$2.00 per Gram coming soon

I used to pay $5/gram, $25-30 a quarter for this. Back 16-17 years ago
ahahahah I appreciate your humor, sir!

Yes sir, I looked it up after i asked you and came to that conclusion sort of, because I still wasn't quite sure what the terminology ment down there. I guess I was just asking on the not paying taxes part.

also while I have you; do you have any sort of international beer that isnt Fosters?

Nobody pays tax's here until you have earnt over 18k. Being a sole trader means I can earn allot more that 18k in invoices and then due to all the lovely tax deductions and rebates and accounting magic be under 18k. No tax payable. Add in the cash that didn't happen and..well we don't tell the tax man about invoices that didn't get written up.

Wife also is a sole trader and paid tax last year and would of this year (hardly any cash for her) so we just bought her a brand new car. That will mean the tax she has already paid this year will be rebated and no tax paid this year and hopefully the next 5 years. id rather pay $100 a week on a car lease than $75 or more in tax.

People don't drink Fosters in Australia, Its not sold in any bottle shops near me or in any pubs I frequent. It is big in England. The poms love the stuff. Taste like watered down cats piss if ya ask me. I don't know of any Australian in Australia that drinks it.
Most the worlds beers are owned by just a handful of companies.
Im a Coopers man (bottle fermentation- cannot beat the flavour IMO) and Hahn drinker.
hah, i figured as much. I guess I dont know what I was asking. Maybe if theres any aussie beer that makes it stateside that worth a shit?

I doubt it, theres great beer from far closer places thats not imported. Idk. im just typing now, lol.
Boags is a great beer. Its available in England so should be available in America. The Draught beer is the pick. Ive only had a few American beers like Miller and Bud. Didn't think much of them to be honest but im sure that you have much better beers than those.
Australia producers some really nice beers. Give Boags Draught a try. Its a fresh hoppy kinda sweet beer with a nice full bodied true draught flavour. (and made 100klm from me with hops grown whithen 100 or so klm of them). Chill glass it before drinking.
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i know it's a joke, but American beer really is like making love in a canoe, it's fucking close to water. i don't drink any of it except a few micro-brews. Moosehead from Canada is pretty good, Kirin from Japan is not bad.
there's an American beer called Rolling Rock that i like the flavor of, but i'd have to drink a case of it to get drunk.
i know it's a joke, but American beer really is like making love in a canoe, it's fucking close to water. i don't drink any of it except a few micro-brews. Moosehead from Canada is pretty good, Kirin from Japan is not bad.
there's an American beer called Rolling Rock that i like the flavor of, but i'd have to drink a case of it to get drunk.

Kirin Ichiban nama biru (on tap/draft) is my favourite Japanese beer. I plan on having at least my share (probably more) when I am there in August!

Moosehead is perhaps slightly above average for Canadian beer, if it is really fresh.
i don't know what it is, but theres a kind of ....funk...to moosehead, in another beer it might be skunky, but they pull it off

Similar to Grolsch and Heineken, which are also good but much better when fresh. The more they age, the more "skunky" they get.

Out here in BC, it just isn't worth it to buy Moosehead, because it isn't very popular so the stock is always really old - and not very good.
Boags is a great beer. Its available in England so should be available in America. The Draught beer is the pick. Ive only had a few American beers like Miller and Bud. Didn't think much of them to be honest but im sure that you have much better beers than those.
Australia producers some really nice beers. Give Boags Draught a try. Its a fresh hoppy kinda sweet beer with a nice full bodied true draught flavour. (and made 100klm from me with hops grown whithen 100 or so klm of them). Chill glass it before drinking.
I will look for Boags, thanks! oh and also for your really clear write up of what your classified as and how you avoid tax, I appreciate it. I understand fully now.

when I was younger I was an american beer snob (am american in america) and would bitch and moan about how microbrews were the only beer worth drinking. Nowadays, if all I drank was that, I'd be too drunk and broke to do anything. While I admit most mass produced beer is shit, there are still a few that I do enjoy having. Coors *banquet* and yes I mean Banquet and NOT Coors Light. Also High Life. Drink me a lot of Banquets and High Life's.
I will look for Boags, thanks! oh and also for your really clear write up of what your classified as and how you avoid tax, I appreciate it. I understand fully now.

when I was younger I was an american beer snob (am american in america) and would bitch and moan about how microbrews were the only beer worth drinking. Nowadays, if all I drank was that, I'd be too drunk and broke to do anything. While I admit most mass produced beer is shit, there are still a few that I do enjoy having. Coors *banquet* and yes I mean Banquet and NOT Coors Light. Also High Life. Drink me a lot of Banquets and High Life's.

I'm with you on the Banquet !

Damned fine, for "just a regular beer".
I always drink a couple banquets when I'm fishing. If anyone is in mass hit up tree house brewing co. They brew some of the best beer in the world not even kidding the best most balanced ipa's I've ever had.

Balanced is what IPA's should be.

There are A LOT of bad IPAs out there these days. They all brag about high IBU. Guess what? IBU isn't the measure of a great beer.

The Banquets sure do go well with outdoor activities!
I used to pay $5/gram, $25-30 a quarter for this. Back 16-17 years ago

Funny how many people bought either compressed potting mix or cow patties thinking it was weed

If you think that's weed i got a country for sale. You can see perlite lol o just white seeds?
i know it's a joke, but American beer really is like making love in a canoe, it's fucking close to water. i don't drink any of it except a few micro-brews. Moosehead from Canada is pretty good, Kirin from Japan is not bad.
there's an American beer called Rolling Rock that i like the flavor of, but i'd have to drink a case of it to get drunk.
You obviously don't have much in the way of microbreweries around you. My city is loaded with them, up to and including New Belgium and O'Dell's, both too big to be called 'microbreweries' anymore...

There are stouts made here that you can't see a DE lamp through!