The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

I'm looking forward to seeing the reaction of the religious right when the facts behind Eyefangkuh Trump's abortion of her and Daddy's love child come out. The records of the payment of said abortion and daughter's payoff are in Cohen's documents. Yeah, I made it up, but it's feasible.
Why it's King Shit himself! I got em figured for a drama queen. There are a lot of idiots in America, but not enough to crown Donald king, the longer he stays the deeper the reforms that will be put into place. If the democrats don't merely win, but sweep the board, he might be gone before the change of power, as a lot of pissed off lame duck GOP congressmen with nothing to lose blame Trump for their sudden unemployment.

If Trump is still around in November it's gonna be hard on the GOP, how bad does their governance have to be? How far from conservative values and constitutional norms does Trump have to go? How much obvious election cheating and outright treason is enough? Obama would have been lynched, much less impeached if he did what Trump does in a week. Racism/tribalism, fear, hate and greed make average people stupid and those already idiots, more so. I wonder how many of his supporters would invest their life savings with Trump or work as a contractor for one of his businesses?

If Mueller waits until after the midterms to issue the first finding, it will be a dandy! If he's fired before then he will be called to testify and will present the findings then. I have a feeling the senate judiciary committee might be eager to hear from Mueller and the GOP is secretly ready for what he has to say or some action by Trump to set the ball rolling.

I'll bet a lot of GOP members already know of their death sentence from the internal polling in their districts...

trumps approval rating among republicans is 87%

no GOP politicians will stand up to him, except a few, all of who have already announced their retirement.
I'm looking forward to seeing the reaction of the religious right when the facts behind Eyefangkuh Trump's abortion of her and Daddy's love child come out. The records of the payment of said abortion and daughter's payoff are in Cohen's documents. Yeah, I made it up, but it's feasible.

i think dumbfuck white evangelicals are all-in. i really believe they will go down with the ship.

i also hope that america from this point forward view them as the dumbass brainwashed troublemakers that they are.
GOP Gets Wiped Out In California Senate Race | The Last Word
In the State of Nixon and Reagan, no Republican running for U.S. Senate got more than 9% of the vote against Dianne Feinstein one of the Democrats leading the investigation of the Trump campaign & Russian operatives. That has the Democratic Candidate for Gov. daring Trump to come campaign. Ron Klain joins Lawrence.

Maybe there's something in this, is it just California or is it an indicator of something bigger and broader? 9%! for the GOP, where are all the shitheads, have they all left the state? Unless they all went back to the south east, this shit gotta hurt the GOP even in Dixie. The GOP should have at least 30% support, even in California.

What other states have a similar open primary system? More similar examples would be useful for projecting the results of the midterms accurately. This type of system might be a good choice for your state too, seems to give better options to the voting public.
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GOP Gets Wiped Out In California Senate Race | The Last Word
In the State of Nixon and Reagan, no Republican running for U.S. Senate got more than 9% of the vote against Dianne Feinstein one of the Democrats leading the investigation of the Trump campaign & Russian operatives. That has the Democratic Candidate for Gov. daring Trump to come campaign. Ron Klain joins Lawrence.

Maybe there's something in this, is it just California or is it an indicator of something bigger and broader? 9%! for the GOP, where are all the shitheads, have they all left the state?. This shit gotta hurt the GOP even in Dixie.

shit didn't go down like that in the cali house races. there was no signal of a blue wave in the primary...

