Shit happens. In the 16-17 spring crop There were two good Powernap X Sinmint Cookies males. After the split, I had one and my veg buddy had the other. He gave his to me. I had already done single limb pollination on an Ass Cheese and a GdR down at the STL patch using my PN X SMC male. But I liked the looks of his even better. I had a couple of CP1 X B&S that I used his male on. After I had cut the shoots off, I "killed" it by cutting it off just above the ground.
Fast forward 5 weeks, and the GdR had seeds throughout the plant, not just the one limb with the blue bread twist tie. I looked around, and found the Powernap X Sinmint Cookie daddy had come back from the dead, grew more shoots and made more pollen. It was about 15-20 feet from the GdR.
I did get lucky in that both were the same strain.