• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Democrats, explain this to me, I'm a bit confused


Well-Known Member
I'm entirely confused about this. apparently when the Republicans opposed Clinton as President we were being sexist, but now that we are supporting Palin we are thinking with our dicks.

I'm sorry, but I'm just a bit confused about the logic that you are using.


Well-Known Member
Oh I don't know, she really has proved herself as ignorant about the issues, although she can fake a folksy demeanor and she can wink at the camera.

But hey she will do well in southern states because the women there can relate, you see many of the southern women also have a daughter knocked up by some redneck also.
I guess a lot of the southern men here can relate also since many of them were forced into marriage at the point of a shotgun. (just like Palin's future son in law)

She will get the 4 wheel ATV riders vote since her husband is a champion snowmobile rider... yee haw!!!
And she will get the Joe Six Pack Vote since what she describes are people who are too drunk to know the difference.


New Member
Hillary is a ball buster so I can see why you republicans were afraid of her. (not that I like Hillary, she is pretty fucking scary in a PMS with the launch button kind of way)

Palin is a mindless bimbo. Either she gives you wood, or you can't stand her. I see no middle ground where she is concerned. (Palin is scary in a different way, she would press the launch button when she was hungry thinking it meant lunch).


Well-Known Member
Hillary is a ball buster so I can see why you republicans were afraid of her. (not that I like Hillary, she is pretty fucking scary in a PMS with the launch button kind of way)

Palin is a mindless bimbo. Either she gives you wood, or you can't stand her. I see no middle ground where she is concerned. (Palin is scary in a different way, she would press the launch button when she was hungry thinking it meant lunch).
The stupidity of this post is reaching critical limits.

Skipping all the obvious flaws and misconceptions you perceive I would just like to ask how would Palin be any where near the button anyway? You must be thinking she is running for POTUS or something, no wonder you are lost on this whole election.

The hatred from the Left never ceases to amaze me. I have seen no one on the Right demonize and ridicule so harshly as the left, especially on issues that are completely unfounded and without merit. You, and your entire party, are utterly lost and petty and don't deserve someone like Palin to work hard for you, you deserve Obama/Biden. I am almost to the point of voting for them so they can exploit all the liberal flaws without restraint and ruin this country for the sake of "I told you so".

Palin is smart and is an efficient governor. How do you think she became governor, winked her way in? She left a trail of politically dead corpses to her office. But you libs would rather someone like Biden, who has been adamant part of the Washington machine who offers nothing but the same old dirty politics. Astounding.

But I have to consider the source I suppose, its misshestermoffitt calling Palin a "mindless bimbo", little ironic. I believe its simply jealously or just blind hatred to anything conservative that will receive misshestermoffitt highschool trash talk. Don't know why I wasted so much time figuring that out.


New Member
A metaphor is generally considered to be more forceful and active than an analogy (metaphor asA metaphor is generally considered to be more forceful and active than an analogy (metaphor asserts two topics are the same whereas analogy may acknowledge differences. Other rhetorical devices involving comparison, such as metonymy, synecdoche, simile, allegory and parable, share much in common with metaphor but are usually distinguished by the manner in which the comparison between subjects is deliveredserts two topics are the same whereas analogy may acknowledge differences. Other rhetorical devices involving comparison, such as metonymy, synecdoche, simile, allegory and parable, share much in common with metaphor but are usually distinguished by the manner in which the comparison between subjects is delivered

Oh, Say it ain't so Joe !!! You think that because I'm female and I find her to be an embarrassment you automatically think I'm jealous, that's rich. Yes, I'm jealous that my 17 year old daughter isn't pregnant. I'm jealous that I figured out what causes kids and took steps to limit the size of my family. Maybe you just think I'm a Maverick?

I believe its simply jealously or just blind hatred to anything conservative that will receive misshestermoffitt highschool trash talk. Don't know why I wasted so much time figuring that out.

Maybe you don't like Obama because he has a better hairline than you? Maybe you have a tad bit of penis envy? You know what they say about black men and penis size. Stupid argument isn't it? Just as stupid as your "jealous" crap. Please try to debate without personal attacks.


