$2.00 per Gram coming soon

2.00/gram weed sounds like maintenance free weed growing. I have not seen any good weed that will grow without some level of tlc. It sounds like low quality weed which is not enjoyable to smoke; that's why it's $2.00. I do have plans to sell some outdoor maintenance feee weed for around $2/gram but I won't be smokin git.

It's what happens when a market is swamped, when supply vastly exceeds demand, when there's more produced than can be sold then the price gets depressed.

As others say, it's not the "best" buds from a plant but will get you high, the best "eye candy" buds go for better prices.
2.00/gram weed sounds like maintenance free weed growing. I have not seen any good weed that will grow without some level of tlc. It sounds like low quality weed which is not enjoyable to smoke; that's why it's $2.00. I do have plans to sell some outdoor maintenance feee weed for around $2/gram but I won't be smokin git.
it's not the Quality of the weed, it's the Quantity that's making it cheap. every pothead with a dream showed up to become a grower, and flooded the market....like fucking Noah. they have so much to sell it's sitting on shelves drying out.
it's not the Quality of the weed, it's the Quantity that's making it cheap. every pothead with a dream showed up to become a grower, and flooded the market....like fucking Noah. they have so much to sell it's sitting on shelves drying out.

Trying to remember if it was Oregon or Colorado which had the issue of prices skyrocketing thanks to a bad outdoor harvest a couple of years ago, so loads jumped on the bandwagon thanks to the high prices and profits, and then there was a really good outdoor season and, well, you see the results.
Trying to remember if it was Oregon or Colorado which had the issue of prices skyrocketing thanks to a bad outdoor harvest a couple of years ago, so loads jumped on the bandwagon thanks to the high prices and profits, and then there was a really good outdoor season and, well, you see the results.

Oregon. 1 million pounds of surplus.
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What happens if a four plant legal state grower gets caught by the police selling weed for cash to general public? This still a crime.
Oregon. 1 million pounds of surplus.

Thx, knew it was one of them but was using tablet (happy as with the new one. Lesson learned, never buy an Archos no matter what the specs boast) so couldn't be bothered looking.

And that's going to be "surplus, SO FAR", it has to get a little worse first, I think as there must still be people with a crop to come in even though the market's flooded, and that could mean an even bigger surplus..

If only the Feds would see sense and allow legal transportation via approved firms across state lines between "legal" or "medicinal" states, then there could at least be a demand created which the Feds could slap a "$ per lb" transportation tax on for themselves on such "exported" products, state gets whatever "grower's tax" it charges anyway. There's money to be made, and where there's money there's revenue, a politician's favourite thing.

What happens if a four plant legal state grower gets caught by the police selling weed for cash to general public? This still a crime.

That's going to depend on the wording of the law, isn't it. If it says 4 plants for PERSONAL use, then surely by definition it's a crime as he's not growing for "personal use" but for profit. It says someone may PERSONALLY grow 4 plants, but not define the usage, then it depends on what the local laws on selling (licences, permits, yada yada yada) are as well.

Everywhere's different. That's the problem.

It's like the contradiction here, they class "personal" as 1 female plant and/or 3g. Now, I dunno about you, but growing one plant for 3g just doesn't seem to add up, does it...
If you make a legal product and sell it for the price it cost to make then i see a loophole like here where it is legal and untaxable...

Can you still do this? If so overgrow the state and take back the business :-)

Thx, knew it was one of them but was using tablet (happy as with the new one. Lesson learned, never buy an Archos no matter what the specs boast) so couldn't be bothered looking.

And that's going to be "surplus, SO FAR", it has to get a little worse first, I think as there must still be people with a crop to come in even though the market's flooded, and that could mean an even bigger surplus..

If only the Feds would see sense and allow legal transportation via approved firms across state lines between "legal" or "medicinal" states, then there could at least be a demand created which the Feds could slap a "$ per lb" transportation tax on for themselves on such "exported" products, state gets whatever "grower's tax" it charges anyway. There's money to be made, and where there's money there's revenue, a politician's favourite thing.

