PPFD is not fake but it does not tell the whole story of light and thus using it as the be all and end all of growing is not right as there are other considerations. Where led makers have been going wrong for 7 years if you havent noticed here.
PPFD - 50 units of blue + 50 units of red is beaten by 40 units of blue 40 units of red and 20 units of green.
So PPFD is not as accurate as you think and does not describe photosynthesis and photoreceptors ergo the people who made the original scale made this disclaimer.
Led growers miss these points and this would be the reason why hps performs better than just its PPFD alone.
Rather than argue you guys can prove or disprove me, either way we get a better debate than just the usual redundant led bs.
As to what leds can outgrow and not outgrow it is not just me that thinks they dont outyeild hps, near on half the growers here believe that too so pointless to just argue with me over that particular point.
So yer your all reasonably lame or you would have worked this out not just asked me questions back so i have to prove what is easily cited all over the tinternet