Well-Known Member
A metaphor is generally considered to be more forceful and active than an analogy (metaphor asA metaphor is generally considered to be more forceful and active than an analogy (metaphor asserts two topics are the same whereas analogy may acknowledge differences. Other rhetorical devices involving comparison, such as metonymy, synecdoche, simile, allegory and parable, share much in common with metaphor but are usually distinguished by the manner in which the comparison between subjects is deliveredserts two topics are the same whereas analogy may acknowledge differences. Other rhetorical devices involving comparison, such as metonymy, synecdoche, simile, allegory and parable, share much in common with metaphor but are usually distinguished by the manner in which the comparison between subjects is delivered
Let me look for any metaphors in your earlier post.

Hillary is a ball buster so I can see why you republicans were afraid of her. (not that I like Hillary, she is pretty fucking scary in a PMS with the launch button kind of way)

Palin is a mindless bimbo. Either she gives you wood, or you can't stand her. I see no middle ground where she is concerned. (Palin is scary in a different way, she would press the launch button when she was hungry thinking it meant lunch).
A metaphor must be complete by having two topics compared by the word "is" rather than to a similarity which would use "like". Example: "The world is a vampire" than "The world is like a vampire"

The only two scenarios you deployed anything that would resemble a metaphor is

Hillary is a ball buster

Palin is a mindless bimbo

Those are not metaphors. Both "ball buster" and "bimbo" are adjectives. Please clarify what the hell you are talking about.


Well-Known Member
I have seen no one on the Right demonize and ridicule so harshly as the left, especially on issues that are completely unfounded and without merit.
you're kidding right?? turn on fox news and then try to say that statement again with a straight face. i bet you can't...


Well-Known Member
Oh, Say it ain't so Joe !!! You think that because I'm female and I find her to be an embarrassment you automatically think I'm jealous, that's rich. Yes, I'm jealous that my 17 year old daughter isn't pregnant. I'm jealous that I figured out what causes kids and took steps to limit the size of my family. Maybe you just think I'm a Maverick?

Maybe you don't like Obama because he has a better hairline than you? Maybe you have a tad bit of penis envy? You know what they say about black men and penis size. Stupid argument isn't it? Just as stupid as your "jealous" crap. Please try to debate without personal attacks.
I attack Obama on legitimate issues. If I hinted I was jealous of his hairline or dick I would say snide comments like "Obama is a pretty boy tool" or something stupid like that. Thats all I see from you, misshestermoffitt. You don't deserve a worthy debate, you just attack. I am amazed I am wasting my time now but I have to clarify to you that when I see stupid statements like "Palin's a bimbo" it just means that you cannot ascend to the level of maturity required to have a legitimate debate. In the end, you would bubble down and start lashing out with your claws. Until you prove that you can be better than insulting without merit on all your opponents, you will not be taken seriously.


Well-Known Member
prove the right is just as bad as the left? its like saying prove that the sun shines. just open your eyes...
Not good enough, junior.

Fox News is conservative, no one is arguing that, but you seem to believe that they are ruthlessly attacking Obama and pushing their agenda. They are not, they are on a tight leash whether you believe it or not. Now I will use the old counter to Fox News with the liberal media outlets, such as, MSN MSNBC ABC NBC CNN BBC. Which are much more hateful than Fox News. Watch Keith Olbermann much?


New Member
So pointing out that her own family doesn't practice what she preaches isn't a worthy argument?

How about her firing the guy that refused to fire the guy that was divorcing her sister?

How about the way she drags that handicapped baby around for show?

How about the way when she's stuck and doesn't know the answer, which is often, she winks at the camera and gets all down home. That ought to go over really well in diplomatic relations.

Mrs. Palin, How can you help our country of Iraq get back on it's feet" "wink, wink, say it ain't so Joe, you little Maverick, in Alaska we could see Russia while we were building the highway to the bridge to nowhere"

America is already looking like a month old turd after Bush got done running us through the wringer, I don't see how our country can survive her or McCain. Her personal life is a train wreck, this country is already a train wreck. Let's add her personal train wreck with the train wreck that's already going on, yeah that's good, maybe it's like algebra and the 2 train wrecks will cancel each other out.

Now you point out that you never said you were jealous of obama, keep in mind I never said I was jealous of Palin I said I found her to be an EMBARRASSMENT.


Well-Known Member
Not to mention, McCain served on a board with a shadowy ultra-right-wing organization involved with the Iran-Contra affair, and helped sell weapons to Iran to get weapons/funding for the pro-Nazi virulently anti-Semitic right-wing death squads in Nicaragua. He wanted to pull up old stuff -- well, there's some more. He's got more skeletons in his closet than a military graveyard has graves.

