American Red Cross can access and the base is just fine with it. Most of these folks come from a long line of traitors, they celebrate it every summer with military reenactments and marching around the statues of losers.

Evidence doesn't matter, facts don't matter, only guilty verdicts matter and they can be pardoned.
Steve Schmidt: By A fluke, Voters Elected An Imbecilic Con Man | Morning Joe | MSNBC
While considering Trump's bashing of BMW, one of South Carolina's largest employers, the panel discusses the lies the president tells and why voters are often willing to believe them.
They could have a picture of Trump blowing Putin and his base wouldn't mind at all, just as long as he gets them brown folks and pisses off liberals. Come on he's running concentration camps for kids that not even the American Red Cross can access and the base is just fine with it. Most of these folks come from a long line of traitors, they celebrate it every summer with military reenactments and marching around the statues of losers.

Evidence doesn't matter, facts don't matter, only guilty verdicts matter and they can be pardoned.

"Come on he's running Obama's ordered and built concentration camps for kids"

"Come on he's running Obama's ordered and built concentration camps for kids"

The press and the American Red Cross had access when Obama ran family detention centers and you could trust Obama to be a decent honest human being who followed the law. Obama never ran a concentration camp for infants and toddlers, only fucking animals do that and only assholes support it. I guess a picture of Donald blowing Putin doesn't bother you since ya never mentioned it. It's been nearly two years since Obama was president, time to man up and stop blaming others for your fuckups.

Another heartless chicken shit Trumper traitor.
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The press and the American Red Cross had access when Obama ran family detention centers and you could trust Obama to be a decent honest human being who followed the law. Obama never ran a concentration camp for infants and toddlers, only fucking animals do that and only assholes support it. I guess a picture of Donald blowing Putin doesn't bother you since ya never mentioned it. It's been nearly two years since Obama was president, time to man up and stop blaming others for your fuckups.

Another heartless chicken shit Trumper traitor.

None of this post is true, and in fact Gov. J. Ventura was turned away from entry in to one when he requested to see what was inside. Obama did run them and concealed it just like any deceitful politician would, (probably why he's pretty silent abut the whole thing, because it would backfire right in his face).

There are no pictures I'm aware of of Trump blowing Putin, so can't speak to that, but you guys are pro LGBT, so why would it bother you? Jealous?
None of this post is true, and in fact Gov. J. Ventura was turned away from entry in to one when he requested to see what was inside. Obama did run them and concealed it just like any deceitful politician would, (probably why he's pretty silent abut the whole thing, because it would backfire right in his face).

There are no pictures I'm aware of of Trump blowing Putin, so can't speak to that, but you guys are pro LGBT, so why would it bother you? Jealous?
Yes, the Obama administration detained many unaccompanied minors at the border, however they did not separate families for seeking asylum. A big difference wouldn't you say? This whole thing is red meat for Trump's base, and a distraction from the fact that his attorney is about to be arrested and his campaign manager is already in jail facing charges.
None of this post is true, and in fact Gov. J. Ventura was turned away from entry in to one when he requested to see what was inside. Obama did run them and concealed it just like any deceitful politician would, (probably why he's pretty silent abut the whole thing, because it would backfire right in his face).

There are no pictures I'm aware of of Trump blowing Putin, so can't speak to that, but you guys are pro LGBT, so why would it bother you? Jealous?
Bullshit and a deliberate distortion of the facts, ask Jesse Ventura what he thinks of Trump, he thinks he's a piece of shit, as do all decent people. You've got real low standards for ethics, morality, patriotism and leadership, it must be the hate ya like about him.

In dealing with Trump, Obama is following Lincoln's advice, " Never wrestle in the mud with a pig, you'll get all dirty and the pig will enjoy it".
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I'll bet there are a lot of Trumper harley fans that are shitting bricks right about now. Square that circle, who do you love, yer Harley hog or the pig Trump. Harley Davidson will be destroyed because they offended the great leader, don't forget to pile on with the boycotts, hate mail and threats, the master must be served.

To those with a brain, ya might be able to get a good price on a Harley, if ya use the right approach with a Trumper who owns one, they ain't too bright.
Trump to Harley riders: Who do you love more?
The president is testing the loyalty of his supporters with his aggressive attacks on the iconic motorcycle manufacturer.

By STEPHANIE MURRAY 06/26/2018 04:04 PM EDT

President Donald Trump declared war on Harley-Davidson on Tuesday, saying its decision to shift production overseas could be the “beginning of the end” for the iconic motorcycle company that’s a darling of the Republican Party.

He also predicted he would suffer little fallout for his aggressive tweets. "The people who ride Harley-Davidsons are not happy with Harley-Davidson,” Trump told reporters later.
So far, many Harley lovers aren’t willing to pick sides in the brewing battle.

“I am 100 percent behind the president and behind Harley-Davidson,” said Ted Richardson, a member of the North Georgia Mountain Riders group who owns a Harley.

Trump stepped up his Twitter attacks on Harley-Davidson on Tuesday morning, after the motorcycle company said on Monday that it would move much of its Kansas City manufacturing to Thailand to avoid paying steep tariffs on its motorbikes sold in the European Union.
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I'll bet there are a lot of Trumper harley fans that are shitting bricks right about now. Square that circle, who do you love, yer Harley hog or the pig Trump. Harley Davidson will be destroyed because they offended the great leader, don't forget to pile on with the boycotts, hate mail and threats, the master must be served.

To those with a brain, ya might be able to get a good price on a Harley, if ya use the right approach with a Trumper who owns one, they ain't too bright.
Trump to Harley riders: Who do you love more?
The president is testing the loyalty of his supporters with his aggressive attacks on the iconic motorcycle manufacturer.

By STEPHANIE MURRAY 06/26/2018 04:04 PM EDT

President Donald Trump declared war on Harley-Davidson on Tuesday, saying its decision to shift production overseas could be the “beginning of the end” for the iconic motorcycle company that’s a darling of the Republican Party.

He also predicted he would suffer little fallout for his aggressive tweets. "The people who ride Harley-Davidsons are not happy with Harley-Davidson,” Trump told reporters later.
So far, many Harley lovers aren’t willing to pick sides in the brewing battle.

“I am 100 percent behind the president and behind Harley-Davidson,” said Ted Richardson, a member of the North Georgia Mountain Riders group who owns a Harley.

Trump stepped up his Twitter attacks on Harley-Davidson on Tuesday morning, after the motorcycle company said on Monday that it would move much of its Kansas City manufacturing to Thailand to avoid paying steep tariffs on its motorbikes sold in the European Union.

trump supporters are dumb son of bitches.