Quick question on my upcoming RDWC build.

LOL well yes I was keeping up with your setup, refrigeration has been my life. Saving the world 1 btu at a time lol.
I have looked high and low, but I haven't discovered Mother Nature using even one AC compressor. Soooooo that's a strong hint that maybe chilling the water just covers up for weakness in basic design rather than being a fundamental necessity.
By adjacent towers do you mean PSA? Those are way more expensive than what you originally suggested.

Why are you watching cavitation bubbles? You know you can cause water to cavitate by introducing a waterfall... which supersaturates the water with DO, making o2grow pointless. If you are so inclined, you can figure out what height of waterfall you need to sufficiently supersaturate your volume of water with oxygen. Math is fun...
IME, the benefits of waterfalls are not limited to oxygenation via cavitation. They also promote agitation at the water's surface and circulation beneath. These help keep the water conditioned and reduce places in the system where anaerobic bacteria can gain a foothold.

If waterfalls can do all that with just intelligent placement and design, then additional systems like air pumps or technology like those discussed above are unnecessary.

Complex systems are NOT better; they have more points of failure and are thus inherently less robust.
The reason why you can not find the videos from The Real Verbs, is because PetFlora Is unable to read well and to reproduce well.
It is a YT channel by the real verbZ. With a Z at the end.
A channel full of nonsense, for example the SEG by well known charlatan John Searl.
Everybody who thinks that perpetual motion is science, is an idiot.

Well known by whom, those who are responsible to keep real science from us? Do you have any idea how many 'free energy' devices have been confiscated in the name of National Security? Sounds like yo' ll debunk that too. Pity, you only seem to be able to regurgitate what your ancient physics books taught you
Well known by whom, those who are responsible to keep real science from us? Do you have any idea how many 'free energy' devices have been confiscated in the name of National Security? Sounds like yo' ll debunk that too. Pity, you only seem to be able to regurgitate what your ancient physics books taught you
How many of these free energy devices have been confiscated to date? Where are the people that invented them? And you are saying these physics books are wrong?
Tesla right I forgot about him, but if in fact he had invented a perpetual motion machine, or a free unlimited energy source would you not think he would have shared it, he wasn’t shy about any of his other stuff? I do agree there was some weird shit when he died :(.
Tesla right I forgot about him, but if in fact he had invented a perpetual motion machine, or a free unlimited energy source would you not think he would have shared it, he wasn’t shy about any of his other stuff? I do agree there was some weird shit when he died :(.
If anyone has invented free unlimited energy, it would be him. Its the free part that didnt jive with people like Westinghouse and Edison and probably why Tesla died pennyless and his work confiscated and never seen again. Its not all tinfoil hat wearing nut jobs out there. Lots of very rich people that want to stay that way...
Tesla was a great inventor and yes, he was screwed over by Edison, but in the end he defeated him. (AC vs. DC).
But he was also a weirdo and had a lot of neuroses.
He also never invented free energy. His work was confiscated when he died because it was in the middle of WW2 and the government was afraid the nazi's could use it.
His work is not forgotten, it is all in the open and we use it everyday.
And if you want to see all his documents and inventions, go to the Tesla museum in Belgrade.
Don't let yourself be fooled by conspiracy theorists.

Free energy does not exist. Of course you can search for it, to find a way to come to very low friction for example.
For the rest it is nonsense, and no sane person should take it serious.
Does that mean that businesspeople do not try to make huge profits withholding stuff from us?
Sure they do, but there will always be someone who will see even bigger profits from bringing it in the open.