turnout wasn't even that great.
More spanking materials
More spanking materials
I think someone will end up rolling the magazine up, get a fist full of red tie with the other hand, and slap him around the ears with it until the SS drags them off... Maybe the SS will take their time dragging them off Trump," We thought we were supposed to protect the president, nobody said anything about a king...".
Dems got their candidate on all but one solid red district ballot. That's progress. Indeed, there needs to be a higher turnout. Me thinks herr gropenfuhrer (from Ahnodt Svatzenegger days) will provide the impetus in coming weeks. It's a big state, with still a lot of backward, regressive republicants.
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It looks like Sean Hannity and half of Fox news might end up in jail, maybe Mueller will charge him after Trump is removed. It looks like Hannity could be charged over this business one day in the future, after Donald is gone.
It looks like Sean Hannity and half of Fox news might end up in jail, maybe Mueller will charge him after Trump is removed. It looks like Hannity could be charged over this business one day in the future, after Donald is gone.
I just got to ask as I'm assuming like usual you just jumped on a bandwagon without doing any research. Did you watch the clip where he said it?
I just got to ask as I'm assuming like usual you just jumped on a bandwagon without doing any research. Did you watch the clip where he said it?
With the other shit he's up to his neck in, a case could be made, not just on the bullshit that fell out of his mouth, but if ya add it up and I'm sure some lifer in the DOJ is. Who knows what shit will come out of this, Maybe Cohen has him on his mountain of recordings with his pants down, Mueller has a lot more info but knows Trump will abuse his office and the constitution to cover his treason and other crimes so he's playing him.

Something has got Donald squirming and boxed in, cause he's howling and dancing in the center of the Twitter tornado. He sure is acting like a guilty man, but I suppose you figure he's some kind of God, because he gets those you don't like and are afraid off. Your not a conservative you're a Trumper and something other than common sense, integrity and a love of your country is jerking your chain. Alternative facts don't work in court, they work only with morons.
With the other shit he's up to his neck in, a case could be made, not just on the bullshit that fell out of his mouth, but if ya add it up and I'm sure some lifer in the DOJ is. Who knows what shit will come out of this, Maybe Cohen has him on his mountain of recordings with his pants down, Mueller has a lot more info but knows Trump will abuse his office and the constitution to cover his treason and other crimes so he's playing him.

Something has got Donald squirming and boxed in, cause he's howling and dancing in the center of the Twitter tornado. He sure is acting like a guilty man, but I suppose you figure he's some kind of God, because he gets those you don't like and are afraid off. Your not a conservative you're a Trumper and something other than common sense, integrity and a love of your country is jerking your chain. Alternative facts don't work in court, they work only with morons.
So based off what you say here you do not believe in the first amendment as it stands correct? Because Alan Dershowitz disagrees with you.
shit didn't go down like that in the cali house races. there was no signal of a blue wave in the primary...

turnout wasn't even that great.
Even with the rigged system a republican still made the ticket some blue wave lmfao. How long are you going to be wrong its been 3 years now.You like to ask if I am tired of winning yet hell no but losing constantly and being proven wrong for 3 years has to be getting old.
So based off what you say here you do not believe in the first amendment as it stands correct? Because Alan Dershowitz disagrees with you.
A lot of lawyers disagree with Alan Dershowitz. Your not allowed to shout fire in a theater, or counsel criminal acts, or be a party of a conspiracy to obstruct justice. You can say what ya want, though sometimes it can get ya hanged or at least put in jail. Sean better hope that Cohen don't serve him up to Mueller with all those audio recordings he was in the habit of making. I figure Sean has made a lot of enemies in the DOJ and FBI, if anything turns up I'm sure they will look real hard at nailing his ass, after Donald is done, that is.
And on another note...

Romney Predicts 4 More Years for Trump
Source: U.S. News retell of AP

PARK CITY, Utah (AP) — He once called Donald Trump "a con man," but Mitt Romney on Thursday night predicted that Trump would "easily" win his party's presidential nomination in 2020 and "solidly" win a second term.

Romney, the GOP's failed 2012 presidential nominee from Massachusetts, now a Republican Senate candidate in Utah, made the prediction as he welcomed dozens of high-profile business and political leaders to a mountainside retreat in Utah Thursday night. As he has every year since 2012, Romney played host to an invitation-only summit focused on the future of American leadership at home and abroad.

