I replied in the way I did because of the holier than thou fucktards that come into a "medical" marijuana thread (obviously intended for people who get cannabis/grow cannabis through our medical system). This forum is meant for people who do this legally. Yet it's full of people who have no use for "medical" or legal weed and only wish to tell people how stupid they are for wasting the time and money becoming a legal grower.
Calling Health Canada is a waste of my time. I'm on the road 12-14hrs a day right now driving truck and don't have the time for it. Asking in a forum actually meant for people like me wanting to find information (some have time to search through threads some don't).
So now when you complete morons are done showing your absolute disregard for rational thought, maybe you can pull your heads out of your asses and realize that nobody cares what you think about Health Canada or growing legally. Not only that but you offer no value to this thread, NONE, zero. So why not go to a different thread where you can actually contribute in a constructive way instead of sitting in here on your self-absorbed ass telling other people how they should think.
Why don't you take off your dunce cap and tell me some more of your bullshit. In a day or two when I have some time I will come back and read through the mind-numbing responses I'm sure to get from a small group of dipshits that have a combined IQ comparable to an ice cube. Take your time, I won't be able to read any responses for a day or two.