Just look at the list:

1) Was one of the Keating 5. Took expensive trips and received expensive gifts (bribes) from Keating in return for help in avoiding federal regulators. (Was called out for "lack of judgment" by his peers.)
2) Served on board of ultra-right-wing organization to help get funding for pro-nazi death squads in Nicaragua. His name was on their stationery for years.
3) Said in 2000 that negative campaigning was not something he'd be a part of, because the American people deserve better. (We don't deserve better anymore? Why does McCain think we suck now?)
4) Is involved with all kinds of Indian casino political shenanigans in Arizona and Nevada, helping some tribes, while not helping (or even actively working against) other tribes who compete with the tribes he likes the most.
5) Picked an incompetent for his running mate. (Guess that lack of judgment he was cited for is still as true today as it was during the Keating 5 scandal.)
6) Was a turncoat as a POW, telling his captors that his dad was an admiral, so that he'd get better treatment than the rest of the prisoners. Has been called out for that by some of those prisoners.

Combine his trust-destroying past with his erratic behavior of late, and it's easy to conclude that this man should be in a psychiatrist's office, not the Oval Office. I'd rather have NO record than THAT record.


Well-Known Member
Not good enough, junior.
please don't call me junior, i find it to be derogatory. i'm not saying you're trying to be offensive, just letting you know.

i've argued enough politics with enough people to know that strong conservatives (just like strong liberals) will never concede, right or wrong. so on that issue lets just agree to disagree. neither of us will be able to change each other's minds i'm sure.

i personally don't have any problem with either of the candidates (or their running mates) i just strongly disagree with republican's morals. pro-life. anti gay rights. pro-war. no help for the struggling poor. etc... the media (both sides) are way too tied up in he said she said bullshit instead of focusing on what the candidate's visions are for the country.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
The hatred from the Left never ceases to amaze me. I have seen no one on the Right demonize and ridicule so harshly as the left, especially on issues that are completely unfounded and without merit.
YouTube - Manning's Fierce Prayer for Bristol Palin

Care to retract your statement? :mrgreen:

Although they teach you in high school that a metaphor does not use "like" or "as", colloquially a metaphor is any comparison between two unlike things, whether they use "like" or "as" or not.


Well-Known Member
How about her firing the guy that refused to fire the guy that was divorcing her sister?
That trooper gate clause was a scandal by the left in a futile attempt to discredit her before the election. Everyone saw through it, we knew it was just her opponents trying to find dirt on her, only the looniest of left wingers really bought into it. I'm pleased that they dropped it the case, because if you actually researched it than spread it, you'd know there were actually reasons for the firings.

How about the way she drags that handicapped baby around for show?
Is it your baby? Does it look miserable? How about mind your own business.

How about the way when she's stuck and doesn't know the answer, which is often, she winks at the camera and gets all down home. That ought to go over really well in diplomatic relations.
A better question is, how many times does Obama not the know answer and just word dance and ramble on irrelevant material? How many diplomatic relations does the VP partake in? I would like to know what you believe the VP actually does. This outta be interesting.

Mrs. Palin, How can you help our country of Iraq get back on it's feet" "wink, wink, say it ain't so Joe, you little Maverick, in Alaska we could see Russia while we were building the highway to the bridge to nowhere"
The answer is to continue to rebuild the infrastructure and train the police. She knows this along with everyone else, your mocking her again shows your pettiness.

America is already looking like a month old turd after Bush got done running us through the wringer, I don't see how our country can survive her or McCain. Her personal life is a train wreck, this country is already a train wreck. Let's add her personal train wreck with the train wreck that's already going on, yeah that's good, maybe it's like algebra and the 2 train wrecks will cancel each other out.
Really, I say this country looks like a month old turd because of the liberals, not Bush. I say this country can't survive without McCain or Palin and Obama would just be the doom of us all.

Now you point out that you never said you were jealous of obama, keep in mind I never said I was jealous of Palin I said I found her to be an EMBARRASSMENT.
From your statements I can gather the assumption that you do have a hint of jealously toward Palin and the fact that she is not from your party will incur that much more wrath creating this fictional, "mindless bimbo" you have her portrayed as in your own mind. Actions speak louder than words, misshestermoffitt something liberals never understand.