The future, he predicted, would feature Trump as America's leader at least for another six years.

"I think that not just because of the strong economy and the fact that people are going to see increasingly rising wages," Romney said, "but I think it's also true because I think our Democrat friends are likely to nominate someone who is really out of the mainstream of American thought and will make it easier for a president who's presiding over a growing economy."

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And on another note...

Romney Predicts 4 More Years for Trump
Source: U.S. News retell of AP

PARK CITY, Utah (AP) — He once called Donald Trump "a con man," but Mitt Romney on Thursday night predicted that Trump would "easily" win his party's presidential nomination in 2020 and "solidly" win a second term.

Romney, the GOP's failed 2012 presidential nominee from Massachusetts, now a Republican Senate candidate in Utah, made the prediction as he welcomed dozens of high-profile business and political leaders to a mountainside retreat in Utah Thursday night. As he has every year since 2012, Romney played host to an invitation-only summit focused on the future of American leadership at home and abroad.

The future, he predicted, would feature Trump as America's leader at least for another six years.

"I think that not just because of the strong economy and the fact that people are going to see increasingly rising wages," Romney said, "but I think it's also true because I think our Democrat friends are likely to nominate someone who is really out of the mainstream of American thought and will make it easier for a president who's presiding over a growing economy."

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So Mitt is slurping down the kool aid with both hands, I'd say your country is in great danger with over 80% of republicans supporting Trump and 40+% approving of his job performance. What criteria they are using to judge performance eludes me, Trump is a real and present danger. Can you really blame republican politicians for thinking the public are fools, when 40% are and enough of the rest don't give a shit. Like I said, in a way yer lucky that Trump is so stupid and damaged as a human being, if he had a brain and a plan America wouldn't have stood a chance and the rest of us would be fucked too. Though maybe I'm speaking too soon, Donald is heading to Asia to talk to another nuclear armed psycho, Donald likes dictators though...
And on another note...

Romney Predicts 4 More Years for Trump
Source: U.S. News retell of AP

PARK CITY, Utah (AP) — He once called Donald Trump "a con man," but Mitt Romney on Thursday night predicted that Trump would "easily" win his party's presidential nomination in 2020 and "solidly" win a second term.

Romney, the GOP's failed 2012 presidential nominee from Massachusetts, now a Republican Senate candidate in Utah, made the prediction as he welcomed dozens of high-profile business and political leaders to a mountainside retreat in Utah Thursday night. As he has every year since 2012, Romney played host to an invitation-only summit focused on the future of American leadership at home and abroad.

The future, he predicted, would feature Trump as America's leader at least for another six years.

"I think that not just because of the strong economy and the fact that people are going to see increasingly rising wages," Romney said, "but I think it's also true because I think our Democrat friends are likely to nominate someone who is really out of the mainstream of American thought and will make it easier for a president who's presiding over a growing economy."

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fuck mitt romney !!!!! rich out of touch piece of shit
And on another note...

Romney Predicts 4 More Years for Trump
Source: U.S. News retell of AP

PARK CITY, Utah (AP) — He once called Donald Trump "a con man," but Mitt Romney on Thursday night predicted that Trump would "easily" win his party's presidential nomination in 2020 and "solidly" win a second term.

Romney, the GOP's failed 2012 presidential nominee from Massachusetts, now a Republican Senate candidate in Utah, made the prediction as he welcomed dozens of high-profile business and political leaders to a mountainside retreat in Utah Thursday night. As he has every year since 2012, Romney played host to an invitation-only summit focused on the future of American leadership at home and abroad.

The future, he predicted, would feature Trump as America's leader at least for another six years.

"I think that not just because of the strong economy and the fact that people are going to see increasingly rising wages," Romney said, "but I think it's also true because I think our Democrat friends are likely to nominate someone who is really out of the mainstream of American thought and will make it easier for a president who's presiding over a growing economy."

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Kiss the ring...