Nirvana PPP and Snow White Grow (First try)


Well-Known Member
First reservoir change since original mix. Previous reservoir fill used 10 gallons of unsoftened tap water (450 ppm / 8.3ph). This time I used 5 gal of tap and 5 gal of distilled water. I calculated nutes using the GH nutrient calculator:


I used the hard water model for Mild Growth and used half of the recommendation. This is what I came up with:

FloraGrow: 50ml
FloraBloom: 25ml
FloraMicro(HW): 25ml
FloraBlend: 50ml
Floraliscious+: 05ml
SuperThrive: 1 tsp

It ended up at EC 1.2 / 600 ppm with a 6.8pH. Added 1.5 T of pH down to end up at 5.8pH. This is actually a lower ppm than my original mix, and I now have 100ml of nutrients as opposed to 15ml in my first try. I like that I can get more NPK in my mix with the distilled water, but I have read that tap water has trace elements in it that you won't have with distilled water and a 3 part nutrient system. Because I am at a lower ppm than my first try, I will continue to flood every 4 hours, and keep a close eye out for nute burn.....

Does anyone have experience with hard tap water?


Well-Known Member
Checked rez this a.m.: EC 1.2 / 600 ppm; 6.2pH. Added 1/2T pH down to 5.7pH.

I noticed the PPP plant showed some curling of the outer parts of it's leaves. There is no hooking or drooping. Color appears good and the leaves aren't crispy. Temperatures have ranged between 69f and 84F. RH is at 55% overnight on a 24/7 light schedule. Air cooled hood/600w MH bulb was at 12" above plants. I moved it to 16" to see if I'm overcooking them.

Do you think I'm missing anything? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
Checked rez this a.m.: EC 1.2 / 600 ppm; 6.2pH. Added 1/2T pH down to 5.7pH.

I noticed the PPP plant showed some curling of the outer parts of it's leaves. There is no hooking or drooping. Color appears good and the leaves aren't crispy. Temperatures have ranged between 69f and 84F. RH is at 55% overnight on a 24/7 light schedule. Air cooled hood/600w MH bulb was at 12" above plants. I moved it to 16" to see if I'm overcooking them.

Do you think I'm missing anything? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Blow a fan directly on plants or bulb, that does look like some light heat stress. great job on your grow so far keep up the good work.

p.s. im pulling up a chair for the snow white. i wanna see how much stretch is in that strain see if it fits for an micro sog


Well-Known Member
Blow a fan directly on plants or bulb, that does look like some light heat stress. great job on your grow so far keep up the good work.

p.s. im pulling up a chair for the snow white. i wanna see how much stretch is in that strain see if it fits for an micro sog
Thanks for stopping by. During the day, I keep the front of the tent open and have a 12" fan blowing on the plants. When I close it up at night, I just have a 6" oscillator in there. I think I'll have to re-think the inside fan....

I'm glad you're pulling up a chair. This is my first grow, and I can use as many eyes on it as possible.

2 week pictures tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
i see things are still looking good :weed:
Thanks man. I was just diggin on the pics on your thread from yesterday. I'm a little worried about the slight leaf curl, but I hope moving the light up 4" will fix it. No permanent damage yet. Unfortunately, I'm out of town on business for the next couple of days, and I won't be able to watch them closely.

I'll have to do my two week birthday pictures tonight, and hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
Gotta hit the road early tomorrow. Took my two week pics tonight. Res was at 650ppm / 5.9pH and air temps ran between 71F and 82F since this a.m. Leaves are still cupping, but I've moved the 600w MH up another 4" (16" above) My reading strongly points to heat stress..... Hope I didn't hermie them. I feel pretty good about the lack of stretching. They are putting out their 4th set of leaves, and are only 2" tall.




Comments and suggestions are always welcome.


Well-Known Member
Came home to some nice growth, and a lessening of the minor leaf curl after raising the light. Added 1/2 gal distilled water to raise rez and 3 ml pH down for a 1.2 / 650 ppm 5.8pH mix. Leaf curl has stopped on the PPP:



Well-Known Member
yeah they still praying to the light..but they look good..

Do you think I should move the light up some more? Or so you think it is something else? The curling I can see appears to be caused by the leaves pressing against the adjacent leaf.
the light should be good right there..they are becoming strong ones absorbing the light..if you can get a little pc fan to blow on them so you have cool air circulating around them..


Well-Known Member
These are my nute numbers since the last res change:

10/05: EC 1.3 / 650 ppm; 5.8pH

10/06: EC 1.3 / 650 ppm; 5.9pH.

10/07: EC 1.4 / 700 ppm; 6.1pH. Added 3/4 gal Dist. water, 1/2 T pH down to 5.6pH

10/08: EC 1.3 / 650 ppm; 5.9pH.

10/09: EC 1.3 / 650 ppm; 6.0pH

10/10: EC 1.4 / 700 ppm; 6.1pH. Added 1/2 gal Dist water, 1/2 t pH down to 5.9pH

10/11: EC 1.3 / 650 ppm; Ph meter batteries bad. 6.1pH added 1/2 t pH down to 5.7pH

New res mix:

I used the GH hard water model for Mild Growth at full strength:

FloraGrow: 100ml
FloraBloom: 50ml
FloraMicro(HW): 50ml
FloraBlend: 100ml
Floraliscious+: 10ml
SuperThrive: 1 tsp

5 gal tap and 5 gal distilled water mixed to EC 1.8 / 900 ppm @ 6.5pH. Added 1 1/2 T pH down for a final 5.8pH.

Started flowering the bagweed plant by taking it out of the tent and putting it in a dark place for 12 hours. It's a pain in the ass, but I want to sex it soon. Here's some pics:



Bagweed Tester:

Hints, tips and tricks are always appreciated!


Well-Known Member
they are looking really good:D
Thanks for stopping by mane. I used your seedbank guide to pick my seeds. Don't think I ever +rep'd ya for that. I did now.

Pull up a chair if you've got the time. I'd appreciate any feedback.


Well-Known Member
ha thanks, how far away is ya 600w?
I noticed you said somewhere it was air cooled right?
The light 16" above the tops. I had to move it up 4" earlier this week. Leaves were curling up at the edges and looked a little bleached. Using a Cool Jr air-cooled light with dedicated 200cfm fan with intake and exhaust separate from the tent airflow..I have an 8" oscillating fan blowing on the plants, and a 12" blowing from a distance when the tent is open.