That's going to depend on the wording of the law, isn't it. If it says 4 plants for PERSONAL use, then surely by definition it's a crime as he's not growing for "personal use" but for profit. It says someone may PERSONALLY grow 4 plants, but not define the usage, then it depends on what the local laws on selling (licences, permits, yada yada yada) are as well.

Everywhere's different. That's the problem.

It's like the contradiction here, they class "personal" as 1 female plant and/or 3g. Now, I dunno about you, but growing one plant for 3g just doesn't seem to add up, does it...
If you make a legal product and sell it for the price it cost to make then i see a loophole like here where it is legal and untaxable...

Can you still do this? If so overgrow the state and take back the business :-)

As said, it depends on the boundaries of the laws concerning marijuana because, no matter what, you will be coming under "Sales and Supply" so there would be no grey area, you either comply with these laws, and be legal, or you don't and are illegal.
Once it is legal. You will have people who whould never grow in a million years start. I think it will be a great senior hobby. Grandma is going to grow a few pounds over the summer and be giving it away like her tomatoes and peppers.
That will help lower the price.
They seem to grow just fine on farms in my state.
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It never ceases to amaze me how far-sighted governments are, burning poppy fields in Afghanistan to cut heroin production whilst spending an incredible amount of money to grow the same thing for "medical grade opiates" in Australia and India, when allowing the Afghans to grow and then BUYING their crop would not only be cheaper but would also have done more to win "hearts and minds" than anything else as you don't get people to turn away from the bad guys by destroying the only livelihood they know.

It would mean big pharma wouldn't make as much money, though, and even though it would mean we could produce enough cheap painkillers that are desperately needed in the third world we can't have big pharma losing money at what should be a right for everyone, cheap pain medication.
It never ceases to amaze me how far-sighted governments are, burning poppy fields in Afghanistan to cut heroin production whilst spending an incredible amount of money to grow the same thing for "medical grade opiates" in Australia and India, when allowing the Afghans to grow and then BUYING their crop would not only be cheaper but would also have done more to win "hearts and minds" than anything else as you don't get people to turn away from the bad guys by destroying the only livelihood they know.

It would mean big pharma wouldn't make as much money, though, and even though it would mean we could produce enough cheap painkillers that are desperately needed in the third world we can't have big pharma losing money at what should be a right for everyone, cheap pain medication.

Interesting thing in the growing of Poppies here, and you can see it in the picture I posted. The security. Its a sign, and a farm fence.
Its a fairly big industry for my state and the paddocks growing them are numerous, not hidden in any way and secured by a 3 wire boundary fence on the side of the road.
Ive lived in the state on and off over to many years (including my late teens and mid twenties) and have never been offered Opium. Been offered lots of stuff and lots of stuff is a problem (meth/ice) Opium? Nope.

Interesting thing in the growing of Poppies here, and you can see it in the picture I posted. The security. Its a sign, and a farm fence.
Its a fairly big industry for my state and the paddocks growing them are numerous, not hidden in any way and secured by a 3 wire boundary fence on the side of the road.
Ive lived in the state on and off over to many years (including my late teens and mid twenties) and have never been offered Opium. Been offered lots of stuff and lots of stuff is a problem (meth/ice) Opium? Nope.

It's a huge earner in India and Australia, and a ridiculous situation.

Never been offered opiates, but have been offered money when local youngsters in Antwerp found out I was on tr*madol and valium. And considering how much the pills cost me, there was quite a bit of profit involved, but I ain't like that.

PS, also a ridiculous situation in the UK with weed being grown by big pharma to make Sativex. In fact, I think some of the initial investment came from UKGov to create a medical marijuana that wasn't weed, and given how much that would cost me here it's disgraceful to know my taxes were used to make a medication that this retarded country restricts even though I can show the benefits against chronic pain purely by my medical opiate and diazepam intake when consuming marijuana
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