WTF? little white worms eatin my seeds!!

Professor Gr33n

Active Member
Ok so i woke up this mornin to check on my seeds which should have been germinating, i look into the paper towel an they are covered in what looks like tiny white maggots or worms and inside the seeds all the potential plant is like a white slush. Any info on these or helps would be great. :confused:
Peace x
Did they look like this?

Do you have gnats flying around at all? The larvae feed on the root system of plants, often killing seedlings before they even come out of the soil.
Dunno dude havnt seen any flying around but ill keep an eye out, this is my first grow so im pretty un-sure about everything that happens. Ill just throw out these pots an soil an start again with another couple of seeds. Thnx for the help man x
Ok so i woke up this mornin to check on my seeds which should have been germinating, i look into the paper towel an they are covered in what looks like tiny white maggots or worms and inside the seeds all the potential plant is like a white slush. Any info on these or helps would be great. :confused:
Peace x

not worms.
its the tap root.
plant the worm downwards in the soil, its the tap root , the main root.
plant in the soil and the leaves will start to pop out of the soil/
i would change the paper towel.
somthing must have laid eggs in the p.towel.
if thats happening to p.towel, good luck with soil.
maybe get some bug killer and try and get rid of what ever is laying eggs.
not worms.
its the tap root.
plant the worm downwards in the soil, its the tap root , the main root.
plant in the soil and the leaves will start to pop out of the soil/
heh, you may be right :-P

Professon Gr33n, were they moving when you found them? If not, I'd say crazy-mental is correct. I've never heard of maggots attacking bud seeds, only dead things
fuck, little fuckers.
how long were the worms?1 to 2 mm?.
before you start again.
i would fumegate the area.
next time, put the seeds in a p.towel and put in a cd case or a sealed container.
so no little fuckers get in.

but be carefull this dont happen to your soil grow?.
