Quick question on my upcoming RDWC build.

Obviously, you are questioning me. Why not do your own research? Just don't use wiki-lies for your answers

It seems few have heard of Torsion Field Physics, which does not surprise me. To all the naysayers, do you even have a clue as to what happened to Nicola Tesla, or better said what JP Morgan did to him once Tesla showed JP free energy? If you took physics, or science history, you can bet you didn't learn the truth
Of course I’m questioning you, is that wrong? It was you that stated there is a huge conspiracy to keep free energy tech from the masses, not I. What are you using to pressurize your high pressure aero system re pump type?
Do you think these guys studied this in their physics classes? It's called thinking WAY outside the box: IMAGINING WHAT IF?.... Look, if the few of you are happy in your confining box, fine, and I suppose for those of you, anything else must be BS, Pseudo-science... .

Clearly you are not open minded, more like an Ostrich with it's head stuck in the sand, but that is your perogative


Im done here


You didn’t prove anything, other than that you have zero clue about how things work, big or small.

These thoughts you have which you think are original are not, they are misconceptions perpetuated by idiots who understand nothing and think they know everything.

Since you can’t PROVE anything, and I can PROVE you wrong with math, you are WRONG... so yeah I guess you are done.
By the way.... there are several countries that would love to be non-dependent on oil- or gas.
Ukraine is dependent on gas from one of their biggest enemies now. They would love to have free energy.
Israel, the same.
And both of these countries have some of the smartest scientists. But still, no free energy machines.
I don't know of any country that wouldn't like to have fossil fuel free energy- even the oil producers know they could sell more if they had it.
Plants that grow in water in nature would not do real well in soil I fear. Do you actually have any proof that your plants did better without a chiller? Not saying they did or didn’t but surely as a industry consultant you have this all documented?
As long as the plant gets nutrients and the roots are oxygenated, they're happy. I see tons of live roots sticking out of the riverbank into the water every time I go to the river.
As long as the plant gets nutrients and the roots are oxygenated, they're happy. I see tons of live roots sticking out of the riverbank into the water every time I go to the river.
Sure you do, plants that are adapted to that environment. I grow in swamps and although many plants grow there, if my plants roots get flooded they die while others survive.
Do you think these guys studied this in their physics classes? It's called thinking WAY outside the box: IMAGINING WHAT IF?.... Look, if the few of you are happy in your confining box, fine, and I suppose for those of you, anything else must be BS, Pseudo-science... .

Clearly you are not open minded, more like an Ostrich with it's head stuck in the sand, but that is your perogative


Im done here
And not a moment too soon; someone might make the mistake of believing you.

There are lots of people who are following the current fashion of ignoring science and going with what their gut/religion/conspiracy theory/TV pundit tells them. If it contradicts the principles of science, it's not going to lead anywhere, it's that simple.
Sure you do, plants that are adapted to that environment. I grow in swamps and although many plants grow there, if my plants roots get flooded they die while others survive.
Rivers are well oxygenated.

I'm not trying to argue with you.

And I have not done a back to back double blind study to quantify how much faster the plants grow in warmer water. It's anecdotal evidence at this point, based on my own humble experience.

But unlike some in these threads, I believe empirical evidence supports my contention in this case; warmer temperatures support higher metabolism rates in plants. Assuming they're getting sufficient water, nutrients, oxygen, etc, there's no reason to think they would not grow faster in warm water than cold.

I haven't tested this above 76F, I'm sure there's an upper limit somewhere.
I have looked high and low, but I haven't discovered Mother Nature using even one AC compressor. Soooooo that's a strong hint that maybe chilling the water just covers up for weakness in basic design rather than being a fundamental necessity.
It’s a necessity IMO when res temps get higher than mid 70’s and in my situation it was easier to cool the water than the room. Again it was you that told me your temps would stay below 70 for the most part but would climb slightly above with lights on. Yes tty I was paying attention lol.
It’s a necessity IMO when res temps get higher than mid 70’s and in my situation it was easier to cool the water than the room. Again it was you that told me your temps would stay below 70 for the most part but would climb slightly above with lights on. Yes tty I was paying attention lol.
They work fine when constantly held in the mid 70s, too.

I really think that the single change I made, waterfalls that both agitate the surface and churn the water column well, is responsible for the difference in outcome.

The waterfalls themselves help keep the water temperatures down even when the room never drops below 80F.
The waterfalls themselves help keep the water temperatures down even when the room never drops below 80F.
You’re dropping the water temps by 5F? Can you tell me what wattage/GPM’s of your pump is and the size of the res, as well as your relative humidity. Im assuming your containers are fairly well covered and insulated as well.
Rivers are well oxygenated.

I'm not trying to argue with you.

And I have not done a back to back double blind study to quantify how much faster the plants grow in warmer water. It's anecdotal evidence at this point, based on my own humble experience.

But unlike some in these threads, I believe empirical evidence supports my contention in this case; warmer temperatures support higher metabolism rates in plants. Assuming they're getting sufficient water, nutrients, oxygen, etc, there's no reason to think they would not grow faster in warm water than cold.

I haven't tested this above 76F, I'm sure there's an upper limit somewhere.

“If my system temperature drops into the 60s at least once every 24 hours, it does fine.”

So what temps are/were you actually running tty?
It’s a necessity IMO when res temps get higher than mid 70’s and in my situation it was easier to cool the water than the room. Again it was you that told me your temps would stay below 70 for the most part but would climb slightly above with lights on. Yes tty I was paying attention lol.

I was thinking about building a frame and taking my whole system out of the tent to maximize my space. Would it be easy to keep water temps down if they were not directly under the light?
I was thinking about building a frame and taking my whole system out of the tent to maximize my space. Would it be easy to keep water temps down if they were not directly under the light?
Yes it does. I keep the res in the room but I circulate the water through a underground heat exchanger in the cooler months.