no breeder has the best..
Nail on the head so to speak.
There is no such thing as "the best" in the weed world.
What floats your boat may sink mine.
no breeder has the best..
My friend just ordered 3 packs from SHN and didn't get not one single seed for free. It was definitely disappointing considering their prices and all the other banks he has used has been at least 10 for free.
Wish they'd screw up more often. I just spent nearly $600 and all I got for freebies was cheap candy.SHN kinda sucks for freebies. I think they screwed up with the above.
Contrary to your outlook, I buy just FOR freebies sometimes. James Bean was offering Bodhi's Roadkill Unicorn as a freebie so I bought a few strains just to get it. Same thing with GLG. I wanted Solo's Stash so I picked up a few I've wanted for awhile and grabbed that freebie. Same thing when they first got Chem D x SSDD. Some of the best strains I've ran have been freebies over the last 15 years. There is magic in every seed.Like I said though. Ive spent $2500+ since the 1st of the year.Thats an average of $400+ a month.
I also don't buy with freebies in mind. Most are Fems/Auto, and I always tell all seed vendors, if the freebies are Fem/Auto. Keep them, and give them to someone else. Or send regs if possible.
Have you checked out Hazeman's Neville's Skunk? Yes I'm in a very red state as well.For now, Im only interested in a certain few genetics, and will only put any freebie back, unless its got genetics I want. Like Skelly/Puck Hashplant, Puck/NL1, Original Super Sativa Seed Club Sk1/Nature Farm...Uncle Festers Skunk18....89 NL5/Sk18. Original Thai/Thai hybrid genetics, 88 NL5/Hz, NL5/Hz/85 NL5 ( Swami ). Duke Diamond Chem91, DD VA Afghani hybrids, SSSC, Skelly… Coastal... Puck/NL1, Original 79 cut Romulan/NL1, Black Lights/Black Domina/NL1, 89 UK Cheese/NL1.
Im on a mission for old SSSC, and Nevils, Sensi OLD gear. There are others. Nature Farm has more cuts of Males/Females than anyone Ive ever seen.
Makes Nevil, and Sensi look like they just started.
Same for Coastal. Both have so much stuff, I don't see how they keep up with it all. Im also in a non friendly state, and greatly reduces/restricts my abilities.
I gave a bunch of freebies to my buddy that does outdoors, so he can go through some of them.
Have you checked out Hazeman's Neville's Skunk? Yes I'm in a very red state as well.
Wish they'd screw up more often. I just spent nearly $600 and all I got for freebies was cheap candy.
My mothers voice keeps ringing in my ears "never ever eat candy from strangers" so I wont even eat it!