Scientists do invent new things every day.
The whole nano-industry with self repearing carpaint and such.
Amazing all. But it doesn't mean that physic laws do not apply.
Or that the biology of a plant changed all of a sudden , just because it is 2018.
Especially when you do understand the basic physics and biology, you can invent new ways to grow plants.
I have looked high and low, but I haven't discovered Mother Nature using even one AC compressor.
Although I agree that cooling of water is not always needed, I see a lot of things that mother nature does not use and that we growers do use.
I don't see DWC in nature as well, but still it works.
My thoughts are that a lot of people use a chiller or cooler way to soon or for the wrong reason.
Although I agree that cooling of water is not always needed, I see a lot of things that mother nature does not use and that we growers do use.
I don't see DWC in nature as well, but still it works.
My thoughts are that a lot of people use a chiller or cooler way to soon or for the wrong reason.
Not true; nature does grow plants in water and not just water lilies.
Not true; nature does grow plants in water and not just water lilies.
Plants that grow in water in nature would not do real well in soil I fear. Do you actually have any proof that your plants did better without a chiller? Not saying they did or didn’t but surely as a industry consultant you have this all documented?
Well known by whom, those who are responsible to keep real science from us? Do you have any idea how many 'free energy' devices have been confiscated in the name of National Security? Sounds like yo' ll debunk that too. Pity, you only seem to be able to regurgitate what your ancient physics books taught you

Do you honestly think that you are smarter than a physicist?

What do you mean by “free energy”? Like building a windmill or using solar panels? That’s reasonable.

There is no device capable of perpetual motion. Could you imagine a frictionless engine? A Toyota Corolla could get 1000mpg and have 400hp without changing too many parts. Do those figures seem reasonable to you?
How many of these free energy devices have been confiscated to date? Where are the people that invented them? And you are saying these physics books are wrong?

Obviously, you are questioning me. Why not do your own research? Just don't use wiki-lies for your answers

It seems few have heard of Torsion Field Physics, which does not surprise me. To all the naysayers, do you even have a clue as to what happened to Nicola Tesla, or better said what JP Morgan did to him once Tesla showed JP free energy? If you took physics, or science history, you can bet you didn't learn the truth
Do you honestly think that you are smarter than a physicist?

What do you mean by “free energy”? Like building a windmill or using solar panels? That’s reasonable.

There is no device capable of perpetual motion. Could you imagine a frictionless engine? A Toyota Corolla could get 1000mpg and have 400hp without changing too many parts. Do those figures seem reasonable to you?

Does it seem reasonable to you that the oil cartels are extremely powerful, and have ridiculous amounts of money to throw at politicians: they have EVERYTHING at stake
Obviously, you are questioning me. Why not do your own research? Just don't use wiki-lies for your answers

It seems few have heard of Torsion Field Physics, which does not surprise me. To all the naysayers, do you even have a clue as to what happened to Nicola Tesla, or better said what JP Morgan did to him once Tesla showed JP free energy? If you took physics, or science history, you can bet you didn't learn the truth

If random people are inventing free energy devices, then there should be a pretty good understanding of the math behind the way that they work.

What you are describing IS impossible, and I can disprove any pseudo-science bullshit you're trying to pass off with REAL math.

Do you think that average joes working in their garage are smarter than the scientists working around the globe on the same problem?

They are not. There is no big scheme keeping petflora down and under government control by denying you access to free energy technology that never existed.

Independent discovery, is something you should have really considered BEFORE going down the giant global conspiracy.

Do you have any idea how fucking ridiculous a global technology suppression effort sounds? I'm going with no.

Why do you think youtube is ok, but wikipedia is not? You know that alphabet can do whatever they want to those videos, right? If videos of supposed free energy devices exist, why weren't those suppressed by "evil corporations" and the "global technology suppression effort"?

Instead of making videos with zero proof of how it works, why do these inventors not just post the math they had to have INVENTED ON THEIR OWN BECAUSE IT DOES NOT EXIST? The math would not impinge on their invention at all, it would just show that it is indeed possible. This proof does not exist, because these free energy devices do not exist.

TORSION FIELD PHYSICS IS A PSEUDOSCIENCE and you would know that if you were capable of understanding the math.
By the way.... there are several countries that would love to be non-dependent on oil- or gas.
Ukraine is dependent on gas from one of their biggest enemies now. They would love to have free energy.
Israel, the same.
And both of these countries have some of the smartest scientists. But still, no free energy machines.
Do you think these guys studied this in their physics classes? It's called thinking WAY outside the box: IMAGINING WHAT IF?.... Look, if the few of you are happy in your confining box, fine, and I suppose for those of you, anything else must be BS, Pseudo-science... .

Clearly you are not open minded, more like an Ostrich with it's head stuck in the sand, but that is your perogative